
  • Daniel Vicente Bobek
  • Zoneamento ambiental visando à otimização na alocação de ensaios de rendimento de soja em Mato Grosso

  • Data: 18-ene-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Brazil is the largest producer of soy, with a production area of over 40 million
    acre. Production in the country covers practically all regions, resulting in a high
    environmental diversity in its cultivation. The environment exerts a great influence on behavior.
    phenotypic characteristics of the species, especially through factors such as: water availability,
    temperature, photoperiod. Given this information, the study aims to stratify
    spatially the soybean cultivation environments in Mato Grosso in cultivation zones, through
    the use of environmental variables, aiming at improving the distribution of experimental tests and
    recommendation of soybean cultivars. Multi-environment experiments were conducted in 30
    localities in relevant growing regions in Mato Grosso, corresponding to Macroregions
    Soybean 4 (REC 401, 402, 403), over three harvests, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and
    2021/2022. The experimental design adopted was in complete randomized blocks.
    (DBC), in three replications. In all, thirty soybean cultivars were evaluated, representing the
    different maturity groups (7.3 - 8.3). The plots consisted of four rows of
    plants, spaced 0.5 m apart and 5.0 m long each. Then, there will be a
    spatial analysis including the main environmental factors that impact on yield
    and, consequently, on the adaptation of cultivars. In view of the results obtained, it is expected
    that the results of this study can subsidize the elaboration of experimental schemes that
    result in greater selective accuracy, associated with lower financial and
    operations, especially about the number of experimental sites in a program of


    Desempenho de genótipos de Carthamus tinctorius L. em diferentes espaçamentos entre linhas de semeadura

  • Data: 07-feb-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Safflower is an oilseed with energy potential, tolerant to adverse climatic conditions such as high temperature and water restrictions, which has the potential to be cultivated during the second harvest period in the Central-West region of Brazil, where we have cultivation restrictions due to the reduction rain and rising temperatures. Safflower cultivation is recent in the State of Mato Grosso, requiring more studies regarding the cultivation system and in this sense, this study intended to evaluate nine safflower genotypes in different spacing between planting rows. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Genetic Resources & Biotechnology Laboratory (LRG&B) at UNEMAT, in Cáceres-MT, evaluating nine safflower genotypes in four row spacings (0.30 m; 0.45 m; 0.60 and 0.75 m), in a 9x4 factorial scheme, in a randomized block design, with three replications. Nine variables were evaluated, namely: Flowering; Number of branches per plant; Number of chapters per plant; Plant height; Diameter of chapters; Number of seeds per chapter; Weight of 1000 seeds; Crop cycle and productivity per plant. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance, with subsequent use of the Skott and Knott mean grouping tests and regression. The results showed significant differences at 1 and 5% probability between the genotypes and for the spacings evaluated, where no significant interaction between the factors was found. The factors were evaluated individually and for the genotypes, PI 568870 and PI 613361 showed a shorter cultivation period, while for the production components (NCP, NRP, DCAP, NSC, P1000, and PROD) PI 405970 and IPR 221 expressed performance superior agronomic. For the spacings evaluated, the genotypes showed better performance in DCAP, P1000 and PROD at a spacing of 0.60 m, while at a spacing of 0.30 m the agronomic performance was not adequate for the genotypes PI 405970, PI 393500 and IPR 221.

  • Biologia reprodutiva e avaliação  da durabilidade de hastes florais de diferentes cultivares de Gladíolus sp.


  • Data: 15-feb-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • O Gladíolo é uma planta ornamental muito utilizada comercialmente como flor de corte, vulgarmente conhecida como Palma-de-Santa-Rita, originário do continente africano e pertencente à família Iridaceae. É uma planta bulbosa de grande importância comercial para pequenos e médios produtores, pelo fato do tempo curto de produção das inflorescências entre 60 e 120 dias. Entretanto a maior parte da produção de flores no brasil se concentra na região Sul e Sudeste, apesar que nos últimos anos a região Centro-Oeste obteve crescimento significativo na floricultura, ainda necessitando de novos estudos para desenvolvimento de cultivares adaptadas e produtivas. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo desse trabalho é descrever a biologia reprodutiva do Gladiolus Sp., obtendo informações sobre a morfologia, biologia floral e sistema de reprodução. O experimento foi conduzido  na área experimental da Universidade do Estado Mato Grosso (14°38’58’’ S e 57°25’37’’), entre junho de 2022 a outubro de 2023. Foi realizado o estudo da biologia Floral do Gladiolus Sp. a partir da obtenção das inflorescências em casa de vegetação com sombreamento de 30 %, as plantas distribuídas em canteiros com dimensões 20 cm de altura, 100 cm de largura e 10 m de comprimento, os bulbos serão espaçados por 25 cm em 3 linhas por canteiro. Avaliando as fases de pré-antese e antese ocorreram no estádio R3 a partir da abertura dos botões florais, as avaliações ocorreram períodos determinados. Foram avaliadas morfologia floral, viabilidade polínica, receptividade estigmática, observação de polinizadores e sistema reprodutivo, buscando identificar capacidade de autopolinização da espécie. Espera-se o conhecimento sistemático da biologia floral da espécie para identificar quais serão mecanismos adequados para obtenção de híbridos adaptados e com exuberantes florescências para desenvolvimento das cultivares na região. 

  • Zélia Marques da Silva Radons Prestes

  • Data: 20-feb-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Passiflora nitida Kunth is known as passion fruit, it is a wild plant with exotic flavor fruits. It is found in almost all of Brazil, mainly in the Cerrado region, P. nitida can also be found in the North, Midwest and Northeast regions. P. nitida is part of the group of sweet passion fruit that are consumed in natura, its fruits are widely used in the preparation of sweets and juices. P. nitida is among the species that have the greatest resistance to diseases such as fusariosis. Because of this, further studies are needed to break dormancy, especially in wild species, such as P. clara. The objective of this work is to establish a method for overcoming dormancy for P. nitida seeds using passion fruit juice and rooting cuttings of the wild species P. cristalina and P. miniata. The experimental material used will be the seeds of P. clara Kunth and the fruit of P. edulis for juice extraction. The fruits of P. nitida will be weighed on an analytical scale, then with the aid of a caliper, length and width measurements will be taken. The experiment will be established in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and the control and six replications. The data will be submitted to analysis of variance and, when significance is found by the F test, the means of the treatments will be compared by the Tukey test, at 5% probability, the program used will be the R program.


