Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 24/11/2023
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Esporte na formação inicial em cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física

Sport in initial training in Physical Education degree courses: analysis of the curriculum of public institutions in Mato Grosso


Sport. Initial Training in Physical Education. Common National Curriculum Base. Curriculum

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

This research is based on the significant changes that have occurred in the organization of curricula, following the approval of the National Common Curricular Base. In the scope of School Physical Education, we are faced with new indicators, which represent an advance in terms of access to a diversity of bodily practices, organized into thematic units and objects of knowledge, as well as in the treatment of teaching dimensions. Understanding the importance of sport as a sociocultural phenomenon, we dedicated ourselves to investigating how degree courses in Physical Education, from public institutions in the state of Mato Grosso, have included sport in their initial training after the approval and implementation of the National Common Curricular Base in the school curriculum. . Therefore, our object of study is the relationship between sport in initial training and as an object of knowledge in school physical education. This is a qualitative research, where we used bibliographic and documentary research procedures to obtain the data. Later, we used content analysis techniques (BARDIN, 2016). In this way, we seek to meet the following specific objectives: a) identify which sports are present in the curriculum of Physical Education courses; b) analyze how sport is approached in the pedagogical projects of Physical Education courses; c) understand the interrelationship between sport in the initial training of Physical Education teachers and sport at school. Five pedagogical projects from the degree course in Physical Education, from public institutions in the state of Mato Grosso, are part of this research. We highlighted that of the courses investigated, only two have their PPC for the Physical Education course updated. When analyzing the subjects, we found that two courses have subjects in their curricula focused on specific sports/name of sports, one of which has an updated PPC. In other courses, subjects named after sports are minimal, with other nomenclatures such as: athletic activities; water activities; collective sports; Individual sports; Sports at school, among others. What draws our attention is the fact that, even the updated PPCs, one of them, in some subject syllabuses, mentions the National Common Curricular Base, however the BNCC, is not included in the references and there is little evidence of the need to work on the sport, according to the internal logic of sport, according to the organization proposed by the aforementioned normative document.

Presidente - 253476001 - RILLER SILVA REVERDITO
Interno - 63471010 - MARILDA DE OLIVEIRA COSTA
Externo à Instituição - 219.625.548-30 - RAQUEL STOILOV PEREIRA MOREIRA - UNIVAG
Externo à Instituição - ÉDERSON ANDRADE - SEDUC-MT
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/10/2023 17:56
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