Banca de DEFESA: Paulo Roberto Guimarães

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Paulo Roberto Guimarães
DATA : 05/07/2021
HORA: 14:01
LOCAL: UNEMAT via Remota

This research aims to analyze the process of occupation and colonization that gave rise to the municipality of Canarana-MT in a border region and reflect how Local History can contribute to the teaching of history, thinking from documents and oral reports of subjects who participated in this historical process, for the purpose of this research, three groups of subjects were selected, each of them sharing distinct cultural traits, they are southern migrants, mainly from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the squatters who occupied areas of land in the then Barra do Garças municipality, where it currently corresponds to the municipality of Canarana-MT and the indigenous people of the Xavante ethnic group who have lived in the territory for more than two centuries. The documentation used for the analysis were memory reports published in printed books and available in audio recording, we also used the documentary sources found in the National Archives in its online version, and in the archive that is under the care of the Fundação Pró-Memória de Canarana, besides of course bibliographies that deal with the discussion that was carried out during the research. Through this investigation, using bibliographies and documents, we can learn more about the process of occupation and colonization of the territory that today corresponds to the Municipality of Canarana-MT, showing the contradictions between the official discourse that was established through power relations, and to identify resistances, and silencing attempts. This analysis contributes to thinking about the teaching of History, the first contact that students have with the History taught in schools, usually occurs through the study of the formation of the city where they live, and in this process several mistakes can occur, among them the simplification of the process , presenting only the official version built from power relations, even if the evidence of contradictions is scattered in public spaces and in official manifestations. This is a very common reality, especially in the regions of recent colonization, in the cities that were constituted during the acceleration of the expansion of the border. As the research progressed, these contradictions, silences and disputes became more evident, therefore, demonstrating that the use of documents during the construction of the lesson plans is an option to broaden the understanding of these realities. Working with Local History through the sources arouses the interest of students to discuss historical themes in a perspective of greater proximity, at the same time, it promotes the democratization of the teaching of History, making it possible to hear the silenced voices.


Keywords: Territory, Occupation, Colonization, Conflict.


GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História
SUBÁREA: História do Brasil
ESPECIALIDADE: História Regional do Brasil

The present research aims to analyze the process of occupation and colonization that gave rise to the municipality of Canarana-MT in a border region and reflect how Local History can contribute to the teaching of history, thinking, based on documents and oral reports of the subjects who participated in this historical process, for the purpose of this research, three groups of subjects who shared similar cultural traits were selected, the southern migrants, coming mainly from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the squatters who occupied areas of land in the then municipality of Barra do Garças, where the city of Canarana-MT and the indigenous people of the Xavante ethnic group currently live for more than two centuries in the territory. Due to the fact that the research was being carried out in a pandemic period, the use of oral sources with interviews from archives was defined, and in cases where security allowed new interviews to be carried out, memory reports published in printed books were also used to in addition to the oral sources, we used the documentary sources, found in the National Archives in its online version, and in the archive found under the care of the Fundação Pró-Memória de Canarana, in addition to the bibliographies dealing with the discussion that took place during the search. Through this investigation, using reports from memories and documents, we can learn more about the process of occupation and colonization of the territory that today corresponds to the Municipality of Canarana-MT, demonstrating the contradictions between the official discourse that was established through power relations, and to identify the resistances, the silencing attempts. This analysis contributes to thinking about the teaching of History, the first contact that students have with the History taught in schools, usually occurs through the study of the formation of the city where they live, and in this process several mistakes can occur, among them the simplification of the process , presenting only the official version built from power relations, even if the evidence of contradictions is scattered in public spaces and in official manifestations. This is a very common reality, especially in the regions of recent colonization, in the cities that were formed during the acceleration of the expansion of the border. As the research progressed, these contradictions, silences and disputes became more evident, therefore, demonstrating that the use of oral reports and documents, should be used in classes for elementary and high school students, working with Local History through these sources. it raises the interest of students to discuss historical themes in a perspective of greater proximity, at the same time, it promotes the democratization of History teaching giving voice to the silenced.

Interno - 82409001 - EDISON ANTONIO DE SOUZA
Interno - 131940001 - OSVALDO MARIOTTO CEREZER
Interno - 83220001 - OTAVIO RIBEIRO CHAVES
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/06/2021 09:45
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