  • Data: 26-feb-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Tectona grandis L. f. is a high-value forest species used in the production of luxury furniture and shipbuilding. In Mato Grosso, this exotic species has adapted well to the climate, showing high production potential. However, the cultivation of teak has been threatened by Ceratocystis wilt, a fungal disease that can lead to production loss. The objective of this project was to develop a rapid and simple protocol for the identification of Ceratocystis fimbriata in teak wood using RT-qPCR. The work was conducted between August 2022 and December 2023 in the laboratories of the Graduate Program in Plant Genetics and Breeding, in partnership with the company TRC – Teak Resources Ltd. For DNA extraction, simple and rapid protocols were used, with adaptations for the use of the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega). The confirmation of the quantity and quality of the extracted DNA was performed using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and compared with the Qubit® 4.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen). Ten specific primers were used for the C. fimbriata fungus. All bioinformatics work was done using NCBI, GeneBank, Blast, and Primer3 for primer design. Quantitative PCR was carried out on the BioRad CFX 96 using SYBR® Green. Of the 10 designed primers, eight worked adequately with the ability to identify the presence of DNA from the phytopathogenic fungus C. fimbriata at concentrations of 1 picogram. Thus, we conclude that the primers and protocol developed in this work can be used for accurate diagnosis of C. fimbriata wilt in teak."

  • Jaqueline de Oliveira
  •  Influência de óleos essenciais na micropropagação in vitro de Catasetum sp. 

  • Data: 06-jun-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???

    Orchids (Family Orchidaceae) are unique plants valued and appreciated for their incomparable beauty with high conservation and diverse flower morphology. The genus Catasetum is representative in this sector, with about 130 species and 8 genera. This work aimed to evaluate the development of Catasetum Sp and its micropropagation under the influence of three essential oils. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Culture of Plant Tissues at the University of the State of Mato Grosso “Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado” (UNEMAT), Cidade Universitária do Campus de Alta Floresta – Mato Grosso. Two different culture media (with charcoal and without charcoal) were prepared to estimate the best medium using essential oils. Seedlings of Catasetum sp. obtained from in vitro cultivation and sowing in an alternative culture medium consisting of 30g L-1 of sucrose, 4g L-1 of activated charcoal, 2g L-1 of B&G® fertilizer, 100 mL L-1 of coconut water ( RODRIGUES et al., 2012), with adjusted pH 5.7. The culture media were autoclaved at 121°C for 20 minutes, and then essential oils (Olibanum Oil, Cedar Oil and Black Pepper Oil) were added. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design. 7 treatments were performed with 5 repetitions, the control (without essential oil), frankincense 1.75 μl (5 drops), frankincense 2.50 μl (10 drops), cedar 1.75 μl, cedar 2.50, black pepper 1.75 μl and black pepper 2.50 μl, totaling 35 glass vials of 250 ml containing 30 ml of culture medium with charcoal and 35 vials for the culture medium without charcoal.

  • Data: 27-jun-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In cowpea culture, in some situations, the application of fertilizers can cause the plants to vegetate excessively, culminating in low productivity and plant lodging. In this case, the application of fertilizers can increase the cost without the expected increase in production. Considering the need for rational use of fertilizers and that there is variability regarding the efficiency and response in the use of fertilizers, the selection of more efficient cowpea lines to be used as parents in the breeding program will contribute to the development of new cultivars . This work was carried out with the objective of selecting cowpea lines that were efficient and responsive to the application of the formulated fertilizer NPK 00-20-20 in the sowing furrow. The genotypes were evaluated in Sorriso-MT in the years 2019 and 2020 and in Sinop-MT in 2020. Two experiments were installed in each location/year, one with fertilizer application and the other without application, totaling six experiments. In all locations, before sowing, composite samples of the soil layer from 0 to 0.20 m were collected and sent for analysis in the laboratory, aiming at physical and chemical characterization, for interpretation of the edaphic conditions of the experimental area. The trials were composed of twenty treatments, with 14 promising lines and six commercial cultivars. The experimental design used was complete randomized blocks (DBC), with three replications, plots of 2 rows of 4 meters in length and spacing of 0.5m between rows. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means grouped by Scott & Knott's (1974) test. Genotypes were classified according to efficiency and response to fertilizer application according to methodology adapted from Fageria & Kluthcouski (1980). The G6 lineage (MNC11-1021E-17) showed the highest grain yield averages observed with and without fertilizer application. The average response to fertilization of the G6 line was 306 kg ha-1 (5.1 bags), being classified as efficient and responsive. The G6 lineage also showed a low lodging index and a 100-grain mass above 20 grams, being superior to the BRS Pajeú cultivar.

  • Identificação de genótipos de teca resistente ao fungo lasiodiplodio theobromae

  • Data: 10-sep-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The teak tree, native to the tropical forests of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, has adapted well to equatorial and tropical climates. In Brazil, teak production is increasingly growing, with financial returns in 25 years. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize losses during cultivation as, despite teak's good resistance characteristics to biotic and abiotic factors, certain phytosanitary factors can compromise production. An example is teak cancer, which causes bark detachment, especially near the pruning area and exudation of the vessels, presenting a protuberance. The recurring problems of this fungus in Brazil require more in-depth studies. Hence, this work aims to identify different teak genotypes resistant to the Lasiodiplodia theobromae fungus. The study was conducted at the experimental field of UNEMAT – Cáceres Campus, where the studied population was obtained from an in vivo germplasm bank of the Teak Resources Company. The plants were produced via cuttings in polyethylene tubes and transplanted after approximately 15 days into individual pots. They were kept in a shaded area covered with 70% shade cloth and watered by a drip irrigation system for 150 days until inoculation. For inoculation, isolate 102 was used, being the most aggressive isolate of Lasiodiplodia theobroma, from the mycology collection of the LMGV (Laboratory of Plant Genetic Improvement) of UNEMAT. It was cultivated in MYEA culture medium (2% malt extract, 0.2% yeast extract, 2% agar) in Petri dishes for 20 days until full colonization. After 150 days of inoculation, the plants will be harvested, removing all the bark to reveal the lesion area. The experimental design will be a completely randomized block, consisting of 167 treatments (teak genotypes), three blocks, with two plants per plot, totaling 1002 plants. The lesion area data will be subjected to analysis of variance and then, the average values of the variable will be analyzed by Selegen -REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction).


  • Data: 13-sep-2024

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Teak (Tectona grandis) is a forest, arboreal species, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, native to India, responsible for the great forestry advance in Brazil and has a high yield value, it was introduced in Brazil in the mid-70s in the state of Mato Grosso , where it was most widely adopted in this region with a 25-year production cycle, whereas in its region of origin, the production cycle is 70 years, favoring harvest time and subsequent marketing. Although this forest species is widely cultivated in the country, there are still few genetic improvement programs for teak, which aim to select trees with desirable characteristics, such as resistance to pathogens and wood quality. However, there is a shortage of high genetic quality teak plantations, limiting advances in genetic improvement. Morphological characterization is a useful tool for identifying the genetic variability of trees, but there are few studies in this area for teak. Therefore, for commercialization, teak cultivars must be registered in the National Cultivar Registry (RNC) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). This involves tests to evaluate characteristics established by MAPA, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of cultivars for farmers, providing them with security. In short, this study aims to evaluate teak genotypes and then describe the technical procedures for proving that teak cultivars distinguish themselves from others through distinguishability, homogeneity and stability (DHE) assessments, for cultivar registration. However, the work will be carried out at UNEMAT in the city of Cáceres-MT, 22 morphoagronomic descriptors will be evaluated, in seedlings aged 120 days, and in adult plants aged 2 to 3 years old, observing the different characteristics in these two phases, thus considering their cultivation capacity and quality, in order to contribute to the development of the forestry industry in Brazil.


