Banca de DEFESA: Dhiogo Correa da Costa

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Dhiogo Correa da Costa
DATA : 28/06/2024
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sede do PPGCA em Cáceres, Mato Grosso (on line)

Environmental, social and governance – ESG and Good Living: an analysis of sustainability in socio-productive arrangements


Sustainability; good living; development; cooperative; socioenvironmental

ÁREA: Ciências Ambientais


Organizations currently find themselves in a challenging process of adapting to the constant changes occurring in the market. This not only involves improving their production processes in the incessant search for financial growth, but also promoting positive socio-environmental changes. In this way, companies became protagonists in the operating institutional environments, in which socio-environmental changes that were previously the responsibility of political actors began to be shared with institutions that cause impacts, since the entire production chain of companies causes changes. Currently, large companies seek sustainability practices as a measure that contributes to internal and external social growth, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution of rivers and seas. To make this more effective, companies seek guidelines based on a social, environmental and governance perspective, ESG as a tool for social and regulatory legitimacy. However, it is very important to state that other social groups are also affected, such as traditional communities and peoples, since organizations depend on raw materials and the origin is the forest and rivers, and this environment is the survival of these peoples. . In addition to the impacts, these people and communities detach themselves from a well-being based on economic growth, but seek to remain connected with nature, their ancestral roots, spirituality and other subjective characteristics of humanity. That said, Good Living emerges as an alternative to development that contributes to these people being respected in their way of life, approaching it as the post-developmentalist current that contributes to sustainable behavior. In view of the presentation of the topics covered, this research aims to analyze sustainability practices from the perspective of Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG at Natura and Bem Viver at COOPAVAM. In order for the objective to be achieved, this research is divided into two articles. The first article carried out bibliometrics to analyze the state of the art on good living and ESG. The result of this first chapter shows that there is a diversity in what is understood as sustainability, which is why it is difficult to establish effective measures on a global scale. Despite there being growth on the themes, Good Living faces resistance in countries considered developed, just as communities in Latin American countries are under pressure in the face of aggressive and financial growth. ESG is present in large organizations and this tool contributes to not only financial growth, but to a fairer society that preserves nature. To conclude, discussions about ESG and Good Living are connected to respect for the environment, governance, defense of equality and social equity. Articles two are still in the construction phase, and it is not possible to present any previous results.

Interno - 65536013 - CLAUMIR CESAR MUNIZ
Externo à Instituição - 045.112.818-40 - CARLOS ALBERTO CIOCE SAMPAIO - FURB
Externa à Instituição - Isabel Jurema Grimm - ISAE
Externa à Instituição - 044.337.619-07 - LUCIANE CRISTINA RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS - Unievangelic
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/06/2024 11:29
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