
  • Avaliação dos diferentes tratamentos na emergência e crescimento de plântulas de Trichilia catigua A.Juss. na produção de mudas para restauração de áreas degradadas no Pantanal Matogrossense

  • Data: 26/01/2024

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  • The species Trichilia catigua A.Juss. belongs to the Meliaceae family, with a geographical distribution in Brazil from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul and in the countries of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. Also found in the flooded forests of the Mato Grosso Pantanal, it has medicinal, insecticidal and phytochemical importance. Research into the production of native seedlings contributes to ecological restoration processes. The aims of this research were to evaluate the emergence of seeds in different treatments to overcome dormancy and the effects of different substrates on the development of T. catigua A.Juss. seedlings for seedling production. Two experiments were carried out on seed emergence, the first with six treatments: 24 hours on black tarpaulin (T1); immersion in water for 24, 12, 9 and 0 hours (T2, T3, T4 and T6); and control (T5). The second also had six treatments: Immersion in water for 24, 12 (T1 and T2); and Control (T3), all three with aril (pulp), and Immersion in water for 24, 12 and 0 hours (T4, T5 and T6), all without aril. Percentage emergence (%E) and mean emergence time (TME) were assessed. The results indicate that treatment T2 (12 hours immersed in water), from experiment II, with the presence of aril, was the best at overcoming dormancy, as it had an emergence percentage of 99% and an average time of 54 days, so this treatment proved to be effective for the emergence of T. catigua A. Jus. seeds. Jus.  In order to understand the effects of different substrates on the development of T. catigua seedlings for seedling production, a randomized block experimental design was used, with 2 repetitions, one repetition without foliar fertilizer, and the other with 10-10-10 foliar fertilizer + Base - Fertilizantes® micronutrients, with three different types of substrates. The substrates evaluated consisted of 100% black soil (TP); 100% soil from the area where the species occurs (TO); 100% commercial substrate (CS). The variables height (H), neck diameter (CD) and number of leaves (NF) were evaluated for 120 days. Analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% probability were used to compare the means. There was no interaction between the substrates for the variables analyzed. The commercial substrate showed the best results for height, neck diameter and number of leaves, followed by the soil from the area where the species occurs, both substrates without foliar fertilizer.

  • Distribuição e prevalência de Blastocystis spp.: revisão sistemática mundial e análise da ocorrência em diferentes ambientes mato-grossenses.

  • Data: 30/01/2024

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  • Com o intuito de elucidar as lacunas existentes no conhecimento acerca do Blastocystis spp. e alcançar respostas pertinentes, dada sua possível relevância como indicador ambiental devido à sua prevalência associada às condições ambientais e à sua natureza zoonótica, foram conduzidos dois estudos. Um abordou a distribuição global dos subtipos ST1 a ST17, enquanto o outro investigou a prevalência do Blastocystis spp. em animais na região Centro-Oeste. O primeiro consistiu em uma revisão sistemática de estudos epidemiológicos,
    englobando diversas espécies hospedeiras e fazendo uso de técnicas moleculares. A análise de 175 artigos revelou uma notável variabilidade dos subtipos do parasita em diferentes continentes, sugerindo influência das condições ambientais e transmissão zoonótica. O subtipo ST3 foi o mais prevalente, seguido por ST1, ST5 e outros. O estudo ressalta a complexidade da patogenicidade do Blastocystis spp. e destaca a necessidade contínua de pesquisas para compreender sua epidemiologia e impactos na saúde pública. O segundo estudo, concentrado na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, investigou o protozoário em diferentes biomas (Amazônia, Cerrado e Pantanal), coletando amostras fecais de animais domesticados, de criação e silvestres. Entre as 289 amostras analisadas, 53,29% testaram positivo para Blastocystis spp., evidenciando uma ampla variedade de hospedeiros. Embora não tenham sido observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os biomas, sugerindo uma probabilidade semelhante de infecção independentemente do bioma, diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas entre os tipos de animais. A presença difundida do protozoário ressalta a necessidade de estratégias de saúde pública para controlar sua disseminação, especialmente devido ao seu potencial zoonótico. A conscientização sobre a transmissão entre animais e humanos é crucial,  enfatizando a importância de abordagens colaborativas e multidisciplinares para lidar com as infecções por Blastocystis spp. Esse resumo oferece informações valiosas sobre a prevalência, distribuição global e potencial zoonótico desses subtipos, destacando a importância das análises genômicas na compreensão dos mecanismos biológicos subjacentes.


  • Data: 25/03/2024

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  • The change in the landscape is the result of the conversion of natural areas into economic
    matrices due to the high demand for food, water and fuel, driving intense environmental
    transformations resulting in the loss of ecosystem services (ES). Understanding how ES works
    and what the consequences of environmental changes within a river basin are fundamental to
    their preservation and consequently their valuation. In this way, the objective was to analyze
    the impact of environmental transformations in the SE of the Córrego Piraputanga
    Hydrographic Basin (BHCP) with a focus on analyzing the flow of greenhouse gases and water
    quality. In the first chapter, the impact of environmental transformations on changes in natural
    landscapes was analyzed. Data was sought regarding land use and coverage, deforestation, loss
    of surface water area and fires. The degree of landscape transformation was based on the degree
    of daylily. It is noteworthy that BHCP has a moderate degree of hemerobic impact, a transitional
    phase was observed in the landscape with a decrease in forests and water and an increase in
    pastures and fires. The transition process presents trends that can affect the ecosystem's ability
    to provide environmental services. The second chapter reinforces the effect of environmental
    transformations on the imbalance of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The objective was to analyze
    the dynamics of CO2 flow in an ecotonal area between the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal,
    demonstrating the contribution of different environmental compartments to CO2 emissions. The
    measurement of CO2 flow involved the use of closed transparent acrylic chambers, positioned
    over water and soil. The analyzes show that the substantial decrease in water in the BHCP
    affects the carbon balance. The CO2 averages recorded in the water were higher compared to
    exposed soil. However, temporal analysis reveals a decrease in water areas and a parallel
    increase in areas of exposed soil. In this sense, it was observed that a notable inversion is
    occurring in the system, where there is a decrease in water coverage and consequently an
    increase in exposed soil. This inversion causes an imbalance in the flow of GHG, in this case
    an increasing emission of CO2 in areas of exposed soil. In the third chapter, the objective was
    to investigate the quality of the water that originates in the Cerrado and flows into the BHCP,
    in the Pantanal. In this sense, collections were carried out from the source to the mouth of the
    BHCP at different periods of the year. Our results indicated that the water quality of this basin
    does not vary significantly between sampling points. However, the concentrations of nitrogen
    and phosphorus are highlighted, which presented values above those predicted by Resolution
    CONAMA/357. In short, the BHCP has good water quality for both aquatic communities and
    bathing purposes, but it is necessary to continue with public policies and sustainable actions in
    the region to guarantee the health of the ecosystem. Forecast analyzes further reinforce our
    findings. In the future, the consequences of environmental changes will result in the loss of
    water in the system. Consequently, there will be an increase in pasture areas and exposed soil,
    due to burning and the accumulation of deforested areas


  • Data: 12/04/2024

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  • Mouriri guianensis Aubl belongs to the Melastomataceae family and is found in parts of South America, occurring in a wide variety of vegetation types. In Brazil, it is widely distributed in the phytogeographic domains of the Amazon, the Caatinga, the Cerrado, the Atlantic Forest and the Pantanal, where it is popularly known as roncador. The aim of this research was to evaluate the different types of treatments for breaking dormancy and the effect of different substrates and fertilizer use on the growth of M. guianensis seedlings. for seedling production. The seeds were divided for the germination tests into six treatments: removal of the tegument (T1), scarification of the seeds (T2), immersion in water for 12 hours (T3), immersion in water for 48 hours (T4), immersion in water for 288 hours (T5) and control (T6). The percentage of emergence (%E) and mean time to emergence (TME) were evaluated. The results show that the treatment with the highest percentage of emergence was T1 (63%), due to the removal of the tegument which allows for greater soaking by water and gas exchange, enabling a higher rate of seedling emergence in a shorter period of time. In order to understand the effects of different substrates on the development of M. guianensis seedlings for the production of seedlings in relation to the substrates, a randomized block experimental design was used, with 2 repetitions, one repetition without foliar fertilizer, and the other with 10-10-10 foliar fertilizer + Base - Fertilizantes® micronutrients, with three different types of substrates. The substrates evaluated consisted of 100% black soil (TP); 100% soil from the area where the species occurs (TO); 100% commercial substrate (CS). The variables height (H), neck diameter (CD) and number of leaves (NF) were evaluated for 120 days. Analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% probability were used to compare the means.  There was no interaction between the treatments for the variables analyzed. As for the substrates, there was a statistical difference and the commercial substrate showed the best results in terms of height and number of leaves without the foliar fertilizer.

  • Guilherme Peixoto Rodrigues
  • Avaliação da germinação e tolerância de mudas de Ingá-Banana (Inga vera Willd.) a inundação em áreas degradadas no Pantanal Mato-Grossense

  • Data: 12/04/2024

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  • In Brazil, located in the Midwest region, the Pantanal, being the largest floodplain in the world, annually faces considerable degradation due to human activities, mainly due to fires and deforestation. Faced with this reality, ecological restoration emerges as an essential measure to recover these ecosystems in balance. A promising approach to assist in the mitigation of these areas is with the use of local native species, therefore, a species that is widely found and well adapted to these areas, from the Fabaceae family is the Inga vera Willd., known as Ingá-Banana, due to its abundance and adaptation to these places with seasonal flooding and play a significant role in reforestation and the recovery of degraded riparian forests. Considering the importance of restoring flooded wetlands and through harm reduction approaches, the objective of this study was to evaluate which sowing method favors the highest emergence rate, in addition to investigating the effect of the hydrological cycle on germination, emergence and survival of I. vera seedlings. The experiment was carried out in the Pantanal, in Cáceres – MT, covering different environments carried out throughout the years 2022 and 2023. The quantitative evaluations carried out included germination experiments with weekly observations over 13 to 18 weeks, as well as a flooding experiment in plots created with different levels to simulate the water cycle of the Pantanal, monitored for 07 months. The data collected allowed for static analyses, including the calculation of the average time of emergence, percentage of emergence, time of submersion and percentage of survival. We obtained satisfactory results, with no occurrence of 0% seed emergence. Direct sowing in moist soil, without long periods of submersion, proved to be more efficient, while the direct sowing method in a pit, this one with or without litter, stood out as the most effective for restoration, ensuring the safe development and growth of seedlings. In addition, areas with levels below 3.0 m in relation to the river level were identified as unsuitable for transplanting seedlings of this species, as it cannot withstand long periods of flooding.

  • Ensaios germinativos, crescimento de plântulas e tolerância à
    inundação de Garcinia brasiliensis MART no Pantanal Matogrossense

  • Data: 22/04/2024

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  • Garcinia brasiliensis Mart. popularly known as bacupari, cupari and
    others is a tree species belonging to the Clusiaceae family, characterized as a
    tree five to seven meters high and 15 to 25 cm in diameter, can occur on the
    Atlantic slope, Amazon region and are found in the Pantanal region. The aim of
    this study was to evaluate the germination process of the species in different
    substrates, the breaking of dormancy and its tolerance to a flooded environment
    in the Pantanal. To check the best substrate for producing Garcinia brasiliensis
    seedlings, 4 types of substrate were used, with each substrate having 4
    repetitions containing 20 seeds, this stage was duplicated, one to evaluate the
    effect of foliar fertilization every 15 days and for comparison the other without
    foliar fertilization, the substrates used were: soil from the area of occurrence of
    G. brasiliensis (Organosol). brasiliensis (Organosol), commercial substrate
    (SC), black soil (TP) and black soil with 20% vermiculite (SCV). The experiment
    was set up in a completely randomized design and evaluations were carried out
    to determine germination percentage, speed and average germination time.
    Another experiment analyzed seed dormancy. For this study, the germination
    percentage (%G) and average germination time (AMT) of the seeds in seven
    treatments were evaluated: Removal of the tegument (T1); Seeds stored in the
    freezer for 5 days (T2); Seeds stored on a black tarpaulin for 5 days in full sun
    (T3); Immersion of the seed in water for 48 hours (T4); Immersion of the seed in
    water for 24 hours (T5); Immersion of the seed in sodium hypochlorite for 5
    minutes (T6) and the control (T7). Treatments T1 and T6 gave the highest
    values of (%G), 99% and 92% respectively, and obtained the lowest GMT, T1
    (34.32 days) and T6 (97.9 days). Inefficiency occurred in treatment T2 with 0%
    (%G) due to the intolerance of the recalcitrant seed to low temperatures. In
    order to analyze the species' tolerance to different levels of flooding in the
    Pantanal, the experiment was set up in two different areas: area 1 was wooded
    with a low incidence of solar radiation and area 2 was free of trees and had a
    high incidence of solar radiation. Each area was divided into plots, with area 1
    containing five plots and area 2 four plots. 40 seedlings were transplanted into
    each, and the seedlings were measured in both areas in terms of height and

    diameter. When considering the results from the two areas, both had higher
    survival rates at the higher levels of the terrain where they consequently spent
    less time flooded. In area 1, plot two had the highest survival rate at 67.5% with
    a maximum flood level of 2.47 m, at which point it remained flooded for 118
    days. In area 2, plot one had a survival rate of 60% with a maximum flood level
    of 0.95m and 35 days under water. Area 1 showed a shading percentage of
    85% after analysis by the Canopeo application. These responses showed the
    species' ability to survive in flooded and shaded conditions.

  • Jonilken da Silva Almeida

  • Data: 10/05/2024

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  • This research addresses the importance of biodiversity conservation, with a focus on birdlife, and proposes the use of the Mato Grosso Museum of Natural History as a space for promoting environmental education. It therefore highlights the importance of birds as bioindicators of environmental balance and emphasises the Museum's potential as a place for raising environmental awareness. The research mapped the occurrence of birds in the museum area and proposed the inclusion of a sensory birdwatching trail in the museum's educational programme. The specific objectives include surveying and mapping the birds in the museum's natural area, as well as promoting the importance of natural spaces for bird conservation. The methodology involves describing the study area, which encompasses both the museum and its surroundings, and highlights the historical and cultural importance of the site, as well as its relevance as a space for the preservation of natural heritage. The dissertation proposes an approach that aims to connect visitors not only with evolutionary history, but also with contemporary biodiversity through the appreciation of local birds.


  • Data: 03/06/2024

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  • The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has affected the entire planet, altering human daily life, as well as the environment. Although everyone has been directly affected, some social groups have been more severely impacted. The containment measures directly affected the families of fishermen and fisherwomen and the fishing sector, especially in terms of limitations on carrying out the activity, crucial for their survival, as well as the sale of fish. Many studies have analyzed the legacies and impacts of the pandemic period, and this work aimed to identify the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic according to the perception of fishermen, fisherwomen, and their dependents on individual, social, professional (fishing), and environmental aspects. The research was conducted using two methodologies, the first being from the specific project (data source for articles 1, 2, and 3) and the second from the general project (data source for article 4). The first consisted of semi-structured interviews in the cities of Cáceres and Várzea Grande (Mato Grosso); and Manaus and Manicoré (Amazonas). The second was carried out using a Likert scale questionnaire, applied in 8 schools in all regions of Brazil, with students in the final stages of high school included in the study based on self-declaration as children of fishermen. Article 1 consists of the experience report of field activity in postgraduate studies and the resulting personal and professional transformations. For articles 2 and 3, the data were analyzed using an exploratory approach through transcriptions of the interviews, and classification into mentions and reports, organized in Excel® and Word® spreadsheets. The speeches were reported based on categories built a priori based on research interest and conceived from the literature. The sampled group for articles 2 and 3 consisted of 42 fishermen and 50 dependents (children, grandchildren, etc.). For article 4, descriptive, inferential, and multivariate analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics and R software with data from 98 students (49 children of fishermen and 49 children of non-fishermen). According to the overall results of this work, it was observed that fishing was and is "Extremely" and "Very" important according to 94.56% of the respondents. As expected, the vast majority of respondents, both adults and their dependents, revealed that the pandemic was a negative period, with deaths, negative feelings, and difficulties in fishing. Regarding the environment, 46.74% of the families stated that they did not experience any impact, while 40.22% disagreed, indicating harmful anthropogenic actions and environmental changes. The connection with nature positively contributed to the protection of the health of children of fishermen, resulting in lesser impacts on their emotional health. The results of this study highlight the importance of fishing as a sustainer of the life and culture of fishermen's families. The perceptions raised point to the need for social support, access to information, and public policies aimed at ensuring the well-being of fishermen and their families, especially during periods of health crisis.


  • Orientador : AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
  • Data: 13/06/2024

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  • COVID-19 is an emerging infectious disease caused by the etiological agent Coronavirus, leading to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). This viral agent was responsible for causing the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has had significant impacts on society, the economy, human health, and the environment. This study aims to understand how nursing professionals perceive the pandemic (origin, spread, and felt consequences) and relate it to current socio-environmental issues of degradation and modification of non-anthropized wild habitats, as well as the human relationship with non-domesticated animals. The research was conducted in three stages, resulting in three articles. The first is a literature review aimed at finding scientific evidence on the relationship between 21st-century socio-environmental problems and the COVID-19 pandemic. The second article is an integrative review exploring current scientific discussions on deforestation and the emergence of emerging and re-emerging diseases. The third is a qualitative field study, including interviews with nursing professionals who worked on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogue aimed to understand professionals' perceptions of the health-disease and environmental relationship, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Results revealed that human interference through deforestation, practices of burning, and climate change has contributed to the emergence of zoonotic diseases like the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings also showed that deforestation is associated with the emergence of emerging diseases such as hantavirus and re-emerging diseases like leprosy, leishmaniasis, dengue, and yellow fever, among others. Regarding nursing professionals, perceptions were disclosed that environmental conditions are linked to the population's health and disease process. Concerning the origin of the new Coronavirus, there is divergence among professionals. Some believe the virus's emergence is directly related to human interference in nature, while others think the virus was modified through laboratory activities. Regarding the impact on the health of healthcare workers, especially nursing professionals, they expressed feeling unprepared to face the disease, developing fears of contracting and transmitting it to their families, fear of death, and physical and mental exhaustion during long working hours. They also mentioned coping with physical and psychological sequelae from the disease and experiencing little support from the government on this matter.

    Keywords: COVID-19, Deforestation, Land use changes, Zoonoses, Environment.

  • Dhiogo Correa da Costa
  • SUSTENTABILIDADE NA PERSPECTIVA DO BEM VIVER: um estudo na Cooperativa de Agricultores do Vale do Amanhecer - COOPAVAM, Juruena, Mato Grosso

  • Data: 28/06/2024

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    Organizations currently find themselves in a challenging process of adapting to the constant changes occurring in the market. This not only involves improving their production processes in the incessant search for financial growth, but also promoting positive socio-environmental changes. In this way, companies became protagonists in the operating institutional environments, in which socio-environmental changes that were previously the responsibility of political actors began to be shared with institutions that cause impacts, since the entire production chain of companies causes changes. Currently, large companies seek sustainability practices as a measure that contributes to internal and external social growth, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution of rivers and seas. To make this more effective, companies seek guidelines based on a social, environmental and governance perspective, ESG as a tool for social and regulatory legitimacy. However, it is very important to state that other social groups are also affected, such as traditional communities and peoples, since organizations depend on raw materials and the origin is the forest and rivers, and this environment is the survival of these peoples. . In addition to the impacts, these people and communities detach themselves from a well-being based on economic growth, but seek to remain connected with nature, their ancestral roots, spirituality and other subjective characteristics of humanity. That said, Good Living emerges as an alternative to development that contributes to these people being respected in their way of life, approaching it as the post-developmentalist current that contributes to sustainable behavior. In view of the presentation of the topics covered, this research aims to analyze sustainability practices from the perspective of Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG at Natura and Bem Viver at COOPAVAM. In order for the objective to be achieved, this research is divided into two articles. The first article carried out bibliometrics to analyze the state of the art on good living and ESG. The result of this first chapter shows that there is a diversity in what is understood as sustainability, which is why it is difficult to establish effective measures on a global scale. Despite there being growth on the themes, Good Living faces resistance in countries considered developed, just as communities in Latin American countries are under pressure in the face of aggressive and financial growth. ESG is present in large organizations and this tool contributes to not only financial growth, but to a fairer society that preserves nature. To conclude, discussions about ESG and Good Living are connected to respect for the environment, governance, defense of equality and social equity. Articles two are still in the construction phase, and it is not possible to present any previous results.

  • Fitossociologia e estimativa da biomassa aérea do componente lenhoso na Estação Ecológica Da Serra Das Araras, Porto Estrela, Mato Grosso.