  • Data: 30-ene-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In Brazil, the presence of L. theobromae causing cancer and even death in Tectona grandis was identified, in this 
    sense the objective of this study is to carry out the characterization of Lasiodiplodia theobromae associated with
    the damage caused in Tectona grandis and to identify the potential severity of the isolates collected in the state 
    from Mato Grosso and Pará. The study will be divided into two stages, the first being conducted at the Laboratory 
    of Plant Genetic Improvement with the morphological characterization of samples collected from symptomatic teak
     plants and isolated in culture medium with subsequent identification under an optical microscope, for cultural
     characterization of the isolates, will be An experiment was set up in a 6 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement
     (temperature, culture medium, photoperiod) and every 24 hours the mycelial growth diameter (DM) will be 
    measured, until the colony completely covers the diameter of the Petri dish, quantifying the number of conidia 
    with the aid of a Neubauer chamber. In this way the average mycelial growth rate will be determined.
     The analysis  of variance and the means when significant will be compared by the Scott-Knott test with a 
    probability of 5% using the Sisvar computer program. The second stage will be carried out in a greenhouse
    with an aggressiveness and pathogenicity test of the different isolates inoculated in UNEMAT 33 genotype. 
    The plants will be evaluated at 150 days after the fungus inoculation, the internal lesion length (CL) will be
     measured by longitudinal section. of the stem of the seedlings and evaluation of the lesion area (AL). The data
     obtained will be applied by the Scott-Knott test at the level of 5% of probability for the comparison of the 
    means using the static program Sisvar.
  • Marcelo Henrique dos Santos

    Estudo do mapeamento associativo da resistência fisiológica do feijão comum a diferentes isolados de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum de Bary

  • Data: 07-feb-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Considered one of the main foods for the Brazilian population, beans are one of the most produced legumes in 
    the country, placing Brazil as one of the main world producers of this grain. However, several factors such as
     fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli) compromise the development of the culture, reducing its 
    quality and production. In this way, obtaining plants that are less susceptible to this pathogen can become a 
    viable and economical alternative for producers. The objective of this work will be to select parents for physiological 
    resistance to (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli) in common bean, and through multi-locus GWAS models 
    (ML-GWAS) to carry out the associative mapping of regions associated with this characteristic. A total of 109 
    common bean accessions from the germplasm bank of the UNEMAT breeding program will be used to carry 
    out the work. Total DNA from all accessions in the panel was extracted from young leaves using the Pure LinkTM 
    Genomic Plant DNA Purification kit). DNA quality verification was performed by electrophoresis in 1% agarose 
    followed by quantification by the Qubit fluorimeter (Thermo Fisher). After obtaining the DNA of the 109 
    accessions, they were genotyped by sequencing (GBS – Genotyping-By-Sequencing). For the genome-wide 
    association, the population structure obtained from the farmCPU software will be used (Liu et al., 2016).
  • Citogenotoxicidade, diversidade genética e estrutura populacional de Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae) no Pantanal mato-grossense

  • Data: 20-feb-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Vochysia divergens Pohl., popularly known as cambará, belongs to the Vochysiaceae family, is a tree species, naturally found in floodplains and riparian forests in the Pantanal. Its wood is used to make canoes, troughs and toys, and the species also has medicinal, ornamental and reforestation uses. Despite being widely used, there are no studies regarding its cytogenotoxic potential and genetic diversity. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the cytogenotoxic potential of aqueous extracts (infusion and decoction) of the stem bark of V. divergens, using the Allium cepa test, as well as to characterize the diversity and genetic structure of native populations in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso state, Brazil using microsatellite molecular markers. The evaluation of the cytogenotoxic potential was carried out with two types of aqueous extracts (infusion and decoction), with five different concentrations and two controls, being distilled water (negative control) and copper sulphate pentahydrate (positive control). The two aqueous extracts have cytogenotoxic potential on the cells of the apical meristem of Allium cepa. The exception was the concentration of 200 mg ml-1 of the infused extract, since it did not differ statistically from the negative control, being indicated for human consumption. The genetic diversity and structure were evaluated in 152 individuals distributed in six natural populations in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso state, using seven microsatellite molecular markers. 33 alleles were amplified, with an average of 4.71 alleles per locus. The six populations present He lower than Ho. The fixation index was negative, which indicated greater heterozygosity in the populations. The PIC ranged from 0.110 to 0.729 and only one locus was uninformative. We found 4 rare and 13 exclusive alleles in the populations. The largest component of variation was within populations (52.78%) and the gene flow estimate was 0.26, indicating low gene flow among populations. The clusters generated three groups. It is observed that the genetic structure is not related to the geographical distance among populations. Vochysia divergens has cytogenotoxic potential and its native populations in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso state present levels of important genetic diversity to help in practices that ensure the management and conservation of the species.

  • Identificação de fontes de feijão comum com resistência fisiológica a diferentes isolados de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

  • Data: 27-feb-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Beans come from the Fabaceae family, it is one of the main foods of the Brazilian family, it is among the main
     crops of greater economic importance and the most produced in Brazil. The biggest problem that occurs in the 
    bean crop are diseases, among the main one that causes significant losses is Fusarium wilt, caused by the 
    pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Phaseoli. Its main control measure is the use of resistant cultivars. The 
    development of resistant cultivars is the best alternative to control the fungus and studies aimed at identifying 
    common bean genotypes resistant to fusarium wilt. The technology is associated with the development of new 
    resistant cultivars such as; Several molecular biology techniques are available for the detection of genetic 
    polymorphism in several plant species, which did not occur with morphological markers. In genomic association 
    studies, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are used, which are the most frequent form of variation in the 
    genome, they help to establish locations. Against from this, the objective of this work will be the identification of 
    sources of resistance of common bean to Fusarium wilt.

