Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Tamires Cristina de Souza Dalla Vecchia

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Tamires Cristina de Souza Dalla Vecchia
DATA : 09/08/2024
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Via Google Meet (
Cis lesbian women and their experiences in the space of the house in Cáceres - MT


Feminist Geographies. Intersectionality. Home Space. Lesbian Women.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana
ESPECIALIDADE: Geografia da População

This dissertation aimed to understand how cisgender lesbian women experience the space of home in Cáceres – MT, and had specific objectives to investigate how cisgender lesbian women represent their sexual identification trajectories, to analyze how the space composes the trajectories of lesbian sexualities in Cáceres – MT, and finally, to understand how the home is signified in multiple ways by different groups of cisgender lesbian women. The research methodology had a quantitative-qualitative approach, opting to apply two methods for data collection: a questionnaire created using Google Forms, which included the Free and Informed Consent Form, outlining the risks and benefits of participating in the interview. Following this, the participant answered whether or not they agreed to participate in the research; if the response was negative, the interested party was directed to the end of the form and did not need to answer any questions posed. Additionally, an online interview was conducted through various platforms, following semi-structured questions. For the questionnaire, the snowball sampling technique was used, as the sample numbers are not fixed. Therefore, the research is non-probabilistic, since there is no research in the municipality of Cáceres that tabulates an estimate of how many lesbian women reside in the city. It is hoped that this research will build visibility of the spatial experiences of cisgender lesbian women, highlighting their specific geographies to be considered in geographic science, demonstrating that space is not a given and finished product but is produced differentially by different social groups, and finally, to create visibility of the home scale as important for geographic studies, as the home constitutes an important spatiality of human existence.

Presidente - 104796003 - EVALDO FERREIRA
Interno - 363.808.298-90 - BRUNO ZUCHERATO - UFMT
Externa ao Programa - 253883001 - VIVIANE TEIXEIRA SILVEIRA
Externa à Instituição - JOSELI MARIA SILVA - UEPG
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/08/2024 09:28
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