  • Data: 03/07/2024

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  • Research on the woody component is generally directed towards species with arboreal or arboreal-shrub habit as one, not differentiating them, which makes the shrub component a group that is little addressed, since some species, when developing, have some particularities, allowing them to present more than one habit. Biomass estimates for this stratum are also scarce for the same reasons mentioned above. Therefore, this work aimed to carry out a phytosociological survey and estimate the aerial biomass of the woody component at the Serra das Araras Ecological Station, Porto Estrela, Mato Grosso. For this, we used the inclusion level of diameter ≥ 3 cm of individuals with a height of 1 m to ≤ 3 m, in a total of 52 plots of 10x10m, 26 in cerrado sensu stricto and 26 in cerradão. To estimate biomass, we used equations from Rezende et al. (2006) for the cerrado sensu stricto and by Chave et al. (2014) for the cerradão. After identifying the specimens, we defined the habits of these species according to their morphological characteristics and information found in some references. We recorded a total of 889 specimens, belonging to 24 botanical families, 40 genera and 51 species, being that Anacardium humile, Guettarda pohliana, Miconia albicans, Myrcia bella, Myrcia guianensis, Miconia albicans and Siparuna guianensis they were considered shrubs in this study, the others being arboreal, or arboreal/shrub. The families that contributed with greater richness in the cerrado sensu stricto areas were Apocynaceae and Vochysiaceae and in the cerradão areas were Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae. The species that obtained the greatest abundance and highest importance value (VI) in the cerrado sensu stricto areas was Myrcia bella and for the cerradão they were Cheiloclinium cf. cognatum and Guettarda cf. pohliana. Regarding the estimate of total aerial biomass in each phytophysiognomy, we found a higher value for the cerrado sensu stricto (0.90 Mg/ha) and lower values for the cerradão (0.01 Mg/ha). The abundance of species with arboreal habits revealed their stock of seedlings for regeneration in these areas, as this component associated with shrubs is important for the community structure. Although we found, through the estimation of aerial biomass, low values for the two phytophysiognomies studied, they are essential for the community they are located in, as they directly contribute to the carbon stock of the Cerrado in a Conservation Unit.


  • Maria Gabrielle Cerqueira Correa
  • Custos das hospitalizações no SUS como impacto da poluição atmosférica emitida por queimadas e incêndios florestais na Amazônia Legal e Cerrado setentrional no Brasil (2010 – 2021)

  • Orientador : ELIANE IGNOTTI
  • Data: 12/08/2024

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  • In recent years, the Amazon region has experienced high levels of individual burnings, leading to the emission of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which can be transported over long distances. Air quality is influenced by various factors beyond industrial and vehicular emissions and is a crucial indicator of quality of life and social well-being, directly impacting the population's health throughout their lifetime. This research aims to assess the impacts on the costs of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) related to cardiorespiratory diseases resulting from exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) which had been emitted by biomass burning in cities located in the Legal Amazon and northern Cerrado regions from 2010 to 2021. For this research were utilized data from the SUS Hospital Information System (SIH), and applied the Ostro methodology, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), to calculate attributable fractions. The results indicate an average annual impact on the Unified Health System of approximately 2.5 billion reais. Municipalities located in the Deforestation Arc presented, on average, the highest hospitalization costs for cardiorespiratory diseases due to exposure to pollution from biomass burning in the region.

  • Tatiane Dias Santana

  • Orientador : DIONEI JOSE DA SILVA
  • Data: 30/08/2024

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  • Community structure is a fundamental concept in ecology, referring to the organization and interaction patterns among populations of different species coexisting within a given habitat. Understanding these dynamics and the associated environmental factors is essential for guiding sustainable management strategies and preserving the biological richness of the Cerrado, directly contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 15, which prioritizes the protection of terrestrial life. Lizards, reptiles of the order Squamata, are a highly diverse group, with a wide variety of species distributed globally. They possess valuable traits for ecological studies. In the Cerrado, the lizard fauna is composed of habitat specialist species. However, these reptiles face significant challenges due to habitat loss and climate change. The Cerrado is recognized for its environmental heterogeneity, which includes a diversity of factors shaping different habitats. However, this ecoregion is under constant threat, primarily due to the expansion of agriculture and livestock farming. The diversity of Cerrado habitats plays an important role in maintaining the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of lizards. While taxonomic diversity assesses species richness, composition, and abundance, functional diversity analyzes behavioral, physiological, and ecological traits. Simultaneously, phylogenetic diversity considers the evolutionary relationships between species. The combination of these approaches provides a comprehensive understanding of the interactions and ecological and evolutionary processes present in lizard communities of the Cerrado. This specific study focuses on lizard assemblies in a human-altered area of the Cerrado in the Serrana Province. Divided into two chapters, the first, "Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of lizard assemblies in different Cerrado habitats" investigates the potential variation in diversity across different vegetation types. The second chapter, "Influence of environmental factors on the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of lizard assemblies in a Cerrado area," explores how different environmental and habitat factors influence the diversity patterns of lizard assemblies.


  • Data: 14/12/2024

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  • The vegetation of the Pantanal is influenced by its species composition, with plants originating from the Cerrado, Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes. A mosaic of savanna and forest formations, consisting of cerrados, cerrados, fields and floodplain forests, which requires special attention, given its fragility and growing threat from new trends in economic development. The Paraguay River, the main river forming the Pantanal, in its portion between the city center of Cáceres and the Taiamã Ecological Station, presents environmental heterogeneity, caused by different hydrogeomorphological characteristics, translated into its compartmentalization into three functional sectors: meandering, rectilinear and transitional, whose vegetation has been little studied. In order to understand the tree diversity distributed along the functional sectors of the Paraguay River, permanent plots were installed in six areas, arranged perpendicularly to the right and left banks of the Paraguay River. In the entire sampled area totaling six hectares, 3847 individuals were recorded, distributed in 42 families and 95 botanical species. The diametric structure of the sampling sites presented the “inverted J” pattern. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) and Pielou equability (J’) in the functional sectors were: ME (Left meander) H’ 1.94 and J’ 0.58; MD (Right meander) H’ 2.06 and J’ 0.58; RE (Left rectilinear) H’ 3.00 and J’ 0.72; RD (Right rectilinear) 1.48 and J’ 0.50; TE (Left transition) H’ 3.05 and J’ 0.74; TD H’ 2.01 and J’ 0.63. The species that contributed the most to VI in the following sectors were: in ME Zygia cauliflora (72.63%, Fabaceae); in MD Sapium obovatum (66.85%, Euphorbiaceae); Combretum leprosum (48.20%, Combretaceae); in RD Zygia cauliflora (88.85%, Fabaceae); in TE Unonopsis lindmanii (33.38%, Annonaceae); in TD Zygia cauliflora (71.57%, Fabaceae). The results demonstrated that species richness is strongly influenced by Cerrado species in the sectors (ME, RE and TE) on the left bank of the Paraguay River and on the right bank (MD, RD and TD) by species more common to flooded areas, with adaptation to the flood pulse, as a consequence of the geomorphological inclination of the river in the East-West direction.
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  • Data: 28/02/2024

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  • This thesis, prepared together with the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences, resulted from Environmental Education research, involving studies related to the conservation of Pantanal waters, during participatory action research and monitoring of projects developed by the Institute of Research and Education do Pantanal – Instituto Gaia, Cáceres, Mato Grosso. The study is structured into three chapters: 1- Dialogues for the Construction of a Pact for the Restoration of the Pantanal; 2 - Experiences in the Recovery of Springs in the Hydrographic Basins of the Jauru and Cabaçal Rivers and the Challenges for the Conservation of the Pantanal and 3 - Environmental Education as a Tool in the Awareness Raising Process for the Conservation of the Pantanal, which aims to 1 - identify the actors social groups involved in Pantanal restoration and conservation processes; 2 - Learn about the experiences of recovering springs in the Pantanal, located in the Alto Paraguai Basin, Mato Grosso; 3 - Propose Environmental Education activities that contribute to carrying out awareness-raising activities for the conservation of the Pantanal. The methodologies used are of a qualitative nature, using as data collection instruments interviews, lives, minutes and newspaper reports that deal with experiences that occurred in the Pantanal, in the Upper Paraguay Basin. As results, the work presents the stakeholders and institutions involved in the Pantanal conservation process, dialogues for the construction of a Pact for the Restoration of the Pantanal, experiences in recovering springs and a proposal for an Environmental Education activity.

  • Conservação e distribuição espaço-temporal de peixes de importância socioeconômica na Bacia Araguaia-Tocantins e etnoictiologia dos ribeirinhos/pescadores do médio Rio das Mortes, Mato Grosso

  • Data: 08/03/2024

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  • The Amazon Basin, the largest river basin on the planet, encompasses a remarkably diverse environment. Associated with it is the Araguaia-Tocantins Basin, which includes the Rio das Mortes, standing out for its significant ecological, geopolitical and socioeconomic importance, covering the transition between the Cerrado and Amazonia biomes. This thesis is structured in two articles: in the first, we apply spatio-temporal distribution models to analyze the scenarios of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the current situation and future projections of the four fish species most fished and commercialized in the Rio das Mortes, namely: Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, Brycon falcatus, Myloplus torquatus and Leporinus friderici. The environmental variables that best explained the spatial distribution of these species were altitude, temperature and precipitation. Our projections indicated that all species had extensive environmental suitability niche areas (ESNs) during the LGM, which were continuous and connected. In a future scenario, with an increase of 8.5 ºC in temperature, B. falcatus and P. fasciatum could face the risk of disappearance, and M. torquatus and L. friderici could adapt by modifying their ESNs. We also note that current protected areas do not adequately represent the niche of these species. In the second article, we investigated and compared the perception and ethnoichthyological knowledge of riverside communities and fishermen from three municipalities in the Rio das Mortes Basin, in Mato Grosso: Nova Xavantina (NXA), Nova Nazaré (NNA) and Novo Santo Antônio (NSA). We interviewed 105 people who had lived in the municipality for at least 20 years. We analyzed the data using descriptive statistics and calculated the Use Value of each species. We registered 25 ethnospecies of fish, being 25 in NSA, 20 in NXA and 17 in NNA, with the first three, Pintado, Voadeira and Pacu, coinciding in the three municipalities. We identified groups of species associated with food and commercial interests, with more affordable prices and species that, despite being mentioned as threatened, have a high commercial value. Respondents demonstrated broad knowledge about the relevance of banning fishing during piracema and expressed support for this restriction. The perception of those interviewed emphasized that many species have reduced their populations in the last 20 years due to extreme climatic conditions and environmental changes, and the majority blames the negative impacts recorded on the ichthyofauna on anthropogenic impacts. Thus, our study allowed a deeper understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of important fish species in the region, contributing to a scientifically accurate approach to the interaction between environmental factors, distribution and possible impacts on these species and will contribute to the development of efficient protection and management initiatives of fishing resources in the Araguaia-Tocantins and Rio das Mortes basins.

  • Fernando Luiz Silva

  • Data: 22/03/2024

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  • Environmental, animal and human health have been threatened by global environmental changes, which have intensified through population growth and current development models. There are uncertainties about the levels of impact of these changes on the environment and production systems and their consequences for animal welfare and public health, especially on the agricultural frontier that advances into the Amazon. The Amazon has undergone profound changes in land use since the 1970s with artisanal gold mining, the conversion of millions of hectares of forests into pasture, and more recently a rapid process of intensification of land use through agriculture and livestock. Therefore, the investigation of the transfer of trace elements from the environment to animals and food is preponderant to assess environmental health and provide strategies to guide towards sustainability in the short, medium or long term. In addition, taking into account that beef cattle occupy a large part of the land in the Amazon, they can also serve as bioindicators of possible environmental contamination, for example in relation to the proximity of farms with artisanal gold mining. In view of this, this research investigates the levels of trace elements in soils in preserved areas of the State of Mato Grosso and in beef cattle farms in the southern Amazon to evaluate the possible relationship between the environment and cattle breeding with the levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Mo, Se, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, As and Hg. Soil, forage, mineral supplement, protein supplement and bovine blood samples were obtained from the farms. Bovine muscle, liver and kidney samples were obtained from the market in this region. The results are organized into six articles. The first article is a literature review of the last two decades and analyzes the scientific advances resulting from research related to trace elements in beef cattle, seeking to understand how these researches interact with human and environmental health. The second article proposes an approximation for establishing reference values of trace elements for soils in Mato Grosso based on analyzes of soil samples from preserved areas in the main regions of the State. The third article compares soil fertility and carbon stocks in pastures and native forests on eight farms in southern Amazonia and discusses strategies for the sustainability of these pastures. The fourth article discusses the relationship between levels of trace elements in soil and forage. The fifth article presents the levels of trace elements in feed and blood of beef cattle to assess the animal nutritional status and management of these herds. The sixth article presents the levels of trace elements in bovine meat, liver and kidney obtained in the market.

  • Ecologia reprodutiva e distribuição do tracajá Podocnemis unifilis, (Troschel,1848) (Reptilia, Testudines, Podocnemidae): uma nova espécie exótica para o Pantanal Norte de Mato Grosso

  • Orientador : DIONEI JOSE DA SILVA
  • Data: 17/05/2024

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  • The introduction of exotic species into new environments can result in a series of environmental and social impacts, triggering new interspecific interactions in the colonized ecosystem. However, the successful colonization of an exotic species in a new habitat requires its ability to establish and reproduce. Thus, understanding the process of occupation and reproduction of the exotic species in the new environment is one of the first steps to propose efficient mitigation measures. The Pantanal, in turn, with its hydrological cycles and diversity of habitats, offers favorable conditions for the occupation by species that use aquatic systems. Therefore, the agility of studies that notify the occurrence of exotic species in this environment becomes of paramount importance, since the first years of invasion are decisive in understanding the patterns of species occupation in this new habitat. In this thesis, we provide the first information on the introduction of Podocnemis unifilis to the Pantanal de Cáceres, as well as the first reproductive parameters of the species in the introduced environment. The thesis is presented in 3 chapters: The first is entitled "High Noon Reveals What the Waters Conceal: Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848 (Testudines, Podocnemididae), Another Exotic Species in the Mato Grosso Pantanal." In this chapter, we present the first scientific records of P. unifilis for the Paraguay River basin. Through bibliographic analyses of historical elements, natural distribution, and field records of P. unifilis, we report the occurrence, introduced in a population of the species for the Paraguay River basin. This finding raises concerns, as it involves a well-established population, which may cause direct losses to native species, generating social and environmental impacts. In Chapter 2, entitled "Mapping a Bioinvasion: The Dynamics of Beaches Used for Podocnemis unifilis Nesting, an Exotic Species for the Upper Paraguay River," we conducted a survey of nesting sites for the species, visiting several beaches in a stretch of the Paraguay River, near the urban nucleus of Cáceres. In total, we found 32 beaches, where 53.1% of them registered P. unifilis egg laying, demonstrating that the species has currently found suitable locations for its reproduction. Chapter 3 is entitled "The Challenges of Living Far From Home: Reproduction of an Invasive Population of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines: Podocnemididae) in the Upper Paraguay River, Mato Grosso, Brazil." In this study, we monitored two reproductive cycles of P. unifilis in three beaches along the Paraguay River. Our results indicate that the introduced population of P. unifilis is reproducing regularly in the Paraguay River, with reproductive parameters similar to those found in its natural distribution area. These results suggest that the species is likely to increase its population, potentially expanding its occurrence to broader extents beyond the Pantanal de Cáceres, in the Paraguay River basin. This study provides the first reproductive information regarding the introduction of P. unifilis to the Pantanal, enabling the understanding of the establishment process of the species in this new environment. Especially considering that this is the introduction of a species into an environment highly favorable to its occurrence, and given the time of introduction of the species into this new environment, long-term studies are recommended to better understand the ecological and social relationships resulting from the introduction of P. unilifis in the Paraguay River.


  • Reserva da Biosfera do Pantanal: desafios para uma governança sustentável e democrática do Pantanal

  • Data: 27/05/2024

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  • The environmental crisis represents a significant challenge for representative democracy, especially with regard to conflict resolution in socio-biodiverse areas such as the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, where the way in which environmental assets are appropriated and managed generates clashes between different actors and social groups. In this framework, sustainability emerges as a proposal — still under construction and with various dimensions — aimed at overcoming the causes and/or mitigating the effects of the environmental crisis, including in relation to democratic participation in the management of common environmental goods. This thesis has the general objective of analyzing the institutional structure and legal regime of the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve in order to verify its contribution to the achievement of sustainable management, with an emphasis on the environmental governance of the Pantanal Mato Grosso. It was found that the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve embodies a valuable institutional arrangement that, despite some limitations (mainly associated with the composition of management bodies and the financing of programs foreseen in the Action Plan), has significant potential, including facilitation interinstitutional dialogue, the possibility of public and private financing, social and political mobilization around environmental and sociocultural issues, as well as encouraging the creation of Sustainable Development Reserves and Extractive Reserves and the strengthening of indigenous lands and quilombola communities. Thus, the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve offers real opportunities for achieving sustainable management of the Mato Grosso Pantanal, encouraging the promotion of environmental preservation, economic development and social participation.


  • Orientador : CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
  • Data: 04/07/2024

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  • The study took place in the sub-basins of the rivers on the left bank of the Paraguay River, in Alto Paraguai in the municipalities of Porto Estrela and Cáceres/MT. The research aimed to evaluate the environmental components, land use and occupation, morphometry, hydro-sedimentological behavior and environmental fragility. The work is structured in four chapters. In the first chapter, information was obtained from reports, scientific publications and official websites. For the elaboration of the geology map, the database of the Geological Survey of Brazil was used, scale 1:1,000,000, for the geomorphology, the report of the RADAMBRASIL project, scale 1:1,000,000, the soils the Brazilian System of Soil Classification and the climate by the State Department of Planning scale 1:200,000, and hydroweb precipitation by the National Water Agency. For the slope, the cartographic base of the Digital Elevation Model Geomorphometric Chart, Geomorphometric Database of Brazil: TOPODATA – INPE scale 1:250,000,000, according to the slope classes defined by Embrapa (2006), was used for density using the Arcgis software. Geologically, the formations predominate: Diamantino, Araras and Raizama in the upper reaches, in the middle course the Pantanal Formation - Alluvial Terraces and in the lower course the alluvial deposits. The climatic types are: Sub-humid Megathermal Tropical of the Depressions and Pantanais of Mato Grosso and Tropical of Altitude Hot Mesothermal of the Southern Facade of the Chapadas and Plateaus. It has three geomorphological units: the Mountain Province, occupies the largest area in the basin, the Alto Paraguai Depression has few unevenness and gentle undulations, and the Plains and Pantanais are periodically flooded. The slope in the upper course (8% to 75%), in the Depressão do Alto Paraguai the slope is from 3% to 8% and in the Plains and Pantanais 3%. Pedologically Haplic Cambisols occur, Litholic Neosols are found in the upper courses, Oxisols are concentrated in the east and northeast of the study area, Ultisols in the south southwest, the lower course predominate, Haplic Gleissolos. The drainage density presents low and medium values. The second chapter refers to the process of use and occupation. The study was carried out through research in public documents, scientific work, field and temporal mapping in three periods (1986, 2006 and 2021). Mapping was prepared using Landsat satellite images and the mapBiomas platform. After the indigenous occupation, Portuguese migration took place, based on the Sesmarias policy. Currently, livestock is the most developed activity in the region and is responsible for deforestation and reduction in the amount of water. The third chapter presents general aspects of the basin and hydrosedimentological behavior. Calculations defined the morphometric standards. The fluvial dynamics and sedimentary composition were obtained through research in dissertations, and these data, close to the mouth, were organized and tabulated. The sub-basins are classified between 1st and 4th order, elongated format, low density of rivers and drainage. The relief presents medium slopes and hilly. The highest altimetric altitude is in the Salobra sub-basin (762), the low altimetric amplitude (51) is Olhos D’água. The sediments total 22.12% coarse sand, 253.55% medium and 340.87% fine sand. The concentration of suspended sediments was higher in sections with more intense use of pastures and cattle raising. The fourth chapter is under construction.
    Keywords: Watershed. Occupation. Hydrosedimentological. Environmental impacts.

  • SAÚDE E AMBIENTE NA AMAZÔNIA LEGAL: uma abordagem integrada de indicadores de saúde e qualidade do ar.

