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DATA : 20/05/2024
HORA: 08:00

Reproductive ecology and distribution of the yellow-spotted river turtle Podocnemis unifilis, (Troschel, 1848) (Reptilia, Testudines, Podocnemidae): a new exotic species for the Northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso


Invasive fauna, bioinvasion, chelonians, reproduction, beaches, tracajá nests, predation.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia
SUBÁREA: Ecologia de Ecossistemas

The introduction of exotic species into new environments can result in a series of environmental and social impacts, triggering new interspecific interactions in the colonized ecosystem. However, the successful colonization of an exotic species in a new habitat requires its ability to establish and reproduce. Thus, understanding the process of occupation and reproduction of the exotic species in the new environment is one of the first steps to propose efficient mitigation measures. The Pantanal, in turn, with its hydrological cycles and diversity of habitats, offers favorable conditions for the occupation by species that use aquatic systems. Therefore, the agility of studies that notify the occurrence of exotic species in this environment becomes of paramount importance, since the first years of invasion are decisive in understanding the patterns of species occupation in this new habitat. In this thesis, we provide the first information on the introduction of Podocnemis unifilis to the Pantanal de Cáceres, as well as the first reproductive parameters of the species in the introduced environment. The thesis is presented in 3 chapters: The first is entitled "High Noon Reveals What the Waters Conceal: Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848 (Testudines, Podocnemididae), Another Exotic Species in the Mato Grosso Pantanal." In this chapter, we present the first scientific records of P. unifilis for the Paraguay River basin. Through bibliographic analyses of historical elements, natural distribution, and field records of P. unifilis, we report the occurrence, introduced in a population of the species for the Paraguay River basin. This finding raises concerns, as it involves a well-established population, which may cause direct losses to native species, generating social and environmental impacts. In Chapter 2, entitled "Mapping a Bioinvasion: The Dynamics of Beaches Used for Podocnemis unifilis Nesting, an Exotic Species for the Upper Paraguay River," we conducted a survey of nesting sites for the species, visiting several beaches in a stretch of the Paraguay River, near the urban nucleus of Cáceres. In total, we found 32 beaches, where 53.1% of them registered P. unifilis egg laying, demonstrating that the species has currently found suitable locations for its reproduction. Chapter 3 is entitled "The Challenges of Living Far From Home: Reproduction of an Invasive Population of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines: Podocnemididae) in the Upper Paraguay River, Mato Grosso, Brazil." In this study, we monitored two reproductive cycles of P. unifilis in three beaches along the Paraguay River. Our results indicate that the introduced population of P. unifilis is reproducing regularly in the Paraguay River, with reproductive parameters similar to those found in its natural distribution area. These results suggest that the species is likely to increase its population, potentially expanding its occurrence to broader extents beyond the Pantanal de Cáceres, in the Paraguay River basin. This study provides the first reproductive information regarding the introduction of P. unifilis to the Pantanal, enabling the understanding of the establishment process of the species in this new environment. Especially considering that this is the introduction of a species into an environment highly favorable to its occurrence, and given the time of introduction of the species into this new environment, long-term studies are recommended to better understand the ecological and social relationships resulting from the introduction of P. unilifis in the Paraguay River.


Presidente - 80970002 - DIONEI JOSE DA SILVA
Interno - 65536013 - CLAUMIR CESAR MUNIZ
Interno - 005.031.292-83 - RAFAEL DE ASSIS BARROS - UFMT
Externa à Instituição - ELIZÂNGELA SILVA DE BRITO - UFMT
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/05/2024 14:06
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