  • Data: 14-mar-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In vitro propagation has been used in Brazil for just over 25 years, mainly to increase the production of seedlings 
    with quality and uniformity. Essential oils are aromatic products of secondary metabolism of plants, extracted 
    from seeds, barks or leaves, they present volatile substances, they have numerous utilities such as in food, 
    cosmetic and sanitizing formulations, currently they are used in many works of plant tissue culture, with antifungal
     and antibacterial action, so this work aims to evaluate the influence of different doses of three essential oils
     (Clove, Melaleuca and Ginger) on the vegetative development of Catasetum sp., evaluate the material grown 
    in vitro through cytogenetics , characterizing the genetic parameters and genetic diversity of the species. 
    The experiment will be conducted at the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Plant Tissue Culture at the State University
     of Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado – Campus de Alta Floresta – MT. Germination tests will be
     carried out with the tetrazolium dye. Catasetum protocorms will be used, obtained from in vitro sowing in an 
    alternative culture medium consisting of 30g L-1 of sucrose, 4g L-1 of activated charcoal, 
    2g L-1 of B&G® fertilizer, 100 mL L-1 of coconut water (RODRIGUES, 2012). The culture medium will be
    prepared in the laboratory and autoclaved at 121°C for 20 minutes, with adjusted pH, and then sterilized 
    with the addition of sterilized essential oils (Melaleuca Oil, Clove Oil and Ginger Oil). The design used will be 
    a completely randomized design, using protocorms of Catasetum sp., with 6 treatments 
    (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL L-1 of tea tree oil, cloves and ginger), with 5 replications analyzing 20 seedlings 
    per treatment.
  • Caracterização molecular de variedades locais de mandioca cultivadas e manejadas por produtores de farinha Uarini da região de Tefé, Amazonas, Brasil

  • Data: 04-abr-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is produced throughout Brazil due to its easy adaptation to different climates and soils, and plays an important role in generating employment and income. This research is part of the Interdisciplinarity for the Strengthening of the Uarini Flour Production Chain - Ethnobotany and Genetic Diversity of Manihot esculenta Crantz project, and aims to perform the molecular characterization of local varieties of cassava cultivated by Uarini flour producers in the Tefé region, Amazonas Brazil. Sampling was carried out in the Uarini Geographical Indication area, comprising the municipalities of Uarini, Alvarães, Tefé, and Maraã, located in the state of Amazonas. The study was conducted at UNEMAT Alta Floresta, in the GenBioMol Laboratory. DNA extraction was performed using the CTAB method from 48 local varieties of cassava cultivated in the Uarini GI. Subsequently, PCR was performed using ISSR and SSR molecular markers. The products of the ISSR-PCR were converted into a binary matrix of the presence and absence of bands, and the SSR-PCR products were sent to FIOCRUZ for genotyping. The 12 SSR primers amplified a total of 78 alleles, with an average of seven per primer. Most primers showed observed heterozygosity higher than expected. PIC varied from 0.07 (SSRY43) to 0.83 (SSRY35), with an average of 0.55. Fifteen rare alleles and 30 exclusive alleles were found. AMOVA revealed greater genetic variation within populations than between populations. The UPGMA method and Bayesian analysis formed three groups each. The seven ISSR primers amplified 82 fragments, with 51 polymorphic ones. The average percentage of polymorphism was 62.20%. PIC ranged from 0.21 (UBC 834) to 0.60 (TRI GTG), with an average of 0.32. The UPGMA clustering method formed three groups and Bayesian analysis formed two. There is genetic diversity among the local varieties of cassava studied, which is greater within populations than between populations, a result that may have been favored by the exchange of cassava cuttings among producers. The clustering methods used did not separate local varieties by collection location. Genetic divergence among local varieties represents an important factor for the preservation of the species, as well as a potential to be explored in conservation and cultivation reproduction programs of the species, or even in breeding programs, with a focus on the Alvarães population, which showed the highest number of rare alleles and exclusive alleles.

  • Andressa Alves Cabreira dos Santos
  • Desenvolvimento de genótipos de Carthamus tinctorius L. em Cáceres- MT. 

  • Data: 06-jul-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Carthamus tinctorius L. is an annual oilseed belonging to the Asteraceae family, of interest to agriculture due to the versatility of its raw material with employment in the food, textile, and pharmaceutical industries. It is recognized for the high quality of the oil produced and its favorable agronomic characteristics to adverse conditions, such as tolerance to drought and cold, which can become an alternative crop for periods with higher risk of water shortage. The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance of safflower genotypes based on agronomic characteristics in order to select genitors. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Laboratory of Genetic Resources & Biotechnology - LRG&B, linked to the Department of Agronomy of the State University of Mato Grosso, Campus of Caceres, where 30 safflower genotypes from the Germplasm Collection were evaluated in a randomized block design, with three repetitions via eight agronomic characteristics. The data were submitted to variance analysis and multivariate analysis, where the genetic divergence was estimated by the generalized Mahalanobis distance (D²ii') using the relative importance of the characters and the Tocher grouping methods, hierarchical UPGMA, and 3D projection. The results indicated significant differences at 1 and 5% probability for the evaluated characteristics, showing the existence of genetic variability among the safflower genotypes. The variables ALTP and DMC were the ones that presented the greatest contribution to the genetic divergence among the 30 genotypes. Tocher's optimization, hierarchical UPGMA and 3D projection methods showed similar clusters in 90%. The genotypes PI 572450 and PI 613382 the most divergent (D2ii'= 62.84), however, the lowest divergence was observed between the genotypes PI 306844 and PI 401475 with a distance of D2ii'= 1.84. The genotypes PI 613419, PI 343930, PI 572450 and PI 613382 showed better performance for the evaluated traits and higher genetic dissimilarity, suggesting potential to be used in a breeding program involving future crosses for the safflower crop.

  • Marcos Corbellini
  • Adaptabilidade geográfica para otimização da recomendação de cultivares de soja em Mato Grosso

  • Data: 27-jul-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Brazil is the most soybean producer, account 30% of global production, estimated on season 2019/20, considered the main oilseed cultivated in the world. Currently, soybean production abroad all regions of the country, resulting high environmental diversity to the crop. Environment has great influence on phenotypic behavior of species, specially by factors like water availability, temperature, photoperiod and altitude. Multiambiental experiments associated to geostatistics techniques, with environmental variables help, may subsidize the understanding of interaction genotype ambient and adaptative thresholds. The most laborious step inside a breeding program is the genotypes evaluation in different ambients, limiting the size of the breeding program to its capacity of experimental evaluation. Studying adaptability and stability contributes to identification of previsible behavior genotypes, that suffer little changes according to environmental variations, ensuring the selection of materials with better stability and yield previsibility inside target region. The objective of present study was understand the adaptation of soybean cultivars in the soy macro region 4 from Brazil by spatialization of yield, to know the adaptatives geographic thresholds. It was perform yield trials from soybean breeding program of Syngenta Seeds, conducted in 40 places belong to soy macro region 4, on seasons 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Experimental design was completely randomized blocks with three repetitions, in 30 genotypes. Data were submitted to means adjustment and yield predition to obtaining the genotypic and ambient effects. After the model adjustment, obtaining the genotypic effects and means adjustment, was applied the method of regression Krigagem.

  • Carine Zunto Lucca
  • Indução à calogênese de pau-de-balsa a partir de explantes foliares


  • Data: 31-jul-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???