  • Orientador : ELIANE IGNOTTI
  • Data: 26/07/2024

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  • The Brazilian Legal Amazon faces an intense deforestation process, exacerbated by the context of climate change and weaknesses in environmental enforcement agencies, resulting in increased frequency and intensity of forest fires. These fires emit pollutants and raise temperatures, posing a significant threat to human health. This thesis is presented in two manuscripts, aiming to analyze health indicators defined by morbidity and mortality, as well as the impacts of exposure to air pollution on morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases over the past two decades (2010–2021). The first manuscript provides an analysis of health status using morbidity and mortality indicators, comparing intra- and interstate regions within Brazil. Temporal and spatial analyses were conducted, identifying clusters from 2010 to 2021. Diseases of the circulatory system stood out as the leading cause of death, accounting for 23% of all deaths. Additionally, 52.6% of infant deaths occurred during the early neonatal period, with infant mortality rates above the national average. Maternal mortality ratios were also high between 2010 and 2021. Rates of diseases such as Chagas disease, AIDS, leprosy, American cutaneous leishmaniasis, and tuberculosis remained above the national average. Locations at the extremes of the Legal Amazon, such as São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Vale do Acre, southern Mato Grosso, and capitals like Belém and São Luís, are identified as high-risk areas for the analyzed outcomes. The second manuscript estimated the impact on mortality and hospitalizations from respiratory and circulatory diseases due to exposure to fine particulate matter among residents of the Legal Amazon and surrounding areas. Short-term exposure to fine particulate matter was associated with a total of 15,622 (3%) deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 8,042 (3.8%) deaths from respiratory diseases, as well as 23,439 (1.3%) hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases and 108,868 (3.9%) hospitalizations for respiratory diseases. The sub-region with the highest PM2.5 concentration was the Deforestation Arc, with the capital Porto Velho-RO recording the highest daily average exposures. Given the challenges revealed by the study's findings, it is concluded that prioritizing adaptation measures and specific public health interventions is essential to mitigate the adverse effects of exposure to fine particulate matter and its impact on morbidity and mortality in the region. These results provide valuable insights to support the formulation of policies and public strategies aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change, particularly in the health sector.


  • Data: 16/08/2024

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  • The health of quilombola communities in Brazil is the subject of growing interest due to the challenges faced by these populations in relation to sanitary and socio-economic conditions. Among the public health challenges facing these communities, enteroparasitosis has been a significant concern, given its prevalence
    and impact on quality of life. In this context, this research aims to investigate in detail the regional prevalence of enteroparasitosis in Brazilian quilombola communities. Through a systematic review and meta-analysis approach, this study explores the diversity of parasites identified and their relationship with the specific socio-
    environmental conditions of these communities. The three manuscripts that make up this thesis seek to deepen our understanding of this complex topic and offer valuable insights to guide health policies and actions aimed at these historically marginalized populations. The first manuscript carries out a careful analysis of selected studies, with the aim of determining the regional prevalence of different types of enteroparasitosis in these communities. Using databases such as LILACS, SCIELO, IBECS, BDENF and MEDLINE, focusing on publications from 2020 onwards and using the descriptors; intestinal parasitosis; and quilombolas, marked differences
    were observed between the Northeast and Southeast regions in terms of prevalence. Bahia and Minas Gerais emerged as states with significant representation in the studies analyzed, each accounting for approximately 17% of the total. The second manuscript focuses on the relationship between the prevalence of  enteroparasitosis and the socio-environmental factors present in these communities. Through a systematic and meta-analytical approach, the study examines how inadequate access to treated water and poor sanitation conditions influence the spread of these parasites. The results revealed a significant correlation between the prevalence of enteroparasitoses and these factors, highlighting the importance of comprehensive interventions to improve living conditions in these communities. Finally, the third manuscript analyzes trends in the prevalence and distribution of helminths and protozoa in quilombola communities, using an integrative literature review. Significant variations in the distribution of these enteroparasitoses were observed between the units of the federation, indicating the need for specific strategies for the management and prevention of these diseases in different regional contexts. This set of studies represents an important contribution to the understanding of enteroparasitosis in quilombola communities in Brazil, providing solid evidence that can guide public health policies and practices aimed at reducing the incidence of these diseases and improving the quality of life of these populations.

  • Avaliação dos impactos das mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra nos serviços ecossistêmicos e na saúde humana na Amazônia Meridional, Mato Grosso, Brasil

  • Data: 16/08/2024

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  • The Amazon biome plays an important planetary benefit in maintaining socio-ecological balance and human and animal health. However, the predatory economic model, driven by development policies in the Amazon, has resulted in changes in land use, socio-environmental degradation and increased socioeconomic inequalities. This compromises the ecosystem's ability to provide its ecosystem services, affecting environmental health and, consequently, human health. Located in the Southern Amazon, in the arc of deforestation, the municipality of Juína is known as a hub in the Northwest planning region of the state of Mato Grosso (MT).  In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the temporal evolution of changes in the use and coverage of land in Juína, and to evaluate the impacts on the health and quality of life of populations residing in the municipality. The results are structured into three manuscripts. The first article is a scientometric mapping of national and international scientific studies that address the influence of vegetation on human health, relating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with health outcomes. The second manuscript aimed to carry out a temporal analysis (1985 – 2021) of land use and coverage in the municipality of Juína – MT, and the assessment of impacts on water ecosystem services and climate, and their impacts on health and quality of life of the resident populations. Finally, the third manuscript used a participatory qualitative approach to explore the health and environmental trajectories of the municipality of Juína from the perspective of health professionals, with the aim of evaluating the influence of changes in land use and cover on human health. , as well as the perception of social actors about these changes. The results demonstrated that since its occupation process, the municipality of Juína has been altered by strong economic pressures, which resulted in forest loss of 16%, while all anthropic uses showed a significant increasing trend, with emphasis on pasture areas. , which occupy 15% of the total area of the municipality. Changes were observed in the ecosystem services of water provision and regulation and in the climate. These changes impact socio-ecological systems, with impacts on human health and quality of life. The evidence presented here reinforces the need to implement public policies that integrate ecosystem health and human health, aiming to protect biodiversity, strengthen ecosystem services and promote the well-being of populations.


    Mercúrio em Pisciculturas: Impactos e Respostas Comportamentais

  • Data: 18/10/2024

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  • Mercury contamination in fish farms is concerning due to its toxicity and the risks it poses to human health and ecosystems. Mercury accumulates in water, organisms, and sediments, causing metabolic blockages, reproductive alterations, and reduced fish populations. Given the severity of these impacts, it is essential to investigate the distribution of this metal to understand the risks and guide sustainable fish farming practices. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence and effects of mercury in fish farms, both from an international and regional perspective, and to analyze the behavioral responses of fish exposed to different levels of mercury contamination. Initially, a systematic review and meta-analysis of mercury concentrations in farmed fish worldwide were conducted by searching the ScienceDirect, SciElo, LILACS, PubMed, and Scopus databases. Of 398 articles found, 22 were accepted for data extraction. Additionally, mercury concentrations were analyzed in 12 fish farms in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Samples of sediments, soil, and vegetation were collected from the fish farming tanks and adjacent areas (approximately 15 meters from the tanks). Muscle, brain, liver, and fin tissues were also collected from the fish. An in vivo behavioral experiment was conducted to evaluate the responses of fish exposed to different mercury concentrations in controlled environments, using multi-compartment linear and random choice systems, with three control compartments, three compartments with a low concentration of 0.5 mg/kg (the maximum limit accepted by ANVISA's RDC Resolution No. 42/2013), three compartments with a medium concentration of 2.5 mg/kg (5 times higher than ANVISA's established limit), and three compartments with a high concentration of 5 mg/kg (10 times higher than the ANVISA limit). The results showed regional differences in mercury contamination in farmed fish. The African continent stood out with high concentrations, especially associated with illegal fish farming practices. The fish Hoplias lacerdae, Oreochromis niloticus, and Pseudoplatystoma corruscans had the highest mercury concentrations (1300±0 µg/kg, 912.72±1595.17 µg/kg, and 630±0 µg/kg, respectively), suggesting a strong influence of dietary habits and local environmental conditions. Mercury concentrations in fish farms in the State of Mato Grosso were below the limits set by Brazilian legislation, but we emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring due to the persistent toxicity of mercury and its potential long-term impact on human and environmental health.In the behavioral analysis experiment, fish showed a preference for compartments with lower mercury concentrations (control and ANVISA-determined concentration). This avoidance behavior suggests the ability of fish to detect and avoid more contaminated areas, which has important implications for understanding the ecological impacts of mercury contamination and for managing fish farms. Implementing effective monitoring and regulatory measures is important to mitigate the risks associated with mercury contamination and to ensure food safety and environmental preservation.


  • Data: 31/10/2024

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  • The state of Mato Grosso encompasses the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pantanal biomes, presenting a vast diversity of fish, reptile, and mammal species. However, in recent decades, biological diversity has been eroded by the intensification of anthropogenic activities that have increased since the 1980s with the expansion of agricultural frontiers promoting deforestation, especially in the upper course of the Paraguay River. Changes in land use and cover are among the forces driving habitat transformation, reduction, and loss. Ecological connectivity and environmental changes affect the quality of food resources and habitats for fish, lizards, and mammals. The anthropized environment causes species displacement, altering ecological dynamics, trophic relationships, and energy flows in ecosystems, besides directly influencing diet and mercury bioaccumulation. To understand long-term diets, we used isotopic analyses that reveal trophic position, habitat preferences, and mercury bioaccumulation patterns. It is crucial to comprehend how habitat modification and fragmentation influence mercury flow in ecosystems because landscape alterations lead to changes in diets, bioaccumulation, and mercury detoxification. The distribution and accumulation of mercury impact wildlife diversity, which faces an environment of climate change and new land uses and cover. To investigate these changes and their impacts, we utilized satellite image analyses and measurements of total mercury content and stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). Stable isotopes, including δ13C and δ15N, are fundamental for understanding ecological dynamics, trophic relationships, and variations in feeding patterns, offering valuable insights into the ecological niches of organisms. Understanding how mercury is absorbed and distributed through food chains is essential to interpret the impacts of anthropization and the mobilization of total mercury (THg), which presents an accumulation pattern from upstream to downstream in the upper course of the Paraguay River, with greater bioaccumulation at the Taiamã Ecological Station. These markers offer an integrated view of land use and cover, habitat foraging patterns, and bioaccumulation, enabling the tracking of mercury sources in the environment.


  • Orientador : CLAUMIR CESAR MUNIZ
  • Data: 14/02/2023

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  • Professional artisanal fishing is an activity with notable economic importance for coastal and riverside communities, due to the fact that it is the main source of employment and income for these communities. In this type of fishing, there is a subcategory called "isqueiros", which are fishermen who specialize in catching live bait, with the purpose of being used to capture fish of higher economic value. In this sense, it aimed to: Identify the dynamics of the collection and use of live bait in the North Pantanal, identifying its social, economic and environmental aspects; Report the particularities of the activity of collecting live bait, through periods of experience in the camps of these actors; and to verify the use of termites as baits for to capture of live baits in the North Pantanal. For this, a survey was carried out with the bait catchers of the North Pantanal, using the snowball sampling methodology, application of semi-structured questionnaires and of living in the camps. In all, 16 catchers were interviewed – 15 men and one woman, all residents of Cáceres-MT. The baits most collected by these fishermen are the tuviras and camboatás, which are sold in the region of the municipality in the fishing tourism sector. For its capture, the jequi and canvas are used as fishing instruments. In addition, it was found that the bait catchers perform their activities minimally in pairs, due to the dangers arising from this activity. Still, it was verified that the capture of live baits by such traps is done by the use of termite species and arboreal termites, which are collected along the river. The collection of these termites has even caused conflicts related to areas of use in the Pantanal region. Finally, there is a high demand for the activity of collecting bait in the region, in which activity has been growing in recent years, mainly due to the increase in demand by the tourist sector. Furthermore, due to the preference for tuvira as live bait, this points to a potential environmental imbalance, which in the medium term may compromise the economic activity in question.

  • Josiane Santos Batista Carioca de Paula

  • Data: 22/03/2023

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  • The study of greenhouse gases, in particular CO2, in inland waters has been fundamental to sum up the contribution of these environments in the global carbon balance. In this regard, urban waters composed of rivers or streams have served as potential points of emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, this work aimed to analyze the impact of urban streams on CO2 emission by diffusive flow at the water-atmosphere interface. In the first chapter, research was carried out in four urban streams/channels, which flow into one of the main rivers of the Pantanal (Paraguay River). For this, we used a floating chamber on aquatic macrophytes and in an open water, considering the flow (emission and/or absorption of CO2). The collections were carried out in the wet season (February) and dry season (September) in the Pantanal. During the rainy season, the streams had between 5 and 40% of vegetation cover, while in the dry season it was 80 to 100%. The rainy season presented an emission about twice as high as in the dry season (5,180.64 ± 8,196.20 mg m-2 day-1 and 2,654.92 ± 7,190.64 mg m-2 day-1, respectively). Only in one of the analyzed streams, it was not possible to find absorption of CO2 by macrophytes, while the other three showed absorption by these plants. In the second chapter, the temporal dynamics of CO2 emission by diffusion flow at the water-atmosphere interface in an urban stream in the municipality of Cáceres, MT, Brazil, was studied, considering emissions in the open bed and on aquatic macrophytes over a period of time. 24-hour cycle, for nine months (October 2021 to June 2022). The chamber was used in open water and on macrophytes of the genus Pontederia sp. It was observed that the macrophytes showed absorption and/or emission of CO2, while the open bed showed only CO2 emission throughout the 24-hour cycle. The CO2 flux variation can change, depending on the observed time or the period of the year. The times of 9:00 am and 12:00 pm showed the highest peaks of CO2 absorption by macrophytes and the times of 6:00 pm and midnight showed the highest peaks of CO2 emission. Streams and/or urban channels are extremely neglected environments. We suggest that public policies are objective and practical for the resumption of these environments as important spaces for society, as well as for the reduction of the impacts of these environments in the contribution of greenhouse gases.

  • Thaysa Costa Hurtado

  • Data: 28/03/2023

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  • Mercury is considered a global pollutant and is among the top three substances that pose an environmental health hazard. Of natural and anthropogenic origin, it has several physical and chemical forms that facilitate its distribution, biological enrichment and toxicity, having the capacity to remain for several years in contaminated soil and water. In aquatic environments, mercury undergoes methylation, acquiring its organic form, methylmercury, with potential binding capacity to proteins of biological membranes of aquatic organisms. It has the potential to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the trophic chain, reaching waterfowl, top predators of this food chain. Worldwide research using this bird guild has been studying the dynamics and effects of this metal on environmental health. Studies indicate that the concentration of mercury can be increased in areas where there are water level fluctuations and vegetated habitats that experience wet and dry cycles during the year, thus, areas such as the Upper Paraguay Basin and the Amazon Basin, which have these characteristics, are predisposed to be mercury exposure hotspots. This work evaluated for the first time the bioaccumulation pattern of total mercury and methylmercury in primary and secondary wing feathers of the species Megaceryle torquata and Chloroceryle amazon, in the Upper Paraguay Basin and Amazon Basin. Considering that environmental contamination may be associated with the decline of birds, this dissertation also presents a review study on birds as bioindicators of environmental contamination.

  • Camila Rezende Ayroza

  • Data: 30/03/2023

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  • Habitat loss and fragmentation are one of major threats of biodiversity leading both to the local extinction of species once well adapted to the original landscape and to the increase or even colonization of the habitat by other species, generally generalists. The fragmentation of natural habitats has led to the formation of landscapes that are increasingly incapable of maintaining the biodiversity of ecosystems, since the size of the fragments has decreased and the degree of isolation between them has increased, as well as the matrix permeability changes to the flow of organisms between fragments that will have significant effects on the community structure.
    Given the urgency for a rational occupation of the landscape towards the environmental conservation and consequent maintenance of the quality of life, a more precise knowledge about habitat fragmentation and the urbanization background matrix is necessary .
    Currently, the ISC is in the process of natural forest regeneration, showing recovery of 68.27% of the native vegetation -Atlantic Forest- in a secondary successional stage. Despite the importance of this process, it is known that their depleted habitats may have lost many important faunal elements for the maintenance of ecological interactions. However, the fraying of the urban fabric on the legally protected areas (PAs) of this territory is continuously observed. This contemporary process of production of urban space, allowed through legal instruments, has been causing a strong deterioration in the quality of life as a result of the degradation of the original habitats that are now inserted in this anthropized environment, and compromising ecological integrity.

  • Frankielle Alline Pereira Correa


  • Data: 31/03/2023

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  • The dissertation aims to analyze the actions of the Public Ministry of the State of Mato Grosso in the process of implementing the Selective Collection with the socio-productive inclusion of Collectors of Recyclable Materials in view of the requirements of the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS). The research problem is: how does the action of the Environmental Civil Justice Prosecutors of the Public Ministry of the State of Mato Grosso (MPMT) take place in the process of implementing the selective collection operated by Collectors of recyclable materials? This is a research with a qualitative, descriptive approach, data collection through bibliographical and documental review, field research with in-depth interview; and content analysis technique. The subjects of the research were the Recyclable Material Collectors from the Cáceres Association of Recyclable Material Collectors (ASCARC) and Tangará da Serra Recyclable Material Production Cooperative (COOPERTAN); Public Managers of the Água do Pantanal de Cáceres Municipality and the Municipal Autonomous Water and Sewage Service of Tangará da Serra; member of the 2nd Public Prosecutor's Office of the District of Cáceres and 1st Public Prosecutor's Office of the District of Tangará da Serra of the Public Ministry of Mato Grosso (MPMT). The work is organized into three manuscripts. The first examined in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) which were the studies that focused on the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) and Collectors, through a bibliographical review and diagnoses of textual fragments, using the IRAMUTEQ software. Manuscript two had the purpose of preparing a diagnosis to identify and analyze the socioeconomic and environmental profile of collectors of recyclable materials (individuals), research subjects and associations and cooperatives (legal entity). The purpose of the third manuscript was to analyze the actions of the Environmental Civil Justice Prosecutors in the implementation of selective collection carried out by Associations/Cooperatives of Collectors of recyclable materials in Cáceres and Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, which operate contracts with the local government for the provision of these environmental services. In the manuscripts it was verified the importance of the MPMT acting not only in the promotion, in the inspection, but in the mediation and guidance of the construction of a culture of solidarity and cooperation of a network of actors that act for the implementation and consolidation of the PNRS in the municipalities of the State of Mato Grosso, making it possible to establish parameters between successful cases and those that demonstrated difficulties in some implementation process so that efforts can be directed towards improving this incipient indicator. For these limitations, the study pointed out that it is important to have the experience and expertise of Social Technology Incubators that work in an interdisciplinary way to reduce the social vulnerability of these workers.

  • Luis Felipe Magalhães de Menezes

  • Data: 31/03/2023

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  • The Cerrado has a high diversity of vegetation types, consisting of different compositions and structures of the arboreal layer and this becomes even more complex in adjacent areas of other biomes such as the Amazon and the Pantanal. The Serra das Araras Ecological Station (EESA) is located in the Cerrado, 20 km from the geographical limit of the Amazon and 25 km from the Pantanal. In order to analyze the components of composition, structure and dynamics of the tree layer and the frequency and intensity of lianas in different types of vegetation in the five-year period at EESA, field surveys were carried out in three permanent plots of one hectare (100x100m ) in the years 2016 and 2021. These permanent plots are part of the projects linked to the PELD (PELD III and IV), with data available on ForestPlots.net and are coded as ESA-01, ESA-04 and ESA-08, allocated in areas defined by the EESA Management Plan as cerradão, cerrado stricto sensu and wooded cerrado, respectively. Census data for 2016 were provided by ForestPlot.net and for the 2021 census a survey was carried out in October 2021 following the RAINFOR methodology. It was adopted as an inclusion criterion for tree individuals from ESA-01 with DAS ≥ 10 cm (diameter at 1.30 m from the ground) in the 2016 measurement and ESA-04 and ESA-08 with DAS ≥ 5 cm. This level of inclusion of specimens was also adopted for measurements from 2021 onwards in ESA-01. Diameter and height measurements were taken using a ZIMMER standardized diametric tape (5m) and a STANLEY TLM 165 laser measuring tape (50m), respectively. All plots are georeferenced. In the analysis of the results, the sampling effort curve, richness, ecological groups and Shannon-Weaver Diversity (H'), Simpson (D) and Pielou Equability indexes were considered for the composition. For the structure, Basal Area (AB), Relative Density (DR), Relative Dominance (DoR), Relative Frequency (FR), Coverage Value (CV) and Importance Value (VI) were analyzed. For the analysis of the dynamics, the descriptors adopted were: Average annual mortality rate (M) and recruitment (R), Half-life time (T1/2), duplication (T2) and replacement (Rep) and Gain rate in basal area (G) and loss in basal area (P). To analyze the intensity of lianas, a survey was carried out visually, categorizing 0 (no presence), 1 (lianas occupy up to 25% of the canopy), 2 (up to 50% of the canopy), 3 (up to 75% of the canopy) and 4 (100% of the canopy), following the RAINFOR methodology. The results produced for ESA-01 point to the gain of new tree individuals and biomass and that the forest is in a regeneration stage. The results regarding the ecological group show us that Pioneira had less expressive gain in abundance, being 11% of its previous population (26) when compared to Secondary Initial and Secondary Late with gains of 34 and 37% equivalent to the gain of 67 and 25 individuals from its previous population. In terms of richness, pioneers had 19 species in 2016 and 22 species in 2021, SI had 27 and later 31, while ST had 20 and later 24 species. This is also verified by comparing the analyzes of the 2016 and 2021 censuses regarding: reduction of the VI of the pioneer species Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng from 80.95 to 70,47 and the expressive increase of VI in other arboreal individuals such as the initial secondary species Cupania castaneafolia Mart. from 7.19 to 12,72. As for VI, Pioneers had 47,01% of the total and decreased to 42,68%, SI added up to 31,41% and increased to 32,87% of the total and Late Secondary added up to 13,86% and increased to 16,53% of the VI total when compared between 2016 and 2021. The increase in richness from 86 to 97 species, the total abundance from 523 to 615, the higher recruitment rate (4,01 %.) of the that of mortality (1,14 %.) and IPA (2,32 Mg.) indicate that this forest is in a process of increasing its individuals and biomass. The intensity of lianas in ESA-01 was less expressive in 2021 than in 2016. For the analyzes of ESA-04 and ESA-08, the same procedures were adopted and the same descriptors used in ESA-01 were used, but with the objective to carry out a comparison between the two plots, since they are phytophysiognomies of savanna formation with different characteristics and how the load of lianas has been shown in relation to these phytophysiognomies in this arboreal formation. The analyzes of plots ESA-04 and ESA-08 are in production, with the expected results showing that there are differences between the composition, structure and dynamics of the arboreal platform in these areas, combined with the advancement of species characteristic of the Amazon and the influence of lianas in these different vegetations.



