Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 01/07/2021
HORA: 18:00
LOCAL: Unemat via Google meet

Memories and migratory iconographies in the composition of the History Teaching in Comodoro, Mato Grosso


Teaching of history. Local history. Comodoro / Mato Grosso

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História
SUBÁREA: História do Brasil
ESPECIALIDADE: História Regional do Brasil

Based on the assumption that history is of paramount importance for the education of students as critical and thinking citizens who know and understand the history of which they are part, this work is based on the issue of teaching history from the place, and aims to promote knowledge about the formation of the city of Comodoro, located in western Mato Grosso, as well as encouraging teachers of basic education in the municipality to include these contents in their classes, and students to understand themselves as part of this historical process that is constantly under construction . The teaching that leaves the place is anchored and is discussed with support in the various documents that govern Basic Education in Brazil and in the State of Mato Grosso. In view of this, and in accordance with State Law No. 5,573 / 90, which establishes the mandatory teaching of the subjects of History, Geography and Literature of Mato Grosso, “in 1st and 2nd grade schools, public or private”, which operate in the State, the present work aims to produce a historiography of the locality of Comodoro / MT through documents pertinent to the research theme, but it focuses on documentary interviews such as revisiting the memory of migrants from the most diverse regions of the country, between the 1970s and 1980. These, as migrants, settled and contributed to the formation of the Comoros society from a rural-urban nucleus that became the city of Comodoro, located in western Mato Grosso. This work was produced during the course of the Professional Master's Program in History Teaching (PROFHISTÓRIA) and seeks to address the historiographical gap regarding the formation of the city of Comodoro, through interviews with former residents of the city, as well as photographs and institutional documents that give tells the story of that locality, resulting in a pedagogical product to be used by the teachers of Basic Education of the schools of the municipality, in order to boost the inclusion of the history of the locality together with the didactic-pedagogical contents worked in the teaching practices. The product will be a website entitled “Know more about Local History - Memory & History of Comoros”, in which documentary, imagery and cartographic materials will be made available to make it possible to work with local history in the classroom as documentary sources collected during the research, as well as as class proposals materialized in didactic sequences.

Presidente - 59400001 - MARIA DO SOCORRO DE SOUSA ARAUJO
Interno - 83174001 - JOAO IVO PUHL
Externo à Instituição - CARLA MONTEIRO DE SOUZA - UFRR
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/06/2021 09:23
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