  • Carine Zunto Lucca
  • Pró-embriogenia de explante cotiledonares de pau-de-balsa (Ochroma pyramidale)


  • Data: 30-ago-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???


  • Janaina Barros de Jesus
  • AVALIAÇÃO DE RESISTÊNCIA DE GENÓTIPOS DE Tectona grandis AO FUNGO Lasiodiplodia theobromae

  • Data: 18-dic-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Tectona grandis, popularly known as teak, is an economically important tree species in the timber sector in Brazil. The market is interested in the attractive characteristics of wood such as beauty, color, durability, physical aspects and flexibility of use. Its use is mainly intended for the furniture industry, but other important sectors are covered such as shipbuilding, floors and decoration utensils. The adaptability of teak to soils and tropical climates is another aspect that makes it possible to maximize commercial plantations. One of the factors that limit production is the occurrence of diseases, including canker caused by L. theobromae, which is one of the most destructive, as it infects the stem and directly compromises the quality of the wood. Therefore, this work will be developed with the objective of identifying teak resistant genotypes to canker, through phenotyping studies of clones inoculated with L. theobromae. A fungus isolate will be inoculated into 187 teak genotypes, in a randomized block design (DBC) with three replications and experimental unit consisting of 2 plants per plot. The inoculation of the seedlings will follow the methodology proposed by the consulted literature, with adaptations, 120 days after transplanting the seedlings. The seedlings will be slaughtered in a destructive way in order to evaluate and measure the area colonized by the pathogen with photographic record and evaluation made through image software 120 days after inoculation. Finally, analysis of variance will be performed and the averages will be grouped by Scott knott. Based on the results obtained, promising clones will be indicated for the next stages of improvement, contributing to the creation of resistant cultivars, collaborating with teak foresters and the country's forestry development.

  • Sebastião Marcos Silva Valentim

  • Data: 18-dic-2023

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Floriculture is an economic activity that is expanding in Brazil, in which, in the last year (2021), the sector grew by 15% compared to 2020, even with the embezzlements that occurred due to the pandemic of the new Coronavirus. The cut sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a species with great potential for the floriculture market in the country, since its cultivation is easy to manage and can be a good alternative for income gain for families that live from family farming. Therefore, the objective of the research was to evaluate the performance and adaptation of 12 new sunflower genotypes of Italian origin in the city of Cáceres-MT, through the activities developed by the Flores Para Todos project. The seeds of the 12 sunflower genotypes were sown in trays containing Carolina Soil commercial substrate until germination, in which the emergence count was made and the duration of the phase between sowing and emergence was determined. In the field, a randomized block design (DBC) was implemented, containing two blocks (beds), where each genotype had two replications. The beds were 1 m wide, with the seedlings arranged in four rows with a spacing of 20 cm between rows and 12.5 cm between plants in the row (8 plants per linear meter in the row), which results in a density of 32 plants/m² . Ten plants in the two central rows (five per row) were marked to be evaluated during the developmental cycle until harvest. In them, the number of leaves was counted and the date of the main stages was monitored: visible floral bud, visible flower color and harvest point, and the final number of leaves was counted. At the point of harvest, its total length and the cut of the floral stem at 70 cm were measured and the diameter of the stem at the height of the cut and the diameter of the capitulum were measured and classified according to tortuosity.



  • Data: 28-ene-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • This research aims to analyze the on-farm conservation of cassava practiced by a community in the Baixada Cuiabana region, state of Mato Grosso, under the ethnobotanical and molecular aspects, through the study of the genetic diversity of the collection they maintain. Root and tuber cultures originating in tropical regions play an important role in Brazilian small-scale agriculture, especially cassava. In the Baixada Cuiabana region, there is a strong characteristic that traditional farmers have in common, which is their dedication to the production of cassava, with in-depth knowledge about the management of ethnovariety, production and processing. Farmers were interviewed about ethnobotanical aspects of cassava, applying a questionnaire with open questions regarding the characteristics of each ethnovariety maintained by the farmer, morphological and physiological aspects, and how the vine was acquired. The collected sheets for molecular characterizations with fluorescent microsatellites. The leaf tissues of the cassava species they maintained were inserted into 2.0 mL polypropylene tubes with loading buffer (containing 1 mL of saturated NaCL-CTAB solution, 70g of NaCL, 3g of CTAB dissolved in 200 mL of water distilled). Then, the material was identified and sent to the Phytochemical Laboratory of Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, Sinop-MT, and stored in a freezer at -4ºC until DNA extraction. To analyze the genetic diversity of cassava ethnovarities, allele frequencies, number of alleles per locus (A), expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosity, allele fixation index (f) and percentage of polymorphic loci were estimated. (%P) through the GDA program - Genetic Data Analysis. The mean for expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosity stands out with significant values, 0.67 and 0.72, respectively, with observed heterozygosity was higher than expected in nine of the 15 loci analyzed. Farmers' ethnobotanical practices contributed to the high genetic diversity found in the collection. There are rare alleles within the evaluated population, which reinforces the importance of maintaining and expanding the on farm/in situ conservation of these collections in order to stop genetic erosion. The matrinxã ethnovarity stood out for being the most divergent among the collection.
  • Cultivo hidropônico de girassol de corte em solução nutritiva refrigerada. 

  • Data: 21-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The glass of milk is a cut flower belonging to the Araceae family, originating from flooded regions of Africa, 
    with great economic potential, being produced mainly in cold climate regions, which provide a greater number 
    of quality flowers. Despite being a plant of great economic importance, it does not stand out in local production in 
    the state of Mato Grosso, given the adverse environmental conditions. Cultivation in hot climates is not impossible, 
    although it may become unfeasible, given the amount spent to acclimatize greenhouses and/or environments. 
    Another point that also makes the process more expensive is the automation system, in the case of hydroponic 
    systems, which also requires prior knowledge from the producer in its handling. Therefore, the present work will 
    aim at the production of commercial standard flowers, from milk cups, using for this the cultivation in a vertical 
    hydroponic system, with refrigeration of the nutrient solution, this entire system being controlled by the low-cost 
    automation platform Arduíno, in the experimental area of the State University of Mato Grosso “Carlos Alberto 
    Reyes Maldonado” (UNEMAT), Campus de Cáceres-MT.
  • Identificação de fontes de resistência fisiológica a isolados de  alta variabilidade genética de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum em feijão comum

  • Data: 24-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Beans are among the main crops of greatest economic importance and the most produced in the Brazil. 
    One of the main problems that affect the culture are diseases, between the main one and the one that the 
    most significant loss is Fusarium wilt, caused by the Fusarium pathogen oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, and its
    main control measure is the use of resistant cultivars. THE identification of sources of resistance and development 
    of resistant cultivars is one of the targets of plant genetic improvement. Thus, the objective of this work is to 
    identify SNPs markers associated with Fop resistance in common bean.
  • Diversidade genética de Carthamus tinctorius L. via algoritmo de Gower.