  • Data: 20/04/2023

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  • Data: 04/05/2023

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  • Intestinal parasites from the helminth and protozoan groups are considered a seriouspublic health problem in the world, especially in developing countries thathave precarious sanitary conditions. In Brazil, diseases caused byEnteroparasitic diseases are considered endemic and present in all regions,mainly in rural areas and peripheral urban centers that presentprecariousness in basic sanitation. Blastocystis sp is a unicellular protozoan morefrequent findings in analyzes of fecal samples from humans and animals throughout the world.world, its transmission mechanism is considered to be the fecal-oral route, its majorfrequency in humans is associated with key factors such as hygiene and sanitationbasics, drinking water among others in different vulnerable populations. the communitiesquilombolas are populations that present social vulnerabilities, mainly in thewith regard to basic sanitation, which contributes to the emergence of severaldiseases including intestinal parasites. The objective of this work was to analyze theprevalence of intestinal parasites and associated risk factors in residentsquilombolas do Chumbo, Poconé-MT/Brazil. A descriptive study was carried out with 114people. The analyzes of the fecal samples were used the Hoffman technique. To thedescriptive analysis was performed absolute frequency and percentage for variablescategorical and measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables, wasPrevalence calculation was performed. In the analysis of proportion, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were used. For association analysis, abinary logistic regression test and multicollinearity test. The prevalence ofenteroparasites was 75%, with the species with the highest prevalence being Blastocystis sp.Regarding the helminths Strongyloides stercorales represented 100% of those infected.To analyze the association, risk factors were observed, who has a petpet at home (OR: 4.958; CI: 1.100-22.351; p=0.037), washing hands sometimes beforecooking (OR; 5.939; CI: 0.941-37.46; p=0.05) and the largest number of roomsper household (OR: 1.667; CI: 1.058-2.627; p=0.02), were more likely to haveintestinal parasites. Protective factors, consuming mineral water (OR 0.084; CI: 0.019 –0.366; p<0.001) and the smaller the number of residents per household presents a chance. smaller in having parasites (OR: 0.641; CI: 0.433-0.950; p=0.027).showed a high prevalence of intestinal parasites, with Blastocystis being the most frequent.Emphasizes the need for investment in basic sanitation and healthy habits ofhygiene against enteroparasitic infections.

  • Érica Oliveira de Lima
  • “Diversidade taxonômica e funcional de zooplâncton nos ecossistemas do pantanal: Análise ecológica de longa duração e capacidade de resistência de ovos a dessecação”

  • Data: 09/05/2023

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  • The synchronicity between biodiversity and the hydrological processes of aquatic ecosystems is one of the hot topics, due to climate change and desiccation, with zooplankton being key organisms in the interpretation of these variations. We investigated the taxonomic and functional composition of zooplankton and possible community regulation factors in a tropical floodplain. The points were sampled between the years 2018 and 2021. Zooplankton and limnological variables were collected. Functional diversity, RaoQ, CWM-RDA and RLQ at the R interface were calculated. The most representative taxonomic group was rotifers. The highest richness in the dry season and ebb (environmental heterogeneity) and the lowest in the flood (environmental homogeneity). The limnological variables explain the distribution of functional traits, and in the flood period it has less richness and more specific functional composition, in addition to having higher concentrations of chlorophyll-α, being related to lower turbidity. The concentration of chlorophyll-α is negatively related to littoral species and positively to pelagic species. The biggest contributions were from filter feeders and scrapers, and yet most organisms have low escape capacity. Therefore, we conclude that environmental heterogeneity, as well as hydrological dynamics, are fundamental for the taxonomic and functional composition of the zooplankton community, and are still indispensable for several ecosystem services.

  • Ana Caroline Amorim de Oliveira

  • Data: 14/06/2023

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  • The Pantanal is one of the largest wetlands in the world, characterized by a rich diversity of fauna and flora and a pedodiversity resulting from hydromorphic pedogenetic processes, directly influenced by the cycle of seasonal flooding and poor drainage. In this context, soil fertility in the region is affected by the contribution of sediments brought by water, litter deposition, and forest fires, among other factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil fertility in floodplains in the Pantanal Norte Matogrossense. For this, six islands located in the ecological corridor of the Paraguay River in areas of PELD site, from Cáceres to the vicinity of the Taiamã Ecological Station, were selected between October and November 2021. Composite soil samples were collected from five points on each island of a demarcated area of 1 hectare, at depths of 0-20 and 20-40 cm using a Dutch auger. After drying and sifting through a 2 mm mesh, granulometric analysis, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, pHH2O, potential acidity (H+Al) and organic carbon (CO) were performed following routine methodologies for soil fertility assessment Base saturation and Al3+ percentages were calculated from the analytical results. According to statistical analyses, no significant differences were found for the variables pHH2O, potential acidity, potassium, phosphorus, base saturation, magnesium, calcium and potassium and organic carbon (CO), except for the fact that CO presented lower levels in the depth of 20-40cm. The pHH2O showed values ranging from 5.0 to 5.3, a value considered as average acidity. The soils of the islands showed different classes of textures, including clayey-silty loam, clayey loam and clay. In general, these soils showed good fertility, as indicated by the grades analyzed. Despite being acidic, from an agronomic point of view, there seems to be no significant negative impact on the local vegetation, indicating that it is adapted to these conditions.


  • Data: 27/06/2023

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  • Fish farming is the sector mainly considered one of the fastest growing in the world, because of the growing demand for animal protein and contribution to food. However, there are some challenges such as the ecological ones to temperature and water of fish farms, mainly the reduction of the increased demand of oxygen biochemistry. The objective of this work was to diagnose the development of fish farming in the state of Mato Grosso in terms of the production and acquisition of fish in captivity between 2013 and 2019. Obtain from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and Instituto de Defesa Agropecuária de Mato Grosso (INDEA/MT). Fish farming in Brazil generated more than 3 billion reais, with Mato Grosso being the second largest contributor of this amount with 13%. In 2019, 2147 projects were registered, distributed in 137 of the 141 municipalities in the state. The added value ranged from 15 to 30% of the total amount collected from animal production between 2013 and 2019. Fish farming is developed in intensive (31.8%), super intensive (29.1%), semi-intensive systems. in-in (23.3%) and extensive (15.8%), with 17 species of fish, in which tambacu/tambatinga are the main ones; and water sources are 44.5% lotic environments and 23.2% lentic environments. The discharge of effluents occurs in the stream (54.4%), river (20.3%) and floodplain (26.3%). Due to the high potential of fish farming, it is expected that the activity will continue to develop in terms of supplying the domestic market and the vision of international trade, as well as an additional income alternative for the population, their standard of living.



  • Data: 28/09/2023

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  • The modernization of industrial processes has brought numerous contributions to the way in which production takes place (processes and quantities), as well as the way in which people consume. If, on the one hand, it optimizes production methods, reaching more and more markets, on the other hand, it increases the amount of discarded material, that is, waste, mainly solid. That said, methods that could contribute to better disposal and care of this waste were developed, including selective collection. It can be said that selective collection is a very important tool for materials to be assigned to suitable spaces and undergo appropriate recycling processes. It is imperative to point out that the professionals who work directly in the collection process, the collectors, are of fundamental importance for the activities to be carried out properly. In view of the above, the present research has the general objective of analyzing the integrated management of solid waste that involves selective collection operated by collectors of recyclable materials within the scope of the Intermunicipal Consortium for Economic, Social, Environmental and Tourist Development of the Nascentes do Pantanal Complex ( CIDESATCNP). To achieve the proposed objective, the research was divided into four articles. The first article carried out bibliometrics to understand how the construct of selective collection has been treated in academic production. The results show that scientific production presents discussions related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presented in the UN 2030 Agenda, with emphasis on SDG 3 (good health and well-being), 10 (reduction of inequalities), 11 (cities and sustainable communities) and 12 (responsible consumption and production). In the second article, an attempt was made to present an overview of the Consortium's performance. The results showed that there is a need for improvement in terms of environmental education processes, especially in the implementation of critical environmental education, accompanied by the implementation of incubation processes and better development of social technology in the consortium members. Articles 3 and 4 are still under construction, and it is not possible to present any previous results.

  • Alta Floresta: meio ambiente, legislação e políticas públicas: a trajetória de uma cidade amazônica.

  • Orientador : AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
  • Data: 16/11/2023

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  • The study carried out between the years 2022 and 2023 has as its theme the relationship between the urbanization process of the municipality of Alta Floresta and the environmental issue. Located in the northern Amazon of Mato Grosso, its emergence took place in the 1970s, through programs and incentives from the federal government based on the discourse of national integration and occupation of the Amazon. The model encouraged by the State and moved by capital constituted a series of consequences, problems and socio-environmental challenges for the territory, both in the rural and urban aspects, and involves the constituted powers (executive, legislative and judiciary). In this sense, the research aimed to identify the main economic activities that determine the evolution of the municipality/city, as well as the way in which the legislative and political-administrative organization regarding the environmental issue historically occurred, as well as to identify how they are worked in the current municipal administration. Theoretically, the analysis finds support in studies that discuss the contemporary occupation of the Amazon, its urbanization and socio-environmental precariousness. It still has studies on the influence of capital on its various agents in the forms of urbanization configuration, and the discontinuity and/or inefficiency of public policies (rules, monitoring and control), as well as the performance of public administration and the right to city. Methodologically, the study has a qualitative approach and was carried out based on the content analysis of laws, budgetary documents and administrative documents. Subsequently, in 2022, semi-structured interviews were conducted with all councilors in office (Mandate 2021-2024) in order to analyze their perception of socio-environmental problems and the actions of the Legislative and Executive in relation to them. As a result, it is observed that the municipality of Alta Floresta, populated from a private project by Colonizadora INDECO, had a process of formation / configuration similar to that of many other Amazonian municipalities, with similar predominant economic activities, having started with extractivism ( exploitation of wood and gold) opening of areas for extensive livestock, family farming, establishment of businesses, hydroelectric plants and more recently the so-called large-scale grain production agribusiness. It is noted that even with a vast legislation accumulated in the analyzed period, there is discontinuity between laws, there is outdatedness, and a fragile structure of the legal repertoire that governs the municipality in its process of appropriation of urban land is manifested. There are still inconsistencies in the administrative structure and insufficient budget application in the environmental and urbanization areas – the main areas that are related to environmental problems; Finally, it denotes the unsatisfactory performance of the municipal legislature and, sometimes, the lack of knowledge and inefficiency in relation to the resolution of recurrent issues such as the management of water resources, solid waste management, use and occupation of the soil, maintenance of green areas , access to services and infrastructure, among other issues identified in the growing urban space.

  • Eriberto Oliveira Muller
  • Sistema Agroflorestal como ferramenta para a Conservação Ambiental na Floresta Amazônica Mato-grossense, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil,

  • Data: 17/11/2023

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  • The Amazon Rainforest is of fundamental importance to life on Earth, as it is home to the world's greatest biodiversity and has an influence on hydrological cycles and climate on a global scale. In Brazil, the Amazon Forest occupies 59% of the national territory, covering seven states in the Northern Region (Amazonas, Pará, Amapá, Roraima, Rondônia, Acre and Tocantins) and part of two states, one in the Center-West region (Mato Grosso) and the other in the Northeast region (Maranhão), considered as a whole, the Legal Amazon. The process of occupying the Amazon Rainforest has been accentuated since the 1970s, and its appropriation is based on agricultural production, mainly of commodities, which has increased the rate of deforestation in this biome and consequently affected the rainfall regime, soil quality, biodiversity and people's life strategies. Mato Grosso originally had its territorial extension (903,208 km2) covered by the Amazon Rainforest (53.6%), the Cerrado (39.6%) and the Pantanal (6.79%), which have been suffering from deforestation for conversion into agricultural systems. These farming systems are in large-scale areas, while small properties have their economy based on family farming. These systems adopt conventional forms of land use, which have caused alterations and even degradation. The Agroforestry System has (re)emerged as a strategy for combining agricultural production and environmental conservation, which has brought good results for environmental restoration and sustainable production, especially for family farming. The aim of this research was to study two agroforestry systems in Alta Floresta/MT, one aimed at restoring a Permanent Preservation Area and producing food, and the other at sustaining native sacred plants and those used for ritualistic purposes in the Amazon rainforest. The research was based on an inventory of the plant species present in the two systems, which had uses for consumption and environmental benefits. The dissertation is structured in a general introduction and two chapters, containing an introduction, materials and methods and results, and final considerations. The first chapter looked at the use of Agroforestry Systems as a tool for restoring Permanent Preservation Areas on family farms. The second chapter investigated an agroforestry system to guarantee environmental conditions for the maintenance of the Mariri liana (Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V. Morton) for ritualistic use at the Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal.



  • Orientador : CARLA GALBIATI
  • Data: 12/12/2023

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  • Propolis is a natural product, produced by bees, in its chemical composition there are compounds such as phenolics and flavonoids, which explain the biological antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. The general objective of the dissertation was to analyze propolis from Mato Grosso in terms of physicochemical characterization, and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities for inclusion in the Brazilian classification. The dissertation was divided into three articles to respond to the general objective. Propolis samples were collected in the municipalities of Cáceres, Comodoro, Conquista d'Oeste, Reserva do Cabaçal, Colíder, and Nova Santa Helena. The antimicrobial activity of propolis ethanolic extracts was evaluated using the broth microdilution method, at concentrations from 8000 to 1.95 ug/mL, expressed by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The physical-chemical characterization analyzed wax % (m/m), mechanical mass % (m/m), moisture % (m/m), ash % (m/m), oxidation index (seconds), quantification of total phenolics % (m/m) and total flavonoids % (m/m) and color. Antioxidant activity was analyzed by DHPP, FRAP, and ON methods. Data analysis was descriptive, expressed as mean and standard deviation. The physical-chemical characterization result showed that four propolis samples were not suitable for human consumption and three samples did not show antimicrobial activity. The propolis extracts from Mato Grosso have red, green, brown, and black colors, in addition, they have total phenolic and flavonoid contents, especially the olive green propolis from Reserva do Cabaçal. Antifungal activity was identified in propolis 1 with MIC at a concentration of 1000 ug/mL on Candida albicans, which had Borreria densifora as isolated pollen, distinct from the other samples. The other seven propolis samples did not show antifungal activity. Seven propolis samples from Mato Grosso were classified into 5 groups of Brazilian propolis, due to the similarity and biological activities presented, thus expanding the geographic origin of Brazilian propolis. Depending on the apiary location, red and green propolis from Mato Grosso have antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, and therefore can be included in the Brazilian propolis classification.



  • Data: 13/02/2023

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  • Due to the extensive areas with native forests, Brazil is a country that stands out in timber production, thus generating income and employment. However, transforming forest into wood requires a series of processes that range from exploration and transport to industrial processing and distribution. In the processing phase, the wood industries face some problems, in which the difficulty of storing logs received from the forest and the generation of waste and its reuse or recycling stand out. However, most entrepreneurs know a technique popularly called "log burial" which consists of burying the logs under sawdust (wood waste), storing and preserving them for a long period, however the use of the technique is not allowed by Organs competent bodies. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to scientifically verify the efficiency of the "log burial" technique and for this the work was divided into three chapters, as follows: Chapter I - Stakeholder analysis of the timber forest sector in northwestern Mato Grosso: an insight into industrial solid waste; Chapter II – Use of industrial sawmill waste as a preservative for native wood logs from the Amazon forest; Chapter III – Characterization of the environment provided by the sawdust: Microclimate and soil.



  • Orientador : CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
  • Data: 09/03/2023

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  • The present study addresses the process of territorial occupation, land use and the environmental fragility of the municipalities of Sinop and Terra Nova do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The choice of these two municipalities was due to the peculiarities that involved the implementation of their colonization projects. The two municipalities come from the occupation policies implemented by the federal government in the 1970s, through the occupation policies of the federal government and also of the private sector. Over the years, both municipalities have undergone intense processes of landscape transformation, especially with regard to the physical environment. The municipality of Sinop with the development of agriculture and Terra Nova do Norte with livestock. The objective of the study was to analyze the social, economic and environmental transformations in the municipality of Sinop and Terra Nova do Norte/MT, identifying the environmental weaknesses. This study is structured in four chapters. The first refers to the environmental characterization (geology, relief, climate, soil and hydrography) carried out by means of a survey of environmental aspects, through information obtained in the RADAMBRASIL project report, and in the following databases: SEPLAN (Secretariat of State of Planning), INMET (National Institute of Meteorology) CPRM (Geological Service of Brazil) IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), ANA (National Water Agency) and EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), as well as fieldwork . Data processing was performed through the geographic information system, ArcGis 10.6 software for making the maps. The study made it possible to understand the physical elements that constitute the two municipalities studied and how they interrelate and influence the use/occupation process in each municipality. The second chapter deals with the analysis of the social, economic and environmental transformations that took place in the two municipalities, through a survey of the occupation process, land use and socioeconomic indicators. The procedures used were: survey of the historical process of occupation of the municipalities, in the literature and on websites of official bodies (SEPLAG/State Secretariat for Planning and Management, SEPLAN/State Secretariat for Planning), elaboration of the map of use and coverage of the land through the Geographic Information System, ArcGis 10.6 software and analysis of socioeconomic indicators, which were carried out through the collection of information in the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), SEPLAN (Secretariat of State for Planning), SEPLAG (State Secretariat for Planning and Management), UNDP (United Nations Development Program), CAGED (General Register of Employed and Unemployed), DATASUS (Information Department of the Unified Health System) and SEBRAE (Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises). The study showed that the occupation of the surveyed municipalities followed the occupation dynamics adopted by the Federal Government from 1970 onwards, responding to governmental and private interests. The third chapter aimed to identify and map the environmental weaknesses present in the two municipalities, based on the methodological proposal by Ross (1994), developed to study both environments in natural conditions (potential fragility) and anthropized environments (emerging fragility). The methodological procedures used were: bibliographic research, field work and creation of the database through the institutions CPRM (Company for Research on Mineral Resources), IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) , ANA (National Water Agency) and MAPBIOMAS. This database allowed the survey and analysis of geoenvironmental conditions (geology, geomorphology, soils, drainage, precipitation and land use and cover). In this way, maps of soil, relief, precipitation and land use and cover were generated, through the Geographic Information System, ArcGis 10.6 software, which were confronted to carry out the mapping of potential and emerging environmental fragility. The mapping evidenced the natural conditions and the imbalances of the physical environment caused by the anthropic interventions in the two cities studied. The fourth chapter is under construction, and an analysis will be carried out to identify whether regional environmental elements are part of the curriculum of municipal public schools in both municipalities and how these are worked in the pedagogical practice in the classroom. The research was carried out in two schools, one in each municipality surveyed, with the following procedures: document analysis of the curriculum matrix of the Municipal Education Network and of the Pedagogical Political Project of the schools surveyed; interviews with teachers of the 5th year of Elementary School and application of a questionnaire to the students of the 5th year of Ensin

  • Dinâmicas ecológicas das macrófitas aquáticas em cinco macrohabitats do Sítio Ramsar Estação Ecológica de Taiamã, Pantanal, Reserva da Biosfera.

