Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 04/04/2024
HORA: 08:30
LOCAL: Web conferência

Language, Subject and State: gestures of interpretation of discourses on Training Itineraries in/the Common National Curricular Base


Flexibilization; Formative Itineraries; Educational Policies.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

This study, subscribed to the line of research Studies of Discourse Processes on the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGL) of UNEMAT, aims to analyze - based on the theory of French Discourse Analysis, of a materialist line founded by Pêcheux in France and, later, developed by Eni Orlandi and other linguists, in Brazil – the discourse about the Formative Itineraries presented on the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) and on Curriculum Reference Document for  Elementary  Education (DRC/MT). With this, we aim to understand how the discourses about flexibilization in/of High School are constituted based on the proposition of the Formative Itineraries and what are the effects of meaning produced  to what extent different social actors appropriate   them in their practices about the relation among an imaginary of quality public education and the social, historical and ideological implications of this Brazilian educational innovation, especially in the state of Mato Grosso. We look like this understand the meanings of flexibilization, which appear in the documents, which are evoked in the document, when questioned by interpretation gestures, the meanings that emerge from the symbolic materiality that talks about that public educational policy and the modes of meaning, regarding the reformulation brought as an offer in the DRC/MT-EM of High School. The corpus consists of excerpts related to the specific skills of the Formative Itineraries. During the research we presented the. 13,415/2017, of February 13, 2017, which establishes the new guidelines for High School years in the country, and its production conditions, observing in this public educational policy how the sayings that proposed the  Formative Itineraries the materialized, we analyze how social, political, economic and educational relations are revealed and reproduced in/through the discourse that defines flexibilization on High School. We observe in/through the functioning of language that there is a repetition of what has already been said, which erupts in this Law, producing evident effects.Throughout the document, Those changes are said to be a way of expanding young people’s opportunities for professional insertion, but they can also be interpreted as a way of adapting education to the neoliberal economic model. And, finally, we analyzed six excerpts that make up the analysis corpus of this work, extracted from the specific skills of the Training Itineraries, from which we seek to work on the equivocities and contradictions of a Brazilian educational state policy that establishes places and meanings in general skills of the Training Itineraries, which make up High School, within a neoliberal ideological formation, in evidence of the need for training meant as training for work.

Presidente - 55846009 - JOELMA APARECIDA BRESSANIN
Externo à Instituição - ANDRÉA RODRIGUES - UERJ
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/03/2024 19:54
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