Banca de DEFESA: Leandro Rezende da Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Leandro Rezende da Silva
DATA : 10/06/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma google meet -

ProfHistória. History teaching. Gamification.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História
SUBÁREA: História do Brasil
ESPECIALIDADE: História Regional do Brasil

The purpose of this dissertation is to reflect and understand the use of Gamification as an active methodology in the Teaching of History, whose purpose is to enable student action in the construction of knowledge, since the current reality has revealed the need that young people and adolescents have the most appropriate forms of education. If we consider that the classroom can be seen with the idea of a “game”, in which the teacher has the role of teaching and students need to perform various tasks that give them a score or concept, so that in the end, they receive an award, that is, approval or disapproval at the end of the year. In this case, it would be interesting if we reflected on the following question: is this "game" a good "game"? To reflect and discuss this issue, authors who are references in History Teaching, such as Isabel Barca, Flávia Eloisa Caimi, Thais Nívia de Lima Fonseca, among others, were chosen. This is a bibliographical research, but participatory, because during the investigation several gamified classes were built together with the students' participation. Initially, a concise theoretical conceptualization with Maude Bonenfant, Sébastien Genvo and Luciane Maria Fadel et al., Among others, is presented. As this is an Active Methodology applied to History Teaching, a brief investigation was developed on this topic, related to gamification. Related to the context of history teaching for elementary school students in the final years, gamification is understood as a methodology that promotes protagonism and develops skills, enabling greater learning, as it operates as a motivating engine and makes students feel participants in the process. Understanding that the permanent dialogue on the use of gamification in the Teaching of History is a way to improve the professional practice of teachers who want to work with this methodology, it was the intention to build a book that presents this discussion and with suggestions for gamify history lessons. Finally, examples of gamification practice and learning games are used, used in history classes, among others, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic with analysis of the positive aspects and the problems identified.

Presidente - 39231003 - CARLOS EDINEI DE OLIVEIRA
Interno - 247541002 - JAIRO LUIZ FLECK FALCAO
Interno - 131940001 - OSVALDO MARIOTTO CEREZER
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/06/2021 15:36
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