  • Data: 27/03/2023

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  • Ecological dynamics of aquatic macrophytes in five macrohabitats of the Ramsar Site Taiamã Ecological Station, Pantanal, Biosphere Reserve.



  • Data: 14/04/2023

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  • The fruit pulp industries generate tons of waste, such as peels, such as cupuaçu pulp, where the peel represents approximately 45% of the fruit's mass. In this activity, the proper disposal of waste is not always done, which can lead to environmental liabilities. Biochars of various origins are objects of study due to the fact that they can be used for different purposes. One of the most widespread uses is as a soil conditioner by promoting improvements in the physical-chemical attributes of soils. Studies proposing alternatives for the disposal of cupuaçu bark have been conducted, however, none on the effects of the application of its biochar in the soil. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate, in a pot test, the influence of cupuaçu husk biochar as a soil conditioner, comparing it to chemical fertilization in the lettuce crop. The biochar was obtained by pyrolysis at 500°C of cupuaçu bark, ground and sieved in a 2.00 mm sieve, and applied to a typical Orthic Quartzarenic Neosol, collected in the Amazon region. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized, consisting of eight doses of biochar, 0.05%; 0.10%; 0.15%; 0.20%; 0.35%; 0.50%; 0.75% and 1.00% (m m-1), and a control, with ten repetitions. Biochar doses were applied to the soil and the homogenized mixture was incubated for 60 days. For comparison purposes, a treatment with chemical fertilization was implemented, in five replications. Bioavailable levels of macro and micronutrients were performed in the biochar and in the incubated soil samples. After the incubation period, curly lettuce, cv. Valentina, was cultivated in pots for 60 days. The phytotechnical analyzes such as number of leaves (NF), leaf area (AF), plant height (AP), shoot fresh mass (MFPA), shoot dry mass (MSPA) and root dry mass (MSR) of the plants were determined. The average available levels of K and P were equal to 23,391 and 761 mg kg-1, respectively. The application of 1% of biochar increased the levels of K in the soil from 0.08 to 1.0 cmolc dm-3. Results from NF, AF, MFPA, MSPA and MSR showed a positive Pearson (r) correlation in response to the biochar dose with the following values 0.736; 0.889; 0.911; 0.847 and 0.787, respectively (p < 0.01); the highest productivity was obtained with the dosage of 1%. In comparison to chemical fertilization, the Dunnett average test (α = 0.05) showed no significant difference in the AP and MSPA analysis for the 0.75% dosage and AP, MFPA, MSPA and MSR for 1%. The results show that the transformation of cupuaçu bark into biochar and its subsequent application to the soil contributes to the production of lettuce, with the potential to minimize the need for industrialized potassium fertilizers, and reduce the environmental impacts resulting from the inadequate disposal of waste from industrialization. of cupuaçu pulp.

  • EDUCAÇÃO, INTERDISCIPLINARIDADE E CIÊNCIAS AMBIENTAIS: uma análise de teses e dissertações brasileiras

  • Orientador : AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
  • Data: 02/05/2023

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  • The present research has the general objective of mapping and analyzing the research in EE and its respective trends produced in the graduate programs (PPG) in the area of environmental, interdisciplinary and environmental and agrarian sciences of CAPES. a state-of-the-art research. The first step is to identify the PPGs, which was done through the Sucupira platform, while searches for research reports were carried out in the Bank of Theses and Brazilian Dissertations in Environmental Education (BT&D/EA) of the EArte Project, by the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), by the CAPES Catalog of Theses and Dissertations and finally, a search was made on the websites of each program, in order to refine the searches. A total of 3,077 works were found, of which 93 searches were discarded because neither the complete work nor the abstract was found, resulting in 2,984 documents. After reading the abstracts, 171 works were also removed from the investigation because they were not research in EE, so the documentary corpus consisted of 2,813 researches, 2,387 in the area of Environmental Sciences/Environmental Sciences, 393 in the area of Environment and Agrarian/Interdisciplinary and finally 33 in the Interdisciplinary/Interdisciplinary area. In the three areas investigated there was a predominance of master's dissertations (academic and professional) in relation to doctoral theses, public institutions lead the production. In relation to the regions, in the Environmental Sciences/Environmental Sciences area, the Northeast leads the production, the Southeast region leads the production of the Environment and Agrarian/Interdisciplinary area and, finally, the Interdisciplinary/Interdisciplinary area has more works in the North region. There was a predominance in the three areas of the non-school educational context, whereas in the school context, many works did not specify the levels of education in which the research was carried out. Regarding the study themes, in the three areas the theme "Conceptions, Representations, Perceptions and Cognitive Processes of Learners in EA" showed more expressiveness in the researches, the relationship between gender and authorship remains the same in the three areas as well, with women in leadership. In relation to environmental themes, there was a diversification between the areas, in Environmental Sciences/Environmental Sciences the themes “water”, “waste, garbage and recycling” and “sustainability” were the most expressive in the works analyzed. In the Environment and Agrarian/Interdisciplinary area, the themes "sustainability", "agroecology and agroforestry" and "waste, garbage and recycling" were the most expressive. Finally, the Interdisciplinary/Interdisciplinary area presented "agroecology and agroforestry", "sustainability" and "environmental degradation and recovery" as the themes present in most of the researches. Regarding the time span, the oldest research in the area of Environmental Sciences/Environmental Sciences is dated from the year 1997, in the Interdisciplinary/Interdisciplinary area it is from 1994 and in the Environment and Agrarian/Interdisciplinary area it is 1999. With the exception of the Interdisciplinary/Interdisciplinary area, the other areas showed a linear growth in production and a drop from 2020, which can be explained by the Covid-19 pandemic. In general, it is possible to see an inequality in the subjects of studies and in the environmental subjects, as well as in the school educational context with a significant number without specifying the level of education (generic approach) evidencing a fragility in the researches.


  • Orientador : DIONEI JOSE DA SILVA
  • Data: 26/05/2023

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  • Amphibians stand out as the group of vertebrates with the highest level of threat and with the greatest deficit of conservation studies on a global scale. Brazil has the greatest diversity of amphibians in the world and is also the country with the greatest opportunities for discovering new amphibian species. This condition of Brazil is closely related, among other factors, to its large territorial extension. Among the regions with knowledge under construction on the diversity and conservation of amphibians, we have the Upper Paraguay Basin (BAP), where the largest wetland in the world, the Pantanal. Here, it was sought to assess the diversity and conservation of amphibians in northwest BAP, Mato Grosso, Brazil. To provide information on amphibian diversity and conservation in this region, the thesis was divided into four chapters. In chapter 1, entitled “Difference in altitude shapes amphibian diversity in riparian forests in the Brazilian Pantanal”, formatted for the journal Austral Ecology. The objective was to understand how the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of terrestrial anurans assemblages are structured in the northern region of the Pantanal and the surrounding plateau, Mato Grosso, Brazil. In chapter 2, entitled “Species of amphibians from where everything starts to flood, municipality of Cáceres, North Pantanal, Midwest of Brazil”, formatted for the magazine Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia. The objective was to inventory and compile information on species of amphibians that occur in the northern region of the Pantanal, in the limits of the municipality of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. In chapter 3, entitled “Amphibians from the northern region of the Alto Paraguai Basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil”, formatted for the North-Western Journal of Zoology, the objective was to present an overview of amphibian species richness for six municipalities in the northern region of BAP, Mato Grosso, Brazil. In chapter 4, under preparation, entitled “Passive acoustic monitoring for surveying anuran in the North Pantanal, Central-West Brazil”, this study aimed to evaluate the ability of passive acoustic monitoring to record anuran vocalization in the North Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The northwest of the BAP presented a richness of 67 species of amphibians, where no species was classified as endangered, 80% presented as least concern, 11% as deficient of data, and nine have not yet been evaluated according to the classification of the international union for the conservation of nature. We highlight the surrounding plateau as a source of amphibian diversity for the region and emphasize the need for conservation measures in these environments, as they are the portion historically most affected by socioeconomic demand and are crucial for maintaining the largest wetland in the world, the Pantanal.


  • Orientador : DIONEI JOSE DA SILVA
  • Data: 30/05/2023

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  • Bees are the main biotic pollinators of natural and artificial environments. The diversity of Brazilian native bees neglected as possible pollinators of agricultural crops is 88.4%. The processes of replacement of landscapes for urbanization and agricultural activities have promoted the reduction of resources necessary for the survival of bees, mainly the reduction of food sources and places for nesting. Agricultural systems in Brazil are monocultural, and these require the use of pesticides, which can cause a reduction in bee populations. Global climate change also affects the living conditions of bees. Among them, the effect of global warming can be highlighted, which has raised the temperature in some regions of Brazil to conditions above thermal comfort, and as an aggravating factor, some pesticides are associated with changes in the thermoregulation capacity of bees. Measures must be taken to reduce deforestation associated with environmental recovery, as well as the adoption of agricultural practices and an urban way of life that minimize environmental damage. In chapter 1, entitled “Bees and Agrochemicals: A risk scenario”, it evaluates the sales volume of pesticides in Brazil, the evolution of the commercialized quantity, as well as the release of new products over the years. Subsequently, based on this set of information, and through a bibliographic review, we sought to understand the dynamics of using these products and verify which of them are harmful to bees and/or which may be related to the reduction of these communities. In chapter 2, entitled “What is known about the bee fauna in Mato Grosso? The state with the largest agricultural production in Brazil”, we carried out a systematic bibliographical review of scientific articles published from 1945 to July 2020, dealing with the topic of current knowledge about the diversity of bees in the state of Mato Grosso. In chapter 3, entitled “Afforestation and populous swarms ensure thermoregulation inside the Apis mellifera nest”, the objective was to identify the ideal place inside the hive to measure the temperature, and to assess whether the internal temperature of the hive is affected by the size of the bee population, and also verify if in the southwest region of the State of Mato Grosso the management of keeping the hives under a wooded environment in the summer or in full sun in the winter guarantees the thermal homeostasis. In chapter 4, entitled “Pollinators visit the sunflower throughout flowering, increasing productivity and making the seeds uniform”, the objective was to verify the effect of biotic pollination in the culture of the sunflower cultivar SYN 039A, associated or not with organic fertilization and, furthermore, , determine in which flowering period and at what time of day there is a greater abundance of floral visitors.



  • Data: 27/07/2023

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  • The concept of ecosystem services entered the political agenda and began tobe released after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report in2003. This concept differentiates ecosystem services in support,provision, regulation and culture. The literature that deals with the concept of servicesecosystems has gained strength in the academic process, involving science andpolicy, to encourage the conservation of nature with the concern ofbiodiversity loss. The Amazon rainforest supports resourcesnatural resources essential for life, and their conservation is necessary for themaintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. areas ofLegal Reserve and Permanent Preservation Areas play a roleimportant in the preservation of biodiversity and are providers of servicessupport ecosystem services, such as maintaining the supply of potable water,supply of wood and habitat for the diversity of fauna and flora. However, thevegetation change in the Amazon rainforest causes irreversible loss ofecosystem services from fauna and flora biodiversity, changes climate andlocal atmospheric humidity, generates carbon loss and change in cycle flowhydrological. In this sense, worrying about the temporal situation of lossof vegetation and, consequently, the trade-offs of ecosystem services,This research aims to analyze the impacts of use and occupation ofland in the process of agricultural expansion on ecosystem services ofsupport provided by the vegetation of the Amazon Forest, in the period of 1990to 2020, in Sinop and Alta Floresta (MT). In the municipalities analyzed, there wasreduction of vegetation in all phytoecological categories: in Sinop,40.54% with an area of 165,771 hectares; in Alta Floresta, 50.6% with aarea of 452,808 hectares. Compared to the year 1990, starting pointof the previous period of investigation, Sinop counted 62,340 hectares and AltaForest 166,405 hectares. While the monoculture in Sinop represented67% of the occupation of the territory, in Alta Floresta, livestock was responsible for30% of the transformation of the native vegetation area. The analyzes in the area ofLegal Reserve (RL) and Permanent Preservation Area (APP) showed thatlower reflectance occurred in the biomass in the year 2020: the NDVI was between 0.2 and0.3, compared to the year 1990, the starting point of the investigation. Usother period – 2000, 2010 –, the NDVI was in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 in boththe municipalities. In Sinop, the need to recover the riparian forest areais 1,821 hectares and in Alta Floresta it is 15,304 hectares. Still, there is a deficit126,300 hectares of RL in Sinop; in Alta Floresta, of 228,000 hectares. Oaccumulated deforested area sum of the two municipalities in 2020 in the RLin large properties it is 65,636 hectares, in medium properties it is49,069 hectares and in small properties it is 11,617 hectares.We conclude that the proposed methodology allowed an analysis of theenvironmental conditions of the vegetation in RL and APP Areas, whichplay an important role in preserving biodiversity and areproviders of ecosystem support services in natural habitat, offerof water, soil moisture and CO 2 concentration in the municipalities of Sinop andHigh Forest.


  • Data: 29/09/2023

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  • The changes in terrestrial ecosystems where the reservoirs and vectors of infectious diseases live pose a great challenge for the scientific field, which is to know, analyze and propose solutions for emerging and reemerging diseases. From this perspective, research has pointed to the importance of studies focusing on the ecology of diseases approaching the natural reservoirs of parasites as a means of understanding the cycle of disease transmission, the parasite-host relationships, and the mechanisms of their control. In this context, scientists have sought to understand the interactions between Trypanosoma parasites and mammals as the main taxa that acts as a natural reservoir of these protozoa. This understanding is essential to better understand the cycle of these parasites in nature and to establish mechanisms for the control of trypanosomiasis, such as Chagas disease, which mainly affects countries in South America. Thus, to gather information on mammalian reservoirs of Trypanosoma and their respective ecological occurrences, this study sought to compile data from the main publications on the subject from 2010 to 2020. 446 articles indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus from which a bibliometric analysis was carried out as well as a database that allowed a meta-analysis pointing out the main Trypanosoma harbored in mammals around the world, as well as the main taxa of mammals harboring these parasites. Finally, a point analysis was performed with mammals captured in the northern portion of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, verifying the occurrence of T. cruzi in small mammals through tissue analysis using the qPCR (Polymerase chain reaction) technique. The main research on the topic of mammals as Trypanosoma reservoirs is concentrated in South America and was carried out with the participation of Brazilian researchers from Fiocruz, with emphasis on the leadership of researcher Ana Maria Jansen. Regarding the diversity of Trypanosoma harbored in mammals, 15 species were recorded in the 97 articles analyzed, distributed in five continents, with emphasis on the occurrence of T. cruzi, present in 85.13% of mammals positive for some Trypanosoma. The dataset of the articles reviewed resulted in 22,662 individuals belonging to 366 species in 12 mammalian orders. Of this total, 23.59% of the individuals were carriers of some Trypanosoma and 20.09% of T. cruzi, exclusively in the American continent. The large number of publications on the subject reveals the importance given to the studies of Trypanosoma reservoirs, especially in American countries where Chagas disease affects many people. The advancement of research has shown that mammals play a fundamental role in the biological cycle of several species of Trypanosoma and that the diversity of species of mammals that are potential reservoirs of these parasites is quite wide. Small mammals represent important reservoirs and their diversity for Brazil is 263 species of Rodentia and 68 of Didelphimorphia. For the North Pantanal, 42 species of Rodentia and 24 of Didelphimorphia are known, from which we obtained tissue samples of eight and 10 species respectively.

  • DIÁLOGOS DE SABERES INTERCULTURAIS: Política de Ação Afirmativa Étnico-racial, Desenvolvimento Territorial e Bem Viver no contexto dos acadêmicos(as) da Faculdade Indígena Intercultural - UNEMAT

  • Data: 10/10/2023

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  • DIALOGUES OF INTERCULTURAL KNOWLEDGE: Ethnic-racial Affirmative Action Policy, Territorial Development and Good Living in the context of academics at the Intercultural Indigenous Faculty - UNEMAT

  • Magno Alves Ribeiro
  • “Turismo no Pantanal Mato-Grossense de Poconé: Possibilidades e Transitoriedades para as Ecossocioeconomias”

  • Data: 06/12/2023

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  • The tourism sector was significantly impacted in the most serious periods of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not differently, tourism in the Pantanal was also aggravated by the environmental crisis with fires in the dry periods that coincide with the local high season. The thesis "Tourism and the Pantanal of Mato Grosso with its economic, social and environmental relations" has the general objective of analyzing the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of tourism in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. As a result of this subject, examine whether the tourist inns in the town Poconé, in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, present elements of transience in relation to the characteristics of business organizations, towards hybrid organizations that can combine elements of logic established in their practices for a new organizational form, and what is the relationship of this with the theories of eco-socioeconomics. For systematization purposes, the thesis was organized into four scientific papers, each one with its specific methodology. The first one, entitled "Tourism and the Pantanal: relations with the objectives of sustainable development", addresses the relations between tourism and the Pantanal, relating them to the objectives of sustainable development, and it aims to carry out a systematic review of the literature on tourism in the Pantanal biome, with a time frame between the year 2000 and the year 2021, adding the most important themes and making an interface with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Data were collected from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel journals. The 56 surveys’ abstracts were analyzed using the IRaMuTeQ software. The result shows that the Pantanal and tourism have interfaces with the SDGs, partially enabling the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of the SDGs. However, the Pantanal biome needs first investment and public policies aimed at defending its people and its biodiversity. The second one, entitled “Socioeconomic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and fires on tourism in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso”, aims to analyze the socioeconomic impacts that occurred in the lives of the social actors of tourism in the town Poconé – MT, especially in rural inns. The methodology adopted was document analysis, secondary data, and semi-structured interviews with the owners of rural inns. The pandemic and fires in 2020 contributed to the closure of companies, layoffs of people and consequent reductions in tax collection. In 2021, in parallel with the start of vaccination and the reduction in deaths, the sector's economic data showed a positive recovery trend in the socioeconomic aspects of the region, town and inns. The third one, entitled “Paradigms and Transitions: from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary, Eco-socioeconomics and Ecological Economics”, aims to present a timeline, from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary, highlighting theories of human thought and Science, based on aspects economic, social, and environmental, which show elements of transience until the postulation of post-developmentalist theories, under the name of eco-socioeconomics. The state of the art was surveyed, based on the reading of reference books and scientific papers. It is evident the influence of the capitalist system in the human historical process and that permeates until our days. However, dimensions of the so-called eco-socioeconomics, with a component of ecological economics, are present, which can characterize an anti-positivist epistemological transience that prioritizes transdisciplinary aspects and appreciation of socio-environmental issues, constituting alternatives to the rationalities of the prevailing hegemonic economic system. Finally, the fourth one, entitled “Tourism in inns in the Pantanal: experiences of transience for hybrid organizations and eco-socioeconomics?” aims to analyze elements that identify socio-environmental transience in tourist inns in the town Poconé in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. As a methodology, a bibliographical review was used in the theories of the themes and documentary research for data collection. Semi-structured questionnaire with the owners of the inns for the perception and facts of the actions aimed at the trinomial, economic, social, and environmental. The results point to companies organized in models compatible with economic rationality; however, in some aspects – notably the environmental one – they present characteristics of transience that are close to eco-socioeconomics for hybrid organizations. Organizations in local tourism activities are still guided by economic rationality; but they leave evidence of changes in actions, which, in consortium with environmental protection, informally generate combinations of hybrid organizations, which can be called transience for models of eco-socioeconomics.

  • Macro e Micro Escala das Alterações da Vegetação Causadas por Incêndios e Desmatamentos no Ecótono Amazônia-Cerrado-Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brasil

  • Data: 13/12/2023

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  • Fires and deforestation have the ability to shape the landscape of a region, directly transforming areas of native vegetation. This thesis aimed to evaluate, on a macro and micro scale, the effects of forest fires and deforestation in the ecotone of the Amazon-Cerrado-Pantanal biomes, which occurred in the southwest region of the state of Mato Grosso. The macro-scale assessments, which aimed to analyze the entire Ecotone region, based on secondary data and analysis of satellite images, using geoprocessing techniques. The analyzes at a local scale (micro scale) were based on data obtained in the field, in permanent vegetation monitoring plots installed/allocated in the ecotone of study focus. So far, the results obtained in this study have indicated that deforestation occurs mostly in the Amazon biome, while fire focus occur with greater density in the Pantanal in regions close to the Cerrado. Both deforestation and fire focus occur connected between the three biomes and they respond to government actions, mitigating or aggravating occurrences due to public policies. After this history of fires, deforestation and other impacts, the areas of remaining native vegetation in the region are approximately 60% of the evaluated territory, but this remnant is fragmented, indicating that the Pantanal area located in the studied ecotone has great influence in the conservation of native vegetation and it is necessary to look specifically at the vegetation of this biome, and it is possible to verify that the areas located in forest typology present a deficit of vegetation, compared to the current legislation. The presence of Indigenous Lands, Conservation Units and Public Forests, help to maintain the remnants of native vegetation in the region, while areas with a high concentration of rural properties have a smaller amount of native vegetation, with emphasis on areas with a predominance of small rural properties, which have more fragmented vegetation areas. In addition, the results obtained here indicate that it is necessary to prioritize the analyzes and validations of the Rural Environmental Registers, as they are important tools for environmental regularization and help in the preservation of areas of native vegetation, existing within the referred properties, which is the predominant class in the soil occupation of the region studied. In the evaluations carried out in the field, it was possible to verify that forest areas located in the ecotone with a history of anthropization for logging, when affected by fires, have a high mortality rate of tree vegetation and the fragments that remain in the region are highly impacted, having their vegetation altered by high mortality. It was also possible to verify that the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) are important auxiliary tools for forest inventories to estimate mortality and evaluate the dynamics of post-fire vegetation in these forest areas. The two chapters that are being elaborated in this study will bring results about the methodology for surveying forest inventory data and will evaluate the direct effects on vegetation of forest fires in areas located in the Amazon-Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone, assessing the resilience of tree vegetation and their effects on the soil of these areas, as well as predictive results on the respective conservation scenarios.


