Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/08/2024
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Via Google Meet

Teaching punctuation from the perspective of Discourse Analysis


Reading, writing, rewriting, text, discursive signs.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Língua Portuguesa

This work is an Intervention Project, developed within the scope of the Professional Master's Degree in Literature (PROFLETRAS), and developed with students in the 9th year of Elementary School, in the academic year 2022. The Project affiliated with Discourse Analysis (AD) of French line, instituted by Michel Pêcheux, in France, and Eni Orlandi and other researchers in the area, in Brazil, aimed to give a new meaning to the process of teaching the use of full stops, question marks, exclamations and ellipsis, in a discursive approach. To do so, it was necessary to return to the meanings of language, text, reading, writing, interpretation, core notions to the understanding that “[...] subjects and meanings can always be other.” (ORLANDI, 2020, p.35). The work was conducted in order to displace notions naturalized in educational practices, such as language understood as transparent, and meaning as univocal and controllable. The student was encouraged to be the author of his speeches (oral or written), understanding that reading, writing and punctuation are inseparable, because although it is a language of the order of incompleteness and subject to failures, the subject-author has the precision to write organized texts with a closing effect. Working with punctuation, from the perspective of AD, meant giving students a different experience on how these signs work, in everyday practices of reading, writing and rewriting text, other than memorizing grammatical rules. This means that we do not abolish the use of grammar or textbooks from our classes, but we also do not work on grammatical notions from a canonical perspective, considered as universal truth. We seek to highlight that these marked marks, taken as “discursive signs” by Grantham (2009, p.16), cannot be understood only as segmenting or limiting a phrase or period, but as a place for the production of meaning. The activities were carried out through conversation circles, debates, research, seminars, expository classes - practices in which the text was fundamental for meaningful learning. In doing so in the classroom, students saw that the text is not delimited, that it can be a sentence, a word, a sound, a color, an image, the important thing is that it means something. During the written productions, the focus was not on highlighting what was “wrong” or labeling the student's text as unacceptable, given the difficulties still encountered, regarding unity, cohesion and coherence, although all these dimensions are necessary to write it in an efficient manner. adequate. We seek to “listen” to meanings, encouraging and valuing their productions, providing them with the opportunity to shift from the role of subject-utterer to that of subject-author. As a final product, autobiographical texts were produced, based on the relationship of meaning with the punctuation mark that most signified his life trajectory. We can say that students had the opportunity to experience, through textual practices, that punctuation is necessary for textuality, but that meanings are not limited to it; that it is necessary to consider the production conditions and reading history of each person; that the language requires to be handled so that the reading and writing process can be constituted.

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Interna - 83191001 - NILCE MARIA DA SILVA
Externo à Instituição - LUIZ FRANCISCO DIAS - UFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/08/2024 16:20
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