  • Data: 25-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Due to the great demand for bioenergetic species on a world scale, the safflower crop has been highlighted as an important alternative for energy production. Safflower is an oilseed with several applications, in addition to its bioenergetic potential, it has high value for human consumption, in the food, industrial, ornamental, medicinal and animal consumption sectors. In addition, it has aroused interest in national agriculture, as it presents itself as an option for second crop cultivation, not competing for area with crops used for human consumption. However, the lack of technical knowledge regarding its cultivation and the lack of improved cultivars adapted to our environment is one of the reasons that prevent the expansion of this culture in the country. Considering that safflower genetic improvement is essential to increase its acceptability and utility as a global oilseed, the objective was to estimate the genetic divergence between safflower accessions in terms of morphological, agronomic, chemical and molecular characters using the Gower algorithm. A total of 116 genotypes from the LRG&B - UNEMAT Germplasm Collection were evaluated. The information regarding the morphoagronomic, chemical and molecular characterization was obtained through field and laboratory experiments carried out at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Mato-Grossense Company for Research, Assistance and Rural Extension (EMPAER) and Instituto Federal of Mato Grosso (IFMT). For data analysis, a joint analysis of the data was performed, in which the Gower Algorithm was used to create the dissimilarity matrix. The resulting matrix was submitted to different clusters, such as the Tocher Optimization, Hierarchical UPGMA and Ward-MLM clustering methods. The clustering methods applied were efficient in distinguishing the accessions and the results indicate the existence of genetic divergence between the safflower genotypes. Pi 193473, pi 195895, pi 237539, pi 262443, pi 279344, pi 401474, pi 401475, pi 401475, pi 406006, pi 537658, pi 544028, pi 532639, pi 568787, pi 568787, pi 613382, pi 613382, pi 613503, pi 638543 were the most divergent genetically, being indicated for possible crosses.

  • Morfometria cromossômica de Catasetum saccatum Lindl. x Catasetum saccatum mutante

  • Data: 28-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The genus Catasetum is formed by the species that belong to the Cymbidieae group, many of these species are terrestrial, the genus is the one that most arouses interest in botanists, due to its admirable adaptation and the trimorphism in its flowers. Studies related to the chromosome number for this genus point to a large chromosomal variation, directing hybridization as one of the responsible for the increase in diversity, a fact that can be commonly used to seek characteristics considered to be of greater acceptance. Therefore, this work aims to perform the chromosomal characterization of Catasetum saccatum x Catasetum saccatum mutant, from the analysis of chromosomal morphometry to contribute to botanical, evolutionary and genetic improvement studies. The cariological variability of these plants generates results that may present possible differences between the species based on the chromosomes. The study was carried out at the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Plant Tissue Culture of the University of the State of Mato Grosso “Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado” (UNEMAT) Campus of Alta Floresta - MT, using explants of Catasetum saccatum x Catasetum saccatum mutante cultivated in the Alta Floresta Orquidário. Florestense of the same unit. For cell blockage, root meristems were blocked in 3 μM amiprophos-methyl (APM) for 15 hours, then the roots were fixed in methanol:acetic acid (3:1) solution. To prepare the slides, the treated meristems were washed to remove excess blocker, after which the roots were exposed to enzymatic digestion composed of three enzymes in a water bath at 36°C, for 1:30 hours, for later staining of the slides. slides were stained with 5% Giemsa solution (Merck KGaA). Observations were performed using a Microscope, and measured using the MicroMeasure program version 3.3 (MM). In view of the chromosomal morphometric analysis, we observed that the C. saccatum species has a total of 54 chromosomes, and the mutant C. saccatum species, in addition to the characteristics visibly observed in the flowers, has a chromosomal deletion in pair 2, with the loss of the satellite in one of the chromosomes, causing the appearance of 3 male structures in the plant. Thus, classical cytogenetics is extremely necessary in the analysis of mutations occurring in species.

  • Regeneração in vitro de poliploides e avaliação de sementes de plantas triploides de Passiflora cincinnata Masters

  • Data: 28-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The production of polyploids is a relevant strategy in genetic improvement programs for the selection and cultivation
    of ornamental and commercial plants. This is because polyploid individuals generally have greater vigor compared to
    their respective diploids, exhibiting significantly larger vegetative and floral organs. Due to the triploid nature of the
    endosperm, an embryonic reserve tissue, its in vitro culture is considered a relatively simple biotechnology method
    for obtaining triploid plants, being an important tool for use in plant genetic improvement. In the genus Passiflora, 
    endospermic tissue culture is little explored and with many gaps in knowledge. Thus, the project aims to increase 
    the ploidy level in triploid (3n) plants regenerated in vitro from the endosperm tissue by the embryogenic pathway 
    of genetically stable plants with the use of antimitotic agents, aiming at improving the morphoagronomic characters 
    in Passiflora cincinnata. Plants obtained from polyploidy will be evaluated by cytogenetic analysis and evaluation of 
    vegetative and reproductive attributes of the obtained plants, with the future perspective of producing new cultivars.

  • Data: 28-feb-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a legume with great importance in human food for all social classes, especially for the poorest, due to its low cost and great nutritional qualities and great economic and social importance, being its cultivation affected by several biotic and abiotic factors that reduce productivity and make the product more expensive for the final consumer. Among the main pathogens, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib. de (Bary), the phytopathogen that causes white mold, stands out for its wide dissemination, potential damage to crops and resistance structures. This work aimed to determine the genetic factors that make up the physiological resistance of common bean to the phytopathogen that causes white mold. Crosses between common bean genotypes BGF 13 X BGF 89, BGF 20 X PI 207262 and BGF 20 X BRS FC 402, contrasting in terms of resistance to white mold previously selected and from different gene pools, were obtained, obtaining the generation F1 and F2 segregating generation. The resulting plants in F2 were inoculated with an isolate of the phytopathogen that causes white mold by the “seedling straw test” method (seedling straw test) and the variables noted at day 5, Area Below the Disease Progress Curve (AACPD) and Plant Disease Ratio (RDP) were used to determine environmental variance, genotypic variance, phenotypic variance, broad-sense heritability and number of genes through the joint scale test performed in the genes statistical software. The environmental variance represented, in general, a large part of the phenotypic variance, indicating that the characteristic white mold resistance is moderate to highly influenced by the environment, in agreement with what has already been reported in previous studies. The genotypic variance was expressive only for the variable RDP in the crosses between BGF 13 X BGF 89 and BGF 20 X PI 207262, moderately expressive for the variable Grade at 5th day and AACPD for the BGF 20 X PI 207262. The segregating generation F2 presented individuals with resistance and susceptible, indicating the efficiency of determination of resistant individuals by the straw method in seedlings and the polygenic nature of resistance to white mold. Broad sense heritability was moderate to high for white mold resistance. The estimate indicated the number equal to or greater than 2 genes in the expression of resistance to white mold, indicating the action of polygenes in the determination of resistance to white mold.