  • Orientador : CLAUMIR CESAR MUNIZ
  • Data: 25/02/2022

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  • : Dengue is a viral disease whose causative agent is a virus transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which uses water, not necessarily clean, to reproduce. This disease has become a serious public health problem, due to the difficulty in controlling the spread of this vector. Thus, alternative measures need to be studied to combat mosquito proliferation. This research sought to identify the relationship between the different degrees of environmental qualification and the occurrence of the vector A. aegypti; and to identify the relationship between the water dynamics of urban streams and the periods of vector infestation.This is an epidemiological and descriptive study of the incidence rate and mortality from dengue, seeking to correlate with rainfall, Human Development Index (IDH), Demographic Density and the Urban Cleaning Sustainability Index (ISLU). Predation experiments were also carried out under laboratory conditions using three fish species (Moenkhausia dichroura, Astyanax asuncionensis and Aequidens plagiozanatus), in which A. aegypti larvae were offered to the species to identify whether there would be predation; and, finally, an active search for Aedes aegypti was carried out in three urban streams in the city of Cáceres. Dengue incidence did not show a significant relationship with population density (R²= 0.0025; p=0.56), but it was related to rainfall (R²=0.0019; p<0.05). The month of January had the highest incidence (83.27/100 thousand inhabitants). A. plagiozanatus reached 97.4% of predation, while M. diehroura and A. asuncionensis showed similar behavior, reaching 64.52% and 54.92% of predation, respectively. Five vectors were captured in adult form at the river mouth of the Sangradouro stream and its banks, as well as 57 larvae in stages I, II, III and IV of A. aegypti i. Dengue fever revealed epidemic peaks with high incidence rates in Mato Grosso, not showing any relationship with Demographic Density, but expressing a significant relationship with rainfall. The Brazilian native fish showed competence as predators of Aedes aegypti larvae. In the urban stream Sangradouro, adult larvae and mosquitoes of the vector that transmit dengue were found.




  • Orientador : CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
  • Data: 09/03/2022

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    The forms of use and occupation contribute to environmental degradation processes, especially those related to water resources. The study aimed to identify the categories of land use and assess environmental conditions in the river channel in the middle course of the Piraputangas stream hydrographic basin , in the municipality of Cáceres in the state of Mato Grosso. Methodological procedures: preparation of the land use and land cover map using the ArcGis software, using the vector database at a scale of 1:250,000 from the IBGE download portal, available on the site's geosciences menu; informal interview and observation, application of the Rapid Assessment protocol (Pars), was applied in three cross sections in the middle course of the hydrographic basin, the Piraputanga stream. The use and land cover of the middle of the Piraputanga stream hydrographic basin, according to the mapping, is distributed as follows: preserved areas, forest formations (33.20%), Savânica Formation (10.08%), Campo Alagado and Area Pantanosa (0, 02%) and Campestre Formation (3.59%). Areas with human activities are: planted forest (0.10%), pasture (51.99%), sugar cane (0.27%) and other temporary crops (0.66%). Section I presented the best preservation conditions, was evaluated as natural, obtaining 83 points. In sections II and III, major changes in the characteristics of the bed and the level of environmental impacts resulting from human activities were registered. With the respective scores, section II 47 points and section III 50 points, considered altered. Rapid River Assessment Protocols (PAR) are effective in assessing the conditions of surface water systems.

    Plantas sagradas e Bem Viver: Um diálogo de saberes e fazeres com os Umbandistas da cidade de Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brasil”

  • Data: 01/04/2022

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  • “Ethnobotanical study in religionsof Afro-Brazilian mothers in the city of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, from the perspective ofWell live”

  • Igor Neves de Oliveira





  • Orientador : ELIANE IGNOTTI
  • Data: 20/04/2022

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  • Exposure of the population residing in the Brazilian Amazon to the poor quality ofatmospheric air


  • Data: 09/05/2022

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  • The species Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) is widespread over a large part of the South American territory, in Brazil its record occurs in large part, except in the Amazon. It is a common species in the Cerrado biome, as it adapts to anthropized and peri-urban environments. Anthropogenic areas bring the populations of wild animals closer to the domestic ones, allowing the transmission of parasites. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the populations of domestic and wild canids, as well as the possibility of cross-contamination. For the capture of Cerdocyon thous, 10 folding Tomahawk traps were installed, measuring 115 x 55 x 60. As bait, pieces of chickens placed at the bottom of the traps were used. Biological material. In relation to domestic dogs, a questionnaire was applied to the owners of the animals regarding their life habits and the collection of biological material was carried out without the need for sedation. The samples were properly packaged and kept refrigerated until further analysis in the laboratory. The results obtained in the stool samples, according to Hoffman (1934) were positive for several parasites in domestic dogs with frequency of occurrence for Blastocystis sp. 60%, Trichuris vulpis 10%, Dipylidium caninum 10%, Hookworm 20%, Giardia lamblia 20% and Sarcocystis sp. 20%. For C. thous, the frequency of occurrence of mite eggs was 28.57%, Hookworm 42.85%, Blastocystis sp. 28.57%, Trichuris vulpis 14.28%. With the FAUST technique, parasites of domestic dogs were observed with frequency of occurrence for Blastocystis sp. of 30% and Sarcocystis sp. 10%. For C. thous with a frequency of occurrence of Hookworm 42.85%, Blastocystis sp. 57.14%, Trichuris vulpis 14, 28% and Capillaria sp. 14.28%. Blood samples from domestic and wild canids were subjected to Reverse Transcription followed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) to investigate pathogens (Anaplasma sp., Babesia sp., Erlichia canis, Erlichia sp, Hepatozon sp., Leishmania sp. and Trypanosoma sp and CDV). The results showed that 50% of samples from domestic dogs were positive for Anaplasma sp., 60% for Babesia sp., 30% for Erlichia canis and 20% for Erlichia sp. However, they were negative for the antigens Hepatozon sp., Leishmania sp., Trypanosoma sp. and CDV. For C. thous all samples had negative reactions for all genotypes analyzed. Serology for distemper antibody detection (rapid test kit) in serum samples from domestic and wild dogs revealed that 80% of the samples were reactive for domestic dogs and none for C. thous. The frequency of occurrence of parasites in the feces and the presence of pathogens of infectious diseases in the blood of domestic dogs can characterize a threat to wild dogs present in the Conservation Unit that have direct contact between them, as they have free transit between the Conservation Unit. and the surrounding areas. Considering that the home range of C. thous can reach more than 7 km2, which overlaps 60% of the sampled domestic dogs, this way it can contaminate not only the C. thous object of this study, but also Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), Lycalopex vetulus (field fox) and Speothos venaticus (vinegar dog), as well as the feline species present in the area. For example, Blastocystis sp. was present in both species, which may demonstrate the contact between the animals. Preservation measures imply a work of sensitization of some residents who own domestic dogs, related to the vaccination and deworming of these animals. Thus, we emphasize that the combination of analysis techniques seeking to identify pathogens and parasites that affect diseases in domestic and wild canids, in addition to the mode of contagion, is essential to propose measures for the conservation of wild fauna.

  • Atividade antibacteriana do mel de Mato Grosso (Brasil) e indicativo de mecanismo de ação sobre bactérias gram positiva e negativa

  • Orientador : CARLA GALBIATI
  • Data: 26/05/2022

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  • This study evaluated the antibacterial activity of honey and fractions from Apis mellifera and the indicative mechanism of action of membrane permeability in combination with antibiotics. The honeys evaluated from the municipalities the state of Mato Grosso such as Cáceres (honey 1 and 2), Barra do Garças (honey 3), Nossa Senhora do Livramento (honey 4) and Sinop (honey 5). These honeys have higher phenolic content, antioxidant and antibacterial activity compared to others in the state, studied by the Laboratory of the Center for the Study of Beekeeping (CETApis). The five fresh honeys and their fractions (hexane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol) were evaluated for inhibition of the growth of Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The antibacterial activity was verified by microdilution in broth method, with serial dilution from 1000 to 1.95 μg/mL. The indicative of membrane permeability was investigated by microdilution in broth method, combining honey or fractions in serial concentrations of 80 to 0.2 mg/mL with the antibiotic (clarithromycin/erythromycin) in a concentration of 20 to 0.04 μg/mL, such as checkboard. Honeys and their fractions had no antibacterial activity up to a concentration of 1000 ug/mL. Honey 1 and its N-butanol fraction had an effect on membrane permeability for gram positive bacteria E. faecalis. Honeys and fractions had no effect on the membrane permeability of S. epidermidis. It is concluded that honey 1 from Cáceres are promising to enhance the antibacterial activity of the antibiotic linked to membrane permeability and flavonoid action.


    Fontes de mercúrio no Pantanal Norte

  • Data: 21/06/2022

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  • Mercury (Hg) is a global concern due to its adverse effects on human health, food safety and the environment. It is one of the most serious environmental pollutants and related toxic compounds can be easily transferred to water, soil and sediment. The accumulation over time of large inputs of Hg into the environment results in the widespread occurrence of Hg throughout the food chain, requiring action to identify the main local sources of Hg. The Brazilian Pantanal is a floodplain covering an area of almost 140,000 km 2 and is subject to seasonal and monomodal floods, mostly once a year. As the final receptor of pollutants, derived from anthropogenic pressures, it is a vulnerable region threatened by recent trends in economic development, mainly by persistent and lethal fires that occurred mainly in the years 2018 to 2020. Traces of mercury have already been found in algae, fish and reptiles in the North Pantanal; which brings concern for the fragile balance of this ecosystem as well as for the health of the animals and the riverside population. In this sense, the objective of this research was to evaluate the origin of mercury in the North Pantanal Ecosystem. With an exploratory methodology, the collections took place in the springs, course and mouths of the Jauru, Cabaçal, Sepotuba and Paraguai rivers, whose waters form upstream of the edges of the Pantanal. Forty-eight points were considered, and samples of leaves, soil, sediment, zooplankton and particulate matter in water were collected. To determine the THg, a direct analyzer (DMA 80) was used, followed by statistical analyses. There were significant relationships of the four rivers and areas studied for soil (p<0.05). And between the spring, course and mouth areas, there were significant relationships for sediments (p<0.05). Among the studied rivers, the Cabaçal river presented the highest concentration of THg for zooplankton, (11.01 ± 5.34 ug/kg), soil (15.58 ± 16.77 ug/kg) and leaves (21.81 ± 10.18 ug/kg), while the Jauru River presented for sediments (3.67 ± 21.47 ug/kg). The Cabaçal River was associated with intense sedimentation of the basin lithology and the occurrence of Latosols, associated with land use, in addition to the fluvial dynamics itself. The Jauru River associated with PCHs established in the region since 1990. The concentrations found even below the limits established by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA) require government actions to prevent environmental contamination, guiding and aware of the risks to which the population may be exposed, as well as the preservation of this fragile ecosystem. Continuous monitoring should occur mainly because the number of fires has increased in the last two years (2020-2021) in the Pantanal Biome.


  • Data: 27/09/2022

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  • Data: 19/12/2022

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  • One of the established landmarks of the human species with other forms of life is the bond with other animal species, especially those that serve as food, made possible through hunting. In addition to developing strategies to guarantee the desired hunting, traditional knowledge, in this case, about forms of use, as well as myths, legends and taboos related to wild fauna, was also being built, becoming an inheritance among communities. In contemporary societies, this bond still exists in traditional communities. In education, this knowledge can effectively contribute to overcoming the distance between school and community, contributing to school education. In the Rural Education modality, traditional knowledge brought to the classroom promotes an important tool in the socio-environmental training of rural subjects, as it awakens and intensifies the feeling of integration with nature, as well as providing awareness and awareness in relation to environmental issues. In view of this, the research problem is established: “What knowledge do the students and the community of the Roseli Nunes Settlement, which is located in an ecotone region, in the southwest of the State of Mato Grosso, have in relation to the local fauna?” and “Is this knowledge considered in school education?” To this end, the research is structured into two chapters. In the first chapter, the traditional knowledge of students in relation to local fauna is analyzed and whether this is considered in school education at Escola Estadual Madre Cristina. The results found showed that students have a rich traditional knowledge in relation to local fauna. Therefore, there is a need for greater consideration and visibility of this knowledge within local school education. Certainly, knowledge regarding the diversity and ecology of wild species present in the Settlement, if considered in school education, will promote learning in a more dialogical way and with more meaning for students. In the second chapter, a description of the community's knowledge about local fauna is presented, related to its use, myths, legends and taboos, and how these are linked to school education at the Madre Cristina State School. In this regard, the data analysis showed that the interviewees have a rich knowledge about the local fauna, which is a characteristic point of traditional communities. Such knowledge is related to the productions developed by the settled families, the perception of local environmental impacts, knowledge about the ecology of fauna and the practice of hunting that still exists. Furthermore, they also influence knowledge about tales, myths and legends. Therefore, it is necessary to explore this community knowledge more closely, so that the approach to the local reality effectively contributes to the school education of students.



  • Data: 22/02/2022

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    This work deals with the management and planning of water resources in the hydrographic region of Paraguay. The importance of the hydrographic region of Paraguay, especially for including in its area the largest continuous floodplain in the world, National Heritage, site designated by the RAMSAR Wetlands Convention and Biosphere Reserve, the Pantanal Mato-grossense, explains the great interest that awakens in Brazil and in the world. Given such importance, this plan must consider all the multiple uses and users of water present in the region. Note, however, the lack of the human element, as well as the fishing and tourism segments in this document. On the other hand, these segments and others participated in workshops to prepare the document, although there are no previous studies to identify all interest groups, their demands and possible conflicts. For this reason, the objective of this paper is to analyze the planning, participatory management and governance of water resources in the Hydrographic Region of Paraguay in the context of the construction and implementation of the Water Resources Plan.
  • “HISTÓRIA AMBIENTAL DO PROJETO DE COLONIZAÇÃO TERRANOVA: necessidades e possibilidades da Educação Ambiental na Amazônia Norte Mato-grossense em transformação”.

  • Orientador : AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
  • Data: 04/03/2022

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  • This thesis addresses the Environmental History of the Terranova Colonization Project located in the municipalities of Terra Nova do Norte and Nova Guarita in the far north of Mato Grosso. The approach portrays the historical and current configuration regarding the relationship of this society with nature in its places of life. The Terranova Colonization Project is a process of reoccupation of this territory, via Official Colonization of the military government implemented in 1978 through INCRA and Cooperativa Coopercana. In this Project, landless peasant families who illegally occupied indigenous reserves in the upper Uruguay region were settled, where they lived in a situation of conflict over land tenure. From the focus of Environmental History, the central issue of the thesis sought to answer the following questions: What social and environmental conditions led/motivated southerners in the Alto Uruguai/RS region to accept the proposal to migrate to the Terranova Colonization Project in the North of Mato Grosso ?How was the process of appropriation and use of nature taking place, in view of the socio-environmental crisis currently experienced by peasants in the research study area? The objective of the research is to analyze the relationship between society and nature, represented by the peasants and the Terranova Project, from the perspective of Environmental History, to face and overcome the challenges of the local socio-environmental crisis through the possibilities offered by environmental education. study is based on qualitative research. In this perspective and in order to contemplate the outlined objectives and answer the thesis questions, the dialectical method for the scientific approach to research was defined. As for the procedures and techniques of data collection, we used, first, the bibliographical and documental research. Then, for field data, we used participant observation, field notebook and semi-structured interviews based on methods of oral history of lives and comprehensive interview. Participating interlocutors are peasants remaining in rural plots since the beginning of the Project. The results show that the creation and implementation of the Terranova Project disregarded the Krenakarore indigenous people, who inhabited this territory. It also disregarded the socio-environmental reality of migrant peasants in their life trajectories and the migration to the Amazon biome without any preparation or knowledge of the local ecosystem. The development of the Terranova Project reproduced the southern ethos of civilizing deforestation based on the exploitation of natural resources and the production of raw materials for national and international markets. In the reoccupation process, a development model based on the exploitation of natural resources was implemented, in which peasant families were inserted and conceived as small production units for the national and international market. Consequently, this generated profound impacts and transformations in the environment, leading to a local socio-environmental crisis that imposes on this society the search for alternatives to face the crisis and the construction of a more sustainable collective life.




  • Data: 29/03/2022

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  • “Environmental economic valuation: benefits obtained by Mato Grosso in environmental conservation”


  • Orientador : CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
  • Data: 20/04/2022

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  • This research was carried out within the hydrographic basin of Cachoeirinha stream, placet at Cáceres city, Mato Grosso State. The main purpose was to study the several environmental characteristics, the pedological units, the distincts ways of land usage, the environmental fragilities and the morphodynamics of the hydrographic basin. The methodology focused, firstly, on structuring this study in five chapters. The environmental elements characterization was performed through a review in scientific publications, also from the RADAMBRASIL Project and from the Ministry of Defense, pages and yet from Mato Grosso Atlas – Planning Secretary of Mato Grosso StateSEPLAN. The basin area delimitation was made through the Digital Elevation Model (MDE) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The thematic maps were elaborated through the IBGE database and field activities. The representative pedological units characterization was outlined based on EMBRAPA manuals, field observations, opening of trenches, morphological description, gathering and physicalchemical analyzes. The land usage, ocuppation and covering process was characterized through scientific publications, public documents, maps and information from INCRA and MAPBIOMAS with images referring to the years 1986, 1996, 2006 and 2020, processed in the software QGis 3.4.6 and field activities with informal interviews. The basin compartmentalization in high, medium and low course and the drainage network characterization was carried out through the SEPLAN-MT; regarding the maps elaboration with the classes of fragility, it was outlined through the algebra of maps "Calculator Raster", following adaptations of scientific productions. In relation to the morphometric parameters definition it were performed field activities in March and August/2020 (flood and drought periods in the hydrographic basin) for observations, also bathymetry and gathreing of water samples for analysis in order to quantify the suspended solid load. The results from first chapter show that the regional climate is AW. However, the different altitudes influenced the formation of two climatic units: Hot Mesothermal Altitude Tropical of Southern Facade of Plateaus, with na area of 69,16%, comprising the upper course of the basin (Serrana Province), and the Sub-Humid Megathermal Tropical of the Depressions and Plateaus of Mato Grosso, which occupies 30.84% in the middle and lower courses (Depression of the Upper Paraguai and the the Paraguay River Plain). Of the geological formations, the Raizama Formation Sandstone is evident, present in 27.88% of the upper course of the basin, playing an important role in the process of supplying the groundwater table and the Sepotuba Formation, occupying the upper and middle course valleys, where the fluvial slopes flow, with an area equivalent to 41.03%. The Geomorphology shows the Serrana Province, occupying 52.65% of the basin (upper course) and the Paraguay River Plain with an area of 0.24% in the lower course, an environment of sediment deposition that influences the exuberance of the floristic landscape. The predominant vegetation cover is the Savanna type, which characteristics are influenced mainly by 26 pedological attributes. The largest unit is the Wooded Savanna without gallery forest, covering 54.78% of the basin, corresponding to areas with higher altitudes (315 to 700 meters) in the Serrana Province. The composition with the highest stature is the Alluvial Seasonal Semideciduous Forest with an emerging canopy, present in the lower course, in the Paraguay River Plain region. In the second chapter, the pedological units were identified, evidencing the greatest representation of the Regolithic Neosol, occupying an area of 40.69% in the Serrana Province region and the Latosols, in 40.5% in the Upper Paraguay Depression. The third chapter showed that usage and occupation began during the 18th century with subsistence agriculture and extractive activities. From the 19th century, with the immigrants arrival, there was the insertion of mechanized agriculture, initiating social conflicts, deforestation of large areas, fires, use of pesticides, erosion and soil compaction, among other impacts. Currently, 63% of the basin is covered by Cerrado vegetation, 34.52% is occupied by pasture and 1.68% by grain monoculture. The fourth chapter show that the strongest environmental fragility is in the region of the Serrana Province with an area of 11.57% of the basin, where the relief is sloping and the lowest classification (very weak and weak) is found in the valleys of Depression of the Upper Paraguai and in the Plain of the Paraguai River, where the relief presents a lower slope. Regarding the climate, the strong fragility was in the area dominated by the Tropical Climate of Hot Mesothermal Altitude of the Meridional Facade of Plateaus, as a consequence of the higher precipitation incidence on steep slopes. As for the soils, the Eutrophic Fluvic Neosol Tb typical in the Paraguay River Plain and the Eutrophic Litholic Neosol in the Serrana Province showed very strong fragility and really weak fragility for the middle course Latosols, where the relief presents smooth wavy areas. Where the land covered by the Forest Formation appears in the low course, the environmental fragility is very weak (23.57% of the basin), for the Savanna and Campestral Formation; 39.37% of the area in the upper course and the fragility is weak. The most expressive class of potential fragility (46.42% of area) and emerging (68.19% of the basin) is the medium. The increase in the occupied area among the fragilities happens with the insertion of land use and occupation. The fifth chap4ter shows that geomorphology created the exorheic flow pattern and the parallel drainage. The drainage density was 0.52 km/km² and channels, 0.10 channels/km², considered low due to the geology and geomorphology of the basin. The periods of flood and drought influence the indices of flow, depth, velocity and, consequently, the contribution of liquid and solid discharge to the Paraguay River. The realization of this study allowed the knowledge about the characteristics of the basin, which can guide environmental management actions and contribute to environmental conservation. The flood and drought periods influence the indices of flow, depth, velocity and, consequently, the contribution of liquid and solid discharge to the Paraguay River. Performing this study allowed the knowledge about the characteristics of the hydrographicy basin, which can guide environmental management actions and contribute to environmental conservation.


