Banca de DEFESA: Priscila Ferreira de Alécio

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Priscila Ferreira de Alécio
DATA : 29/07/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala do PPGletras, remota, Google meet


Variationist Sociolinguistics. Pluridimensional Dialectology and Perceptual Dialectology. Linguistic attitudes and perceptions. Variation "tu" and "you".

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Sociolingüística e Dialetologia


The present paper has the purpose of exposing a research on the variation "tu" and "you" of southern migrants, as well as of migrants' children who came from the southern region and reside in the municipality of Cláudia. The objective of the work is to investigate the attitudes and linguistic perceptions about the "tu" and "you" variation, as well as to explore the journey of the southern migrants in the constitution of the municipality. The theoretical and methodological assumptions were based on Variationist Sociolinguistics and Pluridimensional and Perceptual Dialectology. The profile of the participants has the most varied professions, with the largest occurrence of informants coming from Paraná and Santa Catarina. Regarding the field research, 24 interviews were carried out, 8 with migrants from urban areas, 4 female and the same number for males, and 4 from rural areas, 2 for each gender, who had lived at least 15 years in the area. The age range for this group was between 40 and 60 years old.  Regarding the children, there was the same distribution of subjects with the age criterion between 18 and 40 years old. In the interview, three questionnaires were applied to the migrants, in order to get to know the formation of the city, and two to the children of these migrants. The three questionnaires were based on the research developed by Reis (2018) and Oushiro (2015), which enabled the statistical rounds with the help of the R Program, whose purpose is to make graphs and tables, by means of scripts, with which, from the moment one has contact and practice, the data are generated with greater agility and speed. Excel was also used, responsible for generating data that required larger graphs. Both the program and the spreadsheet editor were used, giving more agility in the search for quantitative data. The research was based theoretically on Labov (2008), Lopes (2017), Long and Preston (1999), Preston (1989; 1999; 2010), Thun (2009), among others. From the theoretical reading, the data collected and analyzed it could be inferred that the variation "tu" is present in the speech of both migrants and their children. However, the migratory process enabled the "você" variation, which was also passed on to the descendants. In this perspective, the "tu" and "you" variation is registered in the municipality. The research also found the form of address, characteristic of some participants, of the pronoun "senhor/a" to designate older people. That is, in addition to the two were studied, the research showed that there are more variations, in the treatment of both closer people, older people or parents.  The statistical rounds demonstrate the percentage of informants corresponding, or not, to each of the nine variables investigated, variables that are found in this work, based on the assumptions of Lopes (2017), who also developed a research with this strand, but in the city of Chapecó/SC. With the data it was obtained much more than the variation, in the case of migrants were life stories, with a colonization process and coming to the municipality that report many difficulties, but that, with the effort of these, it was possible to stabilize and today are proud of the experiences in the municipality of Cláudia.

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Presidente - 274.900.761-53 - MANOEL MOURIVALDO SANTIAGO ALMEIDA - USP
Interno - 100828003 - NEUSA INES PHILIPPSEN
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/06/2021 10:42
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