  • Data: 07-mar-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus Andrews) is a widely known cut flower, which due to its temperature requirement can be cultivated in different regions of the country. However, studies regarding the planting and management of the crop in the growing region are necessary. The study of spacing is important to determine the best number of plants per row, crop development and productivity. Shade cultivation can be an alternative in regions with higher temperatures such as those found in Mato Grosso. For the Midwest region there are no studies that characterize the reproductive phenophases of the gladiolus, or the determination of the ideal spacing, they are still scarce. This study aims to carry out the morphoagronomic characterization of four gladiolus cultivars grown in single and double row planting systems and in two growing environments: shade and full sun, in the town of Tangará da Serra - Mato Grosso. The experiment was carried out under shade and full sun environments, in a randomized block design, in a 2x4 factorial scheme, with two planting systems (single rows and double rows) and four cultivars (White Goddess, Tradehorn, Peter Pears and Gold Field), with four replications and 14 plants per plot. In each plot, the evaluation of the ten central plants was carried out. The work was divided into two parts, initially the morphoagronomic characterization was executed and the characteristics evaluated were: plant height and plant diameter in each phenophase (R0, R1, R2), flower stem length, inflorescence diameter, inflorescence size, number of flower buds, fresh mass of the inflorescence, day of harvest up to half of flowers of open stem and harvest day up to half of flowers of senescent stem. Afterwards, the classification of the gladiolus stem was carried out according to the commercialization standards of Veiling Holambra, in relation to stem sizes and diameter and post-harvest longevity, the stems were visually evaluated every three days. The results were analyzed individually, submitted to analysis of variance and in accordance with the significance of the F test, the averages were compared using the Tukey test, at 5% probability. The shade environment presented greater precocity between the phenophases and in the total flourishing cycle, ranging from 67 to 70 days, while the variation in full sun was from 76 to 85 days. The system of double rows in shade environment was higher in productivity between 20.43% and 25.92% than in single rows, with emphasis on production for cultivars Peter Pears and Gold Field. In the full sun environment it was observed non-marketable stems, a higher percentage of tortuosities, stains, burns and a 21.17% lower productivity. The longevity between cultivars ranged from approximately 4 to 5 days. For the state of Mato Grosso, the most recommended environment for the production of gladiolus is the shading in double row systems, as they provide better quality stems and greater commercial value.

  • Data: 09-mar-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Acting in the generation of thermal energy, as a substitute for combustion in boilers, or production of low-cost roughage for animal feed, sorghum biomass has gained space in recent years, due to its formidable characteristics both for co-generation of energy and the possibility of be ensiled and fed to animals. In view of this, research aimed at increasing the productive potential is prioritized, however studies of the genotype x environment interaction (GxE) are important, since this is one of the greatest difficulties when recommending cultivars for planting in different locations. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the interaction between biomass sorghum genotypes and cultivation environments in the State of Mato Grosso for the characteristics height, green mass production (PMV), dry mass production (DMS) and biomass moisture at harvest. Thus, in a 24 x 2 factorial scheme (24 genotypes x 2 environments), 22 biomass sorghum genotypes and two silage sorghum cultivars, used as controls, were cultivated in the municipalities of Cáceres and Sinop, in a randomized block design, with three repetitions. The useful experimental plots consisted of 2 rows of five meters, spaced 0.70m apart. The data of the measured characteristics were submitted to analysis of variance and the means of the genotypes, for the characteristics that demonstrated significance in the F Test (P<0.05) were grouped by the Scoot-Knott test, at 5% probability. The presence of the GxE interaction was verified for all the characteristics mentioned above. When splitting the GXA interaction into its simple and complex parts, as proposed by Cruz and Castoldi, with the exception of height, the other characteristics showed that the complex part prevails. Such results indicate that the best genotype for cultivation in Cáceres does not coincide with the best for Sinop. New tests are recommended in a greater number of environments in Mato Grosso that allow a study of the adaptability and stability of genotypes, thus allowing the safe recommendation of biomass sorghum genotypes for cultivation in the state.


  • Data: 18-mar-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is cultivated in several brazilian regions, it is one of the crops of greatest socioeconomic importance for the country. It has a wide possibility of use, such as in the manufacture of food products for human and animal consumption. This study aimed to carry out the molecular, phenotypic and culinary characterization of roots of 15 of cassava landraces cultivated in the north of Mato Grosso state, Brazil. For the molecular characterization, young leaves were used for DNA extraction and 15 molecular markers of the ISSR type. The phenotypic characterization of the roots was performed by evaluating the texture of the epidermis, skin color, cortex color and pulp color. Culinary quality was determined by analyzing the facility of peeling the roots, the cooking time, the pre and post cooking weight variation and the cooked mass pattern of roots in natura and stored in the freezer in packages with and without vacuum for 30, 60 and 90 days. Using the ISSR markers, it was possible to confirm the existing genetic diversity among the 15 evaluated cassava landraces. This diversity was revealed by the percentage of polymorphism (72.94%) and by the formation of groups with 15 landraces in the UPGMA, Tocher and Structure cluster analyses. The landraces did not form groups by sample location, which may be associated with the exchange of cassava stems among farmers in the municipalities of MT, an important activity for the maintenance of cassava genetic resources. 73.3% of the evaluated landraces have rough root epidermis texture, 53.3% have dark brown skin color and 73.3% have white or cream cortex color and 60% have white in natura pulp color. The cooking time in a conventional pan ranged from 17 to 35 minutes and the pattern of cooked pasta varied between 5 and 10, while in the pressure cooker all landraces were cooked after 10 minutes, with a pattern of cooked pasta ranging from 4 to 9 minutes. Regarding the evaluation of frozen roots, a better pattern of cooked pasta was observed in roots stored in vacuum packaging. Considering the cooking time and the pattern of cooked pasta, four landraces stood out as promising for fresh consumption (Cascatinha, Folha Roxa, Branca and Amarelinha), and after freezing the landraces: Capelari, Amarelinha, Folha Roxa and Cascatinha stand out.