    Redes ecológicas e o mutualismo entre aves e plantas: de uma área protegida a ambientes urbanos na região Neotropical.

  • Data: 22/04/2022

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  • Mutualistic interactions are those with positive effects for everyone involved and this incredible process is known to be one of the main pillars that structure biological communities. From this perspective, ecological network analysis emerges as a promising tool, including interactions between species as an additional layer to unravel ecological processes. Thus, in this thesis -under development-, using ecological network approaches, we evaluated mutualistic interactions between birds and plants. The document is divided into three chapters: in the first one “Influence of sampling methods on the description of a neotropical seed dispersal network”, we discuss how different sampling methods can compromise the interpretation of the evaluated network. Among our findings, we highlight that the choice of method, phytocentric or zoocentric, significantly influences the characterization of networks, with structural and species-level implications. In chapter 2: “Core-periphery roles of birds in a Neotropical seed dispersal network is determined by abundance”, we describe the seed dispersal network of a preserved area and identify, among the birds, those with “core” positions as well as which ones are the main ecological determinants that can influence this positioning. Our results pointed to a network with a modular structure and core-periphery formation. From the congruence of different framewoks, we highlight Ramphocelus carbo and Pipra fasciicauda as one of the most central species of the network, and we show that even though it is a system of interactions established in a preserved area, abundance was one of the main determinants of structural roles assumed by birds. . In the third chapter: “Assessing the ecological determinants of interactions to plan for urban greening: an example with a plant-hummingbird network”, we describe an established system in an urban environment and, in a pioneering way, we identify the main ecological drivers that govern the interactions between hummingbirds and plants in an anthropized environment. We showed that among the mechanisms of neutrality and niche, the phenological factors (niche) were the most explanatory. Furthermore, evaluating the robustness of this system using a recent rearrangement model after local extinction simulations, we found that the loss/removal of native plants to the detriment of exotic plants affects more the structure of the network and the morphological matching mechanism between species ( niche), promotes greater robustness.

  •  Diversidade taxonômica e funcional de aves em áreas da planície  
    de inundação do Pantanal.

  • Data: 26/04/2022

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  • Birds can be effective indicators of ecological conditions in wetlands, because constitute  
    one of the most diverse biological groups, have high mobility, and provide fundamental  
    ecological functions that guarantee the maintenance of ecosystem support and regulation  
    services. In this research, we evaluated the taxonomic and functional diversity of birds
    through distinct approaches, using the group as a potential ecological indicator to  
    contribute to conservation actions and environmental planning in the Brazilian Pantanal  
    floodplain. For this, we structured the document into four chapters, corresponding to two  
    published articles, one submitted and one in preparation. The first chapter is an overview
    of scientific knowledge about birds in the Pantanal based on publications from the last 30  
    years, which made it possible to direct and substantiate future research. In the second  
    chapter, we carry out an inventory and consolidate a list of bird species that occur in a  
    protected area of the Pantanal which is recognized as a wetland of international  
    importance, which can contribute to the knowledge of the distribution and occurrence of  
    birds in this floodplain. In the third chapter, we researched how the richness, abundance  
    and functional structure of birds with different degrees of wetlands dependence are  
    influenced by the flood pulse dynamics of the Pantanal. We expected to find different  
    ecological responses for each birds group in relation to hydrological cycle. In the fourth  
    chapter, we propose to investigate whether the modification of habitats across the  
    hydrological cycles affects the taxonomic and functional diversity of birds, in order to  
    access environmental changes in a tropical floodplain. We expect to contribute to the  
    knowledge of the taxonomic and functional diversity of birds in floodplains, as well as  
    towards advances for wetlands conservation


  • Data: 30/06/2022

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    Rapid human-induced environmental changes pose the greatest threats to wildlife populations and encompass many environmental disturbances, including habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, climate change, and contamination by fertilizer and pesticide applications from the complex production chain of the world. agribusiness, which in turn leads to an increase in the accumulation of metals such as mercury in water and soil. The exposure of non-target organisms to these chemical compounds is quite common, resulting in numerous cases of acute poisoning in the wild population, particularly in birds, which have low levels of detoxifying enzymes, increasing their sensitivity. Due to their persistence in the environment and their ability to bioaccumulate and bimagnify, both pesticide multiresidues and mercury have been associated with the decline of bird populations in different parts of the world. In this way, birds have played an important role as environmental bioindicators, and different species can be useful due to their different capacities for bioaccumulation. Recent studies indicate that the availability of multi-residues of pesticides and mercury can be increased in areas where there are water level fluctuations and vegetated habitats that experience wet and dry cycles during the year. Thus, areas such as the Brazilian Pantanal, which has these characteristics, are predisposed to be hotspots of avian exposure to these toxic compounds. Therefore, we present in chapter 1 a scientometric research on the impacts of pesticides used in agriculture over 21 years on insectivorous, insectivorous birds. 16 works were found, distributed in nine countries, including 50 species of birds classified in four categories of population status. In addition, the results showed that these birds had at least one organ/tissue/structure (liver, feces, stomach bolus, blood plasma, muscle tissue, food items, eggs) contaminated by one of the 21 types of chemical compounds presented in the analyzed articles, that directly affect their survival. Insectivorous birds that inhabit riparian forests of floodplains, by preying on invertebrates, tend to extend the length of their food chains, increasing the opportunity for biomagnification of chemical compounds in their organism. Knowledge about trophic ecology and partitioning of food resources by insectivorous birds is of great scientific importance. Thus, in the second chapter, we investigate trophic relationships through analysis of the partition of food resources between insectivorous bird species from a longitudinal gradient of riparian forest, in the northern portion of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. Specimens were captured with a mist net using a sequence of 9 nets measuring 9m x 2m, mesh 36mm, which remained open for 4 continuous hours. A total of 126 specimens belonging to 14 species were collected. The food items most consumed by the birds sampled were insects belonging to the order Coleoptera, Hyminoptera-Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Ixodida and Hymenoptera non-Formicidae, respectively, indicating a greater generalization of the studied species in terms of food exploitation. Finally, in the third chapter, we present the first work using insectivorous birds from the North Pantanal as bioindicators of exposure to mercury, with the objective of knowing the pattern of accumulation of this metal in different organs (muscle, liver and brain) and feather. A total of 218 specimens were collected and the samples were analyzed by direct analysis atomic absorption spectrometry (DMA-80). The mercury concentrations presented values in increasing order, muscle < brain < liver < feather, regardless of the collection site, with a variation in the mean of mercury concentrations from (0.07 to 0.27 µg.g-1), ( 0.04 to 0.62 µg.g-1), (0.14 to 0.81 µg.g-1) and (0.77 to 3.49 µg.g-1), respectively. Along the gradient, the Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significant differences between the concentrations in the tissues where muscle (KW = 73.88 p < 0.001), brain (KW = 100.23, p < 0.002), liver (KW = 65, 42, p < 0.009) and feather (KW = 39.52, p < 0.005) so that the concentration of mercury in the tissues of insectivorous birds increases following the direction of the watercourse, from the points upstream of Porte Estrela and Barra do Downstream buggy, Taiamã. Our results show that mercury is present in food webs in the Pantanal North of Brazil and can biomagnify in significant concentrations not only in predatory piscivorous species, but also in insectivorous birds in the studied region.


  • Data: 29/08/2022

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  • The theme of female peasant territorialities of the Cerrado developed in this thesis, sought to contemplate approaches involving the Cerrado biome and its territorialization and the consequences for socio-environmental and cultural diversities. the gradual importance economic growth of the biome was processed by the prosperous productive capacity, in the expansion of the Brazilian agricultural frontiers. The development of agrarian capital in these fields, made viable the transactions and partnerships of private and public sectors with strategies and negotiations for international agro-export markets. This historic setting implied changes in the socio-environmental and cultural relations of traditional peoples cerradeiros, whose material and immaterial dimensions in the relationships of the subjects with the territory, were configured in the consolidation of survival actions and identities. These relationships reconcile webs of complicity and bonds creating a unique feature, combining the daily needs of life and the offer of the Cerrado's biodiversity. In this follow-up, we sought to investigate the protagonism of peasant women in closed territories, their experiences and legacies. To achieve this goal, we used of life history, a methodology that is part of the universe of qualitative research, relying on the procedures of participant observation and open interviews. With incipient results, these techniques were enough to understand that, even in the face of invisibility conditions given by the patriarchal social structure and setbacks imposed by the transformations of work in the countryside, peasant women research participants, revealed that they house, with simplicity, the ways of life founded in the cerradeiros fields and protect customs, imprint their practices on cultural knowledge, promoting their protection. Even with partial search results, it is worth ensuring that, although neglected, the female presence emerges as protagonist in the struggle, in the exercise of resistance and permanence on earth.

  •  Alterações da estrutura das comunidades de morcegos e suas moscas ectoparasitas em paisagens antropizadas na Amazônia-Ecótono-Cerrado

  • Data: 17/11/2022

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  • Anthropogenic changes by land use actions in the Amazon and Cerrado in Mato Grosso have intensified over the last few decades, including the broad ecotonal zone between these biomes. Among the animals in these landscapes are bats, which provide broad positive ecosystem services but are harmed by environmental impacts. We sought to assess across a broad geographic scale across the Amazon, Cerrado, and ecotone between these biomes, changes in bat community richness, abundance, and composition in the face of habitat loss and fragmentation processes, as well as the effects of bat associations and their flies, as well as a report of predation on an abundant bat species by a tropical owl. The methodology consisted of capturing bats and their ectoparasitic flies in 24 forest remnants at the edge and interior of forests in the states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, between the years 2018 to 2020. The extraction of landscape metrics was performed using QGIS and with R software we analyzed the structure of communities of bats and their ectoparasitic flies through analyzes that included NMDS, CCA, ANOVA, Beta diversity, GLMm and a GDM model. We also report the attempted predation of an abundant fruit bat by a tropical owl. The results indicate that the bat community structure is different between the Amazon and the Cerrado and the sampled transition zone is more similar to the species composition found in the Amazon. Separating the bat community between the edge and the interior of the forest, the composition of the interior bat community is more influenced by forest cohesion, while the community composition at the edge of the forests is related to the biomes where the remnants are inserted. The evaluations of ectoparasitic flies reveal high diversity, and that their composition is more influenced by the composition of the host bat community, without influence of the biome and with little influence of the landscape on the structure of the fly communities. During data collection, the attempt of opportunistic predation by an owl species on a fruit bat species was recorded, which complement the natural history of these species. Researches evaluating fragmentation responses with expansion of the sampling scale are essential for broader discussions on conservation strategies for neotropical ecosystems.
  • Avaliação de técnicas de restauração ecológica com espécies  
    nativas em área de nascentes degradadas no Pantanal  

  • Data: 06/05/2021

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  • The objective of this work was to evaluate different techniques of direct seeding (in holes and the haul), as well as to identify the influence of litter transposition after sowing, to emergence and establishment of native species in ecological restoration work in a area of degraded springs in the municipality of Cáceres-MT. In the experiment presented here two direct sowing techniques (in holes and by broadcast) were analyzed in two different environments. (with and without litter transposition), using three species of native plants, (Jacaranda cuspidifolia Mart., Sterculia apetala (Jaqc.) H. Karst., Vochysya divergens Pohl.), in a factorial scheme (2x2) in a degraded spring area. Being four treatments: T1 direct seeding in holes, T2 direct seeding in holes with litter, T3 seeding direct seeding by broadcast and T4 direct seeding by broadcast with litter, with eight replications each. THE emergency, establishment were monitored for three months and had height, collar diameter and number of leaves for ten months. For the species S. apetala, the best treatment was T2, obtaining better values in all parameters analyzed in this experiment. For the species J. cuspidifolia T4 was more efficient for the percentage of emergency, establishment, emergency speed index, average emergency time, for the average height and diameter of the collar, number of leaves and survival rate, T3 proved to be more promising. For the species V. divergens the treatment that obtained the best values in all parameters analyzed in the experiment was T4. Large seeds have better germination and emergence rates in the field, using the sowing technique direct, when compared with small seeds, The litter transposed after sowing direct influence positively on emergence, establishment and provided plants with greater vigor at the end of the experiment. Showing to be a possibility to improve the chances emergence and establishment of species with small seeds, used in forest recovery. Thus, we consider that the use of litter transposition can be one of the efficient auxiliary methods in ecological restoration.


  • Orientador : CARLA GALBIATI
  • Data: 28/05/2021

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  • Habitat management in agricultural landscapes to include species diversity of flowering plants are important to increase or maintain functions. multiple, such as pollination and biological control. Given the above, the The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of attractive flowers on the insect regulation environmental services (pollination and biological control) in two nightshade species, the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and the eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The dissertation study was divided into two articles: the first article was carried out in commercial tomatoes (6200 m²) in the municipality of São José dos Quatro Marcos (Mato Grosso, Brazil). the design experimental was completely randomized with 15 plots of 5 x 4 meters, consisting of 16 tomato plants, with two treatments 1) tomato without strip of attractive flowers (control); 2) tomato striped with attractive flowers of coriander and sorghum. The sampling of pollinating insects and natural enemies was performed with Bee bowls trap and active collection for 8 days at flowering for coriander and 8 days for sorghum. Tomato production was verified by weight of the fruits of 8 plants/plot. Data were analyzed by t-test for compare the richness and abundance of insects between treatments. The production of tomato was analyzed by multiple regression to verify the effect of treatments (x1), insect diversity (x2) and x1:x2 interaction. THE abundance of natural enemies was greater in tomatoes with attractive stripes with flowers of coriander (p = 0.03) and the richness of pollinators was higher in striped tomato of sorghum flowers (p=0.05). The effect of the two bands of flowers intercropping (cilantro + sorghum) increased the total abundance of enemies by three times natural (IN) in tomato with flower bands (p= 0.04). Tomato production does not responded to the use of attractive flower bands and insect diversity. O second article was carried out in eggplant plantation (2320 m2 ) in the municipality of Cáceres (Mato Grosso, Brazil). The sample design was entirely randomized design consisting of 2 treatments, control (eggplant without attractive flowers, plots) and eggplant + sorghum flower strip with 5 repetitions and the total of 10 installments. For sampling of beneficial insects, the same methodology as the first article. Tomato production was verified by fruit weight, size (cm), diameter and number of fruits in 10 plants/plot. Statistical analyzes were the same used in the first article. Both in the evaluation of natural enemies and in pollinators a richness and abundance were greater in the plots that contained flower bands sorghum attractants. Eggplant production in fruit size was favored by the abundance of natural enemies and number of fruits by the method of open pollination. Thus, the planting of attractive flower strips of coriander and sorghum in tomato and sorghum in eggplant has the potential to favor the increase in biological control and pollination services.


  • Data: 18/07/2021

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  • As the natural aging process, the elderly presents changes morphophysiological and immunological leaving the most susceptible to various ooinfections parasitic. Endoparasitosis is a public health problem in Brazil, showing variations according to basic sanitation conditions, level socioeconomic status, level of education, age and hygiene habits, among others variables. The general objective of this work was to analyze the prevalence of endoparasites in seniors who attend the Living Center and seniors and employees of the Long-stay institution in the city of Cáceres-MT. The samples were analyzed using three laboratory techniques, namely: Hoffmann, Ritchie and modified Safranina staining technique in the Parasitic Biology laboratory at Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT). The prevalence of parasites intestinal were: among the elderly of the Living Center (46.98%), elderly of the Long-stay Institution (83.33%) and employees (84.61%). You endoparasites Cryptosporidium sp., Cyclospora sp. and Giardia lamblia were the most prevalent, with 22%, 19% and 18%, respectively. This study also evaluated the sociodemographic characteristics and personal hygiene habits of the elderly at the Center Coexistence and ILP employees. The results suggested a condition epidemiological concern of the elderly population of the ILP because the high rates of prevalence in both the elderly and employees show the high risk of infection and reinfection in this environment and shows the need for programs educational awareness of hygienic practices and primary health care of the elderly population in these institutions.


  • Data: 04/09/2021

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  • Ecological studies relating to periphyton, particularly in ecosystems Brazilian tropical waters are important tools for knowledge of biotic integrity and assist in the development of diagnoses of causes of environmental problems, being used for example as an indicator of water quality and its trophic state. This work aimed to analyze the structure and dynamics of periphytic algae at different scales temporal and spatial in Pantanal, Brazil. The periphytic algae community was evaluated on natural substrates (aquatic macrophytes) in a flood area tropical, specifically in the Taiamã Ecological Station, which is located in the Upper Paraguay River Basin, Pantanal Mato Grosso. In the first approach, the dynamics of taxonomic and functional diversity of diatoms from environmental filters and the contribution of diversity functional in tropical wetland. We found a significant variation between functional traits of communities in different hydrological periods (flood, ebb, drought and flood) and a replacement of species between years (taxonomic diversity), without the community losing its characteristic functional in each phase of the flood pulse, so we indicate the importance of determination of functional traits in floodplains. On Monday approach, the potential for mercury (Hg) methylation in the radicial periphyton of three species of aquatic macrophytes: Paspalun repens P.J. Bergious, Salvinia auriculata Aubl., Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in relation to the trophic index of the peripheral community in a flood area tropical. The primary productions of methylmercury in the periphyton associated with roots of the macrophytes under study varied between species, in addition to verified a decrease in the primary production of methylmercury as the increase in the trophic index, which indicates the influence of primary producers in the periphyton on mercury methylation rates in macrophyte rhizomes. We conclude that the results of this study contribute to data formation about the periphytic community and its ecological interactions, which can serve as references for interventions aimed at managing the Pantanal system, as in the use of its water resources, as the dynamics of the community are regulated by environmental conditions and your knowledge can help in assessment of the quality of aquatic ecosystems.


  • Data: 07/09/2021

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  • Aquatic invertebrates are of great ecological importance in freshwater environments, participating decisively in the processes of fragmentation and decomposition of organic matter. The identification of the aquatic macrofauna is quite approximately in determining the environmental quality through the use of biomonitoring indices. Researchers and companies from all over the world have used macroinvertebrates as pieces for environmental qualification because they are considered good biological indicators, due to their sensitivity they respond to environmental variations, which, according to the families present there, receive a note that serves for the creation and adaptation of environmental quality biomonitoring indexes. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in environments with different degrees of anthropization, as well as to qualify their efficiency and suitability of biotic indexes of assessment in tropical humid areas. The first work was carried out a scientometric review of scientific articles indexed in the Scopus, ScienceDirect and Scielo databases in an interval from 2000 to 2020; the second article deals with the description of the community's diversity using environmental quality indicators. The results of the research in scientometric analysis showed a scientific production of 314 articles, among which 60 biotic indexes were addressed. Among these, EPT (Ephemeroroptera, Plecoptera and Trichopter) was the most used in scientific research. Among the indexes found, the only one that showed a trend of use for the coming years was the ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon). The studied indices represent water monitoring options that, with adaptations, can be used in different climates and hydrographic basins in the world, carried out in eight locations (Paraguay River, urban streams, Caramujo streams, water ponds and Taiamã Ecological Station (UC- Campo, UC- Rio Paraguai and UC- Rio Bracinho,). Macroinvertebrates were samples using a Van Veen dredge and at the Laboratory, families were analyzed and identified. To take data on the limnological variables, a multiparametric probe was used in addition to the samples of water for the analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus. The macrofauna was represented by 2.210 individuals and the greatest abundance was found in more preserved places, there were positive and statistically significant relationships for dissolved oxygen, water temperature and rapid assessment protocol-RAP with the density of the organisms (ind/m²). The results showed that the indexes EPT and IBF (Benthic Family Index) were the best that match the reality of the environments, corresponding to the results of the RAP. The principal component analysis (PCA) characterized each environment with distinct variables. We can conclude that, for a more robust characterization of aquatic environments, it is necessary to apply several biotic indices together with the physical and chemical variables, thus strengthening the monitoring of environmental quality as well as the creation of biological indexes.


