Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 17/10/2022
HORA: 08:30
LOCAL: Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - Banca virtual
The transition from early childhood education to the early years of elementary school:  focus on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


Teacher Education; School Inclusion; Educational Policy.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação


This dissertation focuses on the transition process of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from kindergarten to the early years of elementary school in the public system of Sinop, Mato Grosso. Thus, we directed our theoretical and methodological constructions to apprehend the inclusive actions promoted by teachers of the common classroom in these stages. To understand this reality, we used the qualitative research approach, focusing on the Case Study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and systematic observation. The interviews were conducted with teachers of the Specialized Educational Service (AEE), teachers of the common classroom, and management of early childhood education and elementary school in the public school units of Sinop, totaling eight interviews. Observations were made in the common room and in the AEE of these children and, to deepen the central object of the research, we used document analysis and bibliographic research based on legal and institutional documents that support the AEE of children with ASD. The research covered relevant aspects such as the characteristics of ASD and the process of transition from the first stage of basic education to the early years of elementary school. In the data analysis we address the characterization of the researched institutions, the educational process of children with ASD inserted in early childhood education and elementary school, presenting the conceptions of teachers and managers of the researched units, their notes and wishes when it comes to the public involved in special education, specifically, children with ASD, considering their characteristics and pedagogical relationships. The fundamental theoretical articulation for empirical analysis was based on relating the object of research to the concept of Living Well (ACOSTA, 2016), for which there is a practical-historical signaling of collectivity, that is, the defense of a society by decisions of collaborative practices and respect for human diversity. The educational product presented is in the form of a pedagogical notebook, made available electronically, with the purpose of clarifying doubts about the characteristics of ASD, involving guidelines concerning the collaborative dialogue between the stages of the transition process from early childhood education to the early years of elementary school. As a research result, it was evidenced that the collaborative practices for the transition process imply the construction of educational actions directed under two aspects: the collaborative transition of students with ASD and the relationships based on a pedagogical process as articulation and continuity in and for the schooling of the child with ASD.

Presidente - 68840001 - MARION MACHADO CUNHA
Interno - 131949001 - LUCIO JOSE DUTRA LORD
Externo ao Programa - 82380001 - ALMIR ARANTES
Externo ao Programa - 83260001 - AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
Externo à Instituição - Anna Augusta Sampaio de Oliveira -
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/09/2022 14:40
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