    Dieta de Brycon hilarii e seu papel na conservação das florestas inundáveis em uma Unidade de Conservação”

  • Orientador : CLAUMIR CESAR MUNIZ
  • Data: 15/10/2021

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    Studies related to fish diet contribute to the knowledge of biology species, in addition to assisting in the investigation of trophic ecology, competition and fish predation. In the Pantanal, there are signs of anthropization in the environments, which affect mainly fish populations, including bare in environments natural that can cause exaggerated caloric gain, being harmful to health of fish. The objective of this work, divided into 2 chapters, was to analyze the diet of Brycon hilarii (Valenciennes, 1850), during the four hydrological periods, verifying the ecological relationships of the specimens collected in the stretches of Rio Paraguay/Porto Estrela, Sepotuba River and Taiamã Ecological Station (EET). Was sampled a total of 558 copies in monthly campaigns, during the four periods of the hydrological cycle in the year 2013 to 2015 for article 1 and in the year 2019 to 2020 for article 2. The specimens were captured with bamboo poles, hook, line of different measures and natural baits. Then packed in boxes and sent to the laboratory, where the data were measured biometrics and stomachs removed for analysis. The results of the first article, show that Erythrina fusca Lour. (zucchini), is the main food item of the diet of B. hilarii. During the flood an IAi of 95% was observed and during the flood 60%. In addition, B. hilarii proved to be an expert in feeding on E. fusca during the flood, being a generalist during periods of flood, ebb and drought. At the second article, the results show that the diet of B. hilarii is based on corn and soy, in the stretches of the Paraguai/Porto Estrela and Sepotuba rivers, in the TSE, the diet consists of insects, dissolved material and plant debris. Thus, we conclude that the hydrological periods provide a marked diversification in the supply of items food. However, due to the monodominance of E. fusca in the TSE, there was a greater availability of this item in your diet. In the second article, B. hilarii can be concluded that B. hilarii shows itself as an opportunist-specialist, which means that, in the presence of barley, has a preference for this item, which causes a disruption in their trophic relationship.
  • Composição, Estrutura e Dinâmica da Comunidade Arbórea em Florestas na Estação Ecológica da Serra das Araras, Mato Grosso, Brasil

  • Data: 01/12/2021

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  • Studies on dynamics are important for us to understand the characteristics and structure of a plant community. The forest dynamics is a process by which the forest remains balanced, contributing with important characteristics of the plant community maintaining the structure and composition over the years. The current state of a forest environment is resulting from the interactions of various processes, growth, mortality and the regeneration. This work aimed to evaluate the composition, structure and dynamics of the arboreal component in areas of forest formation in two hectares in the Serra das Araras Ecological Station (Esec da Serra das Araras. Data from two censuses (2016 and 2019) were used, in two parcels 100 X 100 m permanent standings designated ESA-02 and ESA-03. The criterion of inclusion was a diameter ≥ 10 cm at a height of 1.30 m from the ground. the descriptors phytosociologicals used were: relative density, relative frequency, relative dominance and importance value. For floristic diversity, Shannon-Wiener (H’) and Pielou (J’) were used. to compare the data of diameter, height, basal area and number of trees between the censuses we used t-test. For this community, the succession classes were analyzed. ecological. In 2016, 694 individuals, 109 species, 79 were cataloged. genera and 39 families. In 2019 in the same areas 614 individuals, 104 species, 78 genera and 38 families. The diametric structure of the ESA-02 is more heterogeneous than ESA-03. In the basal area for ESA-02 and ESA-03 there was an average gain of one census to another. Mortality occurred in individuals who presented larger diameter. The present study allows us to infer that the forest remains balanced, contributing important characteristics of the plant community maintaining the structure and composition over the years and keeping the current state of a forest environment that results from the interactions of several processes in particular growth, plant mortality.

  • Dinâmica de carbono subterrâneo no Cerrado stricto sensu da Estação Ecológica  
    da Serra das Araras, sob diferentes históricos de fogo

  • Data: 30/12/2021

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    The soil is one of the largest carbon reservoirs in the ecosystem, knowing its dynamics, as well as quantifying the efflux of CO2 into the atmosphere, allows not only to carry out carbon sequestration calculations for that ecosystem, but also helps in decision making in an attempt to mitigate the high concentrations of this gas in the atmosphere, since after the occurrence of burning, emissions tend to increase due to the accumulated carbon. The objective of this study was to analyze the variation of the efflux of CO2 from the soil in areas with different fire histories in the Serra das Araras Ecological Station, in Porto Estrela-MT, in order to provide evidence about this important process in Cerrado areas. The study areas were subjected to experimental burning in 2018 and/or 2019 (two burnt areas per year) and maintained after these events, in a process of natural regeneration. The efflux was measured monthly between September 2018 and March 2020, with the aid of a portable infrared gas analyzer, coupled to a retention chamber (EGM-4). The experimental design consisted of measuring the CO2 efflux in 54 breathing collars, distributed among the six sampled areas, with three experimental areas parallel to three control areas. In each sampled area, a total of nine breathing collars were inserted, each allocated one of the nine central sub-plots. We measured the efflux of CO2 and recorded the seasonal variation in CO2 emissions between periods of drought and rain, pre and post experimental burning, with a climatic seasonality that influences the soil respiration process, and moisture is one of the major factors influence. The values presented did not follow the same seasonality in all areas, although in the first six months after the burning, we registered higher CO2 emissions resulting from underground respiration in the areas subjected to experimental burning. During the period studied, the efflux of CO2 from the soil was higher in the experimental areas compared to the control areas.

  • Data: 25/03/2021

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  • Orientador : CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
  • Data: 23/06/2021

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  • Studying hydrographic basins allows us to understand the relationship between the environmental components (physical, biotic and anthropic) and the availability and water functioning, being a necessary instrument for preservation, mitigation and management of water resources. The purpose of this research was verify the environmental impacts arising from the occupation process, carry out the environmental characterization, analyze the fluvial dynamics in the hydrographic basin of the Branco River and compartmentalize the basin into geoenvironmental units. THE methodology consisted of six steps, namely: document analysis and bibliographic; interpretation of thematic maps; on-site visits; data collect in the field; laboratory analysis and data tabulation. In order to understand the colonization process, we resorted to document analysis and bibliographic reference; the associated environmental impacts were verified in the field; the geoenvironmental compartmentation was carried out having in first plan the morphology of the relief. To carry out the soil mapping, it was performed the morphological description of soils in 11 trenches and association with 13 profiles performed by previous studies; the hydrodynamic variables and the sediment transport was verified in 24 sections over a period of 18 months between January 2018 and June 2019. The thematic maps were generated with the aid of satellite images and secondary SEPLAN data and IBGE. The analyzes of bottom and soil sediments followed the methodology proposed by Embrapa (2017). To obtain the bathymetry, we used echobathimeter and, to measure the flow velocity, the reel was used fluviometric. In order to collect the suspended sediment, the bottle of Van Dorn and, for bottom sediments, the Van Veen dredger was used. THE occupation in the basin began in the 1960s, bringing with it associated impacts, such as the suppression of APPs, erosive processes, siltation of drainage channels, urban waste and sewage Restroom. In the soil mapping, the following coverages were defined Predominant pedological: Typical Dystrophic Red-Yellow Argisol; Haplic Cambisol Tb Dystrophic leptic; Typical Aluminum Haplic Gleysol; Argissolic Red Dystrophic Latosol; Red-Yellow Latosol Typical aluminum; Fragmentary dystrophic Litholic Neosol; Neosol Typical Orthic Quartzarenic; Leptic Orthic Quartzrenic Neosol; Nitossoil Typical Dystroferric Red; and typical Dystrophic Haplic Plintosol. The flow in the section XXIV – which is close to the exultation of the Rio Branco – varied between 4.28m3/s and 82.36m3/s, the solid load in suspension was between 14.51 and 715.52 t/day, turbidity was between 9.61 and 258 UTN, in the granulometric composition of bottom sediments, the fine sand fraction predominated. Four were defined Geoenvironmental Units (UG): GU-I comprises the plateau; the UG-II corresponds to mountains with slopes of up to 20%; UG-III covers the areas of mountains where the slope is greater than 20% and the UG-IV covers the areas where depression and river plains predominate. The study allowed us to understand the interaction and environmental dynamics, spatialization, mode of use and occupation of land and understand how the drainage network is established in the context of the Branco river basin and how the interaction of the biotic and abiotic interferes with the hydrodynamics of the channels.

  • Data: 24/06/2021

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  • The thesis aims to analyze the contradictions, limits, advances and possibilities of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS/2010) and its interface with the socio-productive inclusion of recyclable material collectors, in municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso. From the validity of the PNRS, Law Federal 12.305/2010, the implementation of public policies and plans for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS) is a municipal responsibility. The legislator assigned, as a priority, to municipal entities, the contracting of self-managed projects of recyclable material collectors, formed by low-income people, for the system of collection, processing and sale of recyclable solid waste, aiming at inclusion productive and economic emancipation of these workers. This study problematizes: What are the contradictions, the limits, the advances and the possibilities of the PNRS/2010 in the socio-productive inclusion of waste pickers recyclable materials? This is a qualitative approach research descriptive; data collection through bibliographic and documentary review; field research with in-depth interview; and analysis technique of contents. It was evident that the participation of material collectors recyclables in the integrated solid waste management system contributes to reduction of environmental impacts and social inequalities. It's viable economically, as it generates income and empowerment and promotes satisfaction of human needs. Despite that, there are limitations, arising, for the most part, from the lack of resources earmarked for investments in integrated solid waste management policies. This happens, especially, to operate selective collection with the participation of Waste Pickers, with regard to structure, both of the municipalities, as well as of the associations and cooperatives. The precariousness of physical facilities, capital resources, technology and excessive state bureaucracy in the application of the legal framework. You municipalities with organized waste pickers are more likely to implement selective collection. It is essential that the PMGIRS define: ways to provide investments in environmental education with society; development of selective collection and recycling; and actions that contribute to the qualification technical and political and educational training of Waste Pickers.


  • Data: 22/07/2021

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  • FERNANDES, T. Particulate material emitted in fires, variables
    meteorological events and respiratory illness in children in Southeastern Brazil.
    Pará Amazon. Thesis (Doctorate in Environmental Sciences) - CELBE - Center for
    Research in Limnology, Biodiversity, Pantanal Ethnobiology, University of
    State of Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado. Cáceres-MT, p. 254. 20211.2
    Introduction: Atmospheric pollutants with a diameter smaller than 2.5 µm given off from
    fires and the variability of meteorological elements are a major threat to
    public health; in addition to effectively converging for the occurrence of hospitalizations
    Hospitals for Respiratory System Diseases (RDD), especially in groups
    more predisposed like that of children. Objective: Investigate possible relationships between the
    number of hospital admissions for RSD in children under five years of age and the
    PM2.5 and meteorological variables, in the period from 2010 to 2019, in 39 municipalities that
    make up the Southeastern Mesoregion of Pará. Method: This is a descriptive study
    with an ecological time-series design of the association between the morbidities
    by DAR and fine particulate material (PM2.5) emitted in fires and attributes
    meteorological (precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity). The data
    epidemiological reports of admissions were obtained from the Hospital Information System of the
    SUS (SIH/SUS), made available by the SUS Department of Statistics
    (DATASUS). And the MP2.5 and meteorological data, in the information bank of the
    Environmental Information System Integrated to Environmental Health (SISAM) and the system
    National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). For the statistical analysis of the data, it was
    adjusted the negative binomial model to estimate the relationship between the variables,
    belonging to the class of Generalized Linear Models. However, a model
    mixed was implemented and adjusted for each Integration Region and municipalities, using
    a negative binomial distribution, adopting a significance level of 1%, with
    based on the R statistical platform. Results: Between 2010 and 2019, were recorded
    50,750 hospital admissions for respiratory diseases, and more than half of the cases
    attended (56%) were male. The year 2010 exhibited 13.8% of the grand total of
    hospitalizations. There was a higher frequency of hospitalizations in the rainy season (November to
    May) corresponding to 62% of the total registered cases. The air temperature (β3=-
    0.0143) and the relative humidity of the air (β4=0.0049) were the only explanatory variables
    who exposed relationships with the cases of hospitalizations. However, only the moisture
    exhibited a statistically positive relationship, indicating an increase in cases of hospitalization
    by respiratory diseases due to increased humidity. It is estimated that the number
    average of cases of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases increases approximately
    4% for every 10% increase in the mean relative humidity value, and decreases
    approximately 2% for every degree Celsius increase above the average temperature of the
    air. Conclusion: Wetter periods can lead to increased humidity,
    favoring fungal proliferation. This is the first study carried out for one of the
    mesoregions of the state of Pará. Therefore, to assess the risk of hospital admissions
    by respiratory diseases for the most predisposed population group due to
    variability of meteorological elements is an important step for planning
    and implementation of actions that go towards a better subjective well-being. You
    public health managers can use the benchmarked prediction model to prepare the
    health services to receive children in this age group with this morbidity.


  • Orientador : AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
  • Data: 10/12/2021

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    Water must be considered as a common good that belongs to all human beings and all species existing on the planet. So, you can't deny access to safe drinking water for human consumption under penalty of violate the essential, fundamental and universal human right that determines the survival of people. The right to access water must be addressed with due importance and relevance by all and especially by the State. THE the northern region of Mato Grosso underwent changes in the configuration of its territory motivated by the expansion of the capitalist agricultural frontier. O agribusiness established itself in the most diverse areas of the region, a fact that made the State of Mato Grosso the largest grain producer in the country. This process propitiated population growth in cities, intensifying exploitation of water bodies to meet the demand for urban supply, a factor that affects the capture and distribution of water resources, compromising the rivers, streams, among others that form the hydrographic basins and sub-basins that supply the underground reservoirs. Against the backdrop of intense modification of biomes and degradations caused by the process of economic growth, there may be a decrease in the potential of sustainability regarding the urban water supply in the cities of the agribusiness. The study that is presented may support the understanding about the conflicting relationship between the development model implemented by the agribusiness (livestock and grain) and its implications and risks in issues concerning the possibilities of urban water deficit in the macro-regions to be researched. Searched

  • Data: 21/12/2021

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  • Data: 14/12/2020

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  • This research is part of the field of environmental sciences with a profile ethnographic, and its object of study is the population group belonging to the Yudjá (Juruna) ethnic group that today inhabits the Xingu Indigenous Park, in the State of Mato Grosso – Brazil. The objective of this work is to study the trajectory of this group that, in successive migrations after the first contacts with the national society since the days of colonial Brazil settled in the territory of current occupation, in the middle Xingu and with this to verify which factors dynamics involved in this trajectory, as well as the resilience demonstrated by this people. This study also aims to evaluate the way of life of the Yudjá belonging to this group and if, among their characteristic way of being and live, we can identify aspects related to the emerging concept of Well Living. Seeking to identify more objective parameters for this purpose, we carried out a search in the literature on Good Living and indigenous peoples of Brazil through tool called scientometrics, using the search strings ―Well Viver” and “Indigenous Peoples” in the main academic databases, which resulted in the selection of 24 works, in which we identified elements of the Live well. With the description of such elements of Good Living found among the Yudjá, the objective is to contribute to the strengthening of this people through the appreciation of their way of living and also provide data that can serve also to society as a whole, in the delicate period of facing the civilizational crisis in which we find ourselves. The data referring to the trajectory were researched in the literature and also through direct reports of the Yudjá contemporaries. The collection of data for this purpose, as well as for the scope of the work as a whole was through participant observation and record in field diaries, collected over nine years of work as a volunteer doctor through the Medical and Scientific Department and UDV Charity Department, supervising physician of the Mais Project Physicians for Brazil and professor of the Medicine Course at the Federal of Mato Grosso – Campus Sinop. The results we obtained in allow us to consider that the Yudjá people today resident in the limits of the Park Xingu Indigenous Peoples testify to the outstanding resilience that, over the course of years of vicissitudes, threats and a struggle to persevere, shaped his way of to be and to live, and today it is possible to verify among them elements of what called Good Living. The data obtained allow us to foresee that the people Yudjá has something to contribute with his lifestyle to our society, teaching with its simple, resilient and integrated way to its environment, a way of living well.

  • CONCENTRAÇÃO DE THg EM ÓRGÃOS DE Megaceryle torquata E Chloroceryle  

  • Data: 26/11/2020

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  • The indiscriminate use and the increase in the release of mercury (Hg) to the environment has made this metal a global problem, being among the top three substances that pose a danger for the health of the environment. Of natural and anthropogenic origin, Hg has several physical forms. and chemicals that facilitate their distribution, biological enrichment and toxicity. the growing agricultural expansion, with deforestation and fires, endangers the integrity of the soil and promotes the release and re-emission of Hg to the atmosphere with subsequent deposition in soils and bodies of water, where it can undergo methylation and acquire its organic form, methylmercury (MeHg). With the potential to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the trophic chain, MeHg reaches the waterfowl, top predators of the aquatic food chain. Searches around the world have been using this bird guild to study the dynamics and effects of this metal on health environmental. With the hypothesis that rmphotheca may demonstrate THg concentration levels (Total Mercury) accumulated over longer periods of time than organs usually used, we compared their concentrations with the concentrations of Hg in feathers from a species of European gull (Larus michahellis) and with two feathers, claws, muscle and liver Neotropical bird species (Megaceryle torquata and Chloroceryle amazon). With the objective to understand the dynamics of THg in the face of changes in land use and occupation, we analyzed THg concentrations in the organs of two species of kingfisher, Megaceryle torquata and Chloroceryle amazona, in the Juruena, Teles Pires and Paraguai rivers, with reading in the changes that have occurred in the landscape of the last 20 years. The results obtained showed that the rmphotheca is an efficient tool for the analysis of environmental contamination by Hg in water birds. The concentrations of THg in the organs of M. torquata, in descending order, were, rhamphotheca (3.00 µg/g) > feathers (2.95 µg/g) > claws (2.22 µg/g) > liver (1.21 µg/g) > muscle (0.70 µg/g) and for C. amazon, feathers (2.27 µg/g) > rmphotheca (1.92 µg/g) > claws (1.42 µg/g) > liver (0.47 µg/g) > muscle (0.46 µg/g). The species that best expressed the metal concentrations was C. amazon. The Pantanal area showed the lowest levels of THg in soil and inverse distribution behavior to soils in Amazonian areas, where, the Teles Pires river with the highest deforestation rate expressed the highest levels of THg in the soil and in the water and the smallest in the sediment. There was no strong correlation between the THg levels of the bird organs and abiotic variables (soil, sediment and water), which suggests that levels of Hg that will be bioavailable for the trophic chain are related to physical-chemical factors of the environment.


  • Data: 30/12/2020

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  • Nature is capable of providing countless benefits to people through ecosystem services it provides. Fishing activity and ecotourism can play important roles in this context, as they combine sustainability, conservation and economic support, mainly for the local populations. One of the goals of scientific research is to make data available decision makers so that legislation can be improved in order to benefit the greatest number of people. The general objective of this thesis was characterize the interactions of social groups within CEPESCA and the ecotourism at the Encontro das Águas State Park, in the Pantanal. The results found in CEPESCA identified and categorized five sectors: Government, Tourism Businesses, Professional Fishermen, NGOs and Academia. THE Government had the largest number of institutions involved in the process participatory, followed by tourism, fishermen, NGOs and academia. The analyzes suggest the implementation of social learning processes, and the inclusion of marginalized groups, such as indigenous people, in order to improve the stakeholder balance of power. The PEEA, on the other hand, proved to be a factor of economic development for the region, with an average spending by visitors of US$ 693.00 per day, with the estimated economic impact of this visitation ranging from US$4.8 to US$13.5 million per year. The main reasons for visits were to observe wildlife in general (27%) and to the observation of jaguars (26%). There is what needs to be improved, and the infrastructure that houses tourists was the most cited point, however the trip to PEEA left 100% of the visitors satisfied, demonstrating that the local biodiversity manages to overlap the problems faced by them in other questions.

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