  • Data: 25-mar-2022

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Manihot esculenta Crantz popularly known as cassava, is the only species of the genus Manihot domesticated for human consumption and cultivated for commercialization. Cassava is cultivated in different kinds of soil and climatic conditions, has productive potential and is of significant importance in the diet. The objective of this study was to carry out the morphoagronomic characterization and evaluate the culinary quality of three landraces of cassava in three harvest seasons, in the edaphoclimatic conditions of the municipality of Paranaíta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The morphoagronomic and culinary characterization were carried out with three cassava landraces (“mandioca de fritar sem cozinhar”, “mandioca branca” and “branquinha”) at three different harvest times (6, 8 and 10 months post-planting). The following characteristics were evaluated: shoot and tuberous root productivity, harvest index, number of roots per plant, length and diameter of the root, skin color, cortex and pulp, root shape, epidermis texture, root constrictions, skin and cortex detachment, cooking time, cooked mass pattern and post-harvest root deterioration. The results show that the harvest times influence the yield characteristics, the landrace “mandioca de fritar sem cozinhar” at six months post-planting, standing out from the others in terms of shoot production as well as tuberous root productivity. As for the phenotypic characteristics evaluated in the roots of the landraces, there was variation, with the exception of pulp color and root constrictions. The “mandioca de fritar sem cozinhar” and “branquinha” cooked in a conventional pot were not influenced by the harvest times, as they presented regular cooking (21-30 minutes) in all evaluations. While the “mandioca branca” was affected, presenting regular cooking only in the eight-month harvest. In the other hand, the cooking time in a pressure cooker was not altered by the harvest seasons in any of the three cassava landraces. Cassava root peeling and cooked pasta pattern were not affected by harvest times. The roots of the landraces presented 20% of deterioration in the harvest at eight months post-planting and in the other harvest times they did not deteriorate, after being kept for five days post-harvest at ambient temperature. We concluded, therefore, that the best time to harvest the three landraces is in the sixth month after planting, being the “mandioca de fritar sem cozinhar” indicated for productive purposes, while for culinary purposes, the three landraces (“mandioca de fritar sem cozinhar”, “mandioca branca” and “branquinha”) are suitable for cultivation on the soil and climate conditions of the municipality of Paranaíta, Mato Grosso, Brazil.


  • Data: 11-ene-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • This study aimed to verify the presence of genotype x environment interaction in sweet sorghum genotypes in different regions, as well as to identify the most productive materials. For this, the assays were conducted in randomized blocks with three replications, and 21 experimental hybrids and 4 varieties, of these, 2 commercial, of the Embrapa Maize and Sorghum Breeding Program were evaluated. The experiments took place in three locations (Sete Lagoas-MG, Sinop-MT and Jaguariúna-SP), in the periods of first harvest 2018/2019 and second harvest 2019. The following characteristics were evaluated: flowering (FLOR), green mass production (PMV), total soluble solids (SST) and ton of brix per hectare (TBH). Individual variance analyses were performed by environment and together, and then the genotype means were grouped by the Scott-Knott test (P<0.05). Additionally, studies of adaptability and stability and comparison of the Annicchiarico (1992) and GGE biplot (YAN et al., 2000) models were conducted. Occurrences of genotype x environment interaction were observed for all studied characteristics. Among the results, the hybrids 5, 6, 20 and 21 were the earliest and the 14, 17 and 18 were the most productive. In the study of adaptability and stability, the GGE biplot model was more efficient, presenting hybrids 18 and 16 as the most adapted genotypes.

  • Agrobiodiversidade de assentamentos na Amazônia matogrossense; caracterização da fenologia e fisico-quimica dos frutos de quiabo-de-metro (Trichosanthes cucumerina)

  • Data: 26-ene-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Agrobiodiversity is the agricultural part of biodiversity, made up of a set of species according to the interests of people, resulting from the relationship between human beings and nature. This study aimed to map the agrobiodiversity of 40 homegardens in Nova Guarita, Mato Grosso, and calculate the diversity of species and classify them through bibliographic consultation in botanical families and origin; as well as characterize the phenology of Trichosanthes cucumerina the Fournier scale, characterize the biometry of fruits and seeds and determine the functional constituents of the fruit pulp. As for agrobiodiversity, of the 40 informants, 30 were female and 10 were male, aged between 20 and 70 years old, most of them from the Midwest region (37.5%). 134 species (average of 59.1) were identified, of which 63% of the plants are in the homegardens, 17.93% in the gardens, 2.03% species in the forests. The Shannon Indices averaged 1.72. Of the species observed, 67% are exotic and 33% are native. In total, 47 botanical families were identified, with a predominance of Cucurbitaceae (12). As for the phenology of metro Trichosanthes cucumerina and the biggest peaks of flower buds and anthesis flowers were in the months of June (80%) and July (94%). The lowest intensities were in the months of May (33%) and August (22%). The fruiting intensity was gradual, June, July and August was 72%, 80%, 70%, respectively. The highest intensity of ripe fruits was in the month of August (94%). The biometric means of the fruits were length (86.11 cm), and of the seeds (XX). The content of functional constituents were: 0.50 to 0.60 ºBrix (ripe fruits) and 0.40 (immature). Regarding Acidity (TTA) was (1.28 and 1.41 mg / 100g) and for ripe fruits (1.97 and 2.259 mg / 100g). The average lycopene content was 1.057 (mg / 100g) for ripe fruits and 0.089 for immature fruits. The phenolic antioxidant activity has a good concentration, and the vitamin C content varied between a minimum of 12.11 and 18.16mg / 100ml. The diversity of species maintained by the studied settlements is considered high, and is important for food and economic security. Most species are in homegardens and Curcubitacea is the main botanical family. The phenology of Trichosanthes cucumerina indicates that the fruits have gradual ripening, being a good characteristic aimed at consumption and sale. 

  • Variabilidade genética de isolados de Ceratocystis fimbriata

  • Data: 27-ene-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In the forestry sector, the attack by pests and diseases can occur mainly via irrigation, cultural treatments, lack of phytosanitary care with tools, contaminated propagating material, and others, among the diseases that occur most frequently in teak, it is worth mentioning that caused by gender Ceratocystis that causes loss in wood productivity and quality. For the prevention or management of diseases in plants, studies on the genetic variability of the population of the causal agent become extremely important, so the objective of this work was to investigate the genetic diversity of Ceratocystis fimbriata isolates from teak, using microsatellite markers. 70 isolates of the fungus were obtained from collections in the states of MT and PA. The fungus was grown in MYEA medium for about 14 days for subsequent DNA extraction, it was performed using the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega), products from this extraction were submitted to the PCR step, where for each sample used approximately 25 ng total DNA (5 μL), 2.5 μL of 10x PCR buffer, 0.75 μL of 50 mM MgCl2, 0.31 μL of 20 mM dNTP, 1.25U of taq polymerase, 2.5 μL of each primer and 13.68 μL H2O ultrapure qsp After PCR, 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to produce the gel images for 14 microsatellite loci. The images of the gels with the DNA fragments, amplified and separated, were subjected to the verification of molecular weights to obtain data on the alleles, and with these and the parameters of genetic diversity and population structure were elaborated. It was possible to separate the isolates into four distinct groups, the last containing more than 50% of the isolates.


  • Data: 28-ene-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The safflower culture (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is one of the oldest in the world, being considered an oleaginous belonging to the Asteraceae family, whose raw material is destined for various purposes such as the production of lubricants, biofuels, soaps, varnishes, cooking oil and animal feed. The safflower culture is a very relevant oleaginous, it has attracted the attention of researchers and industries for having high quality and quantity of oil, being important the accomplishment of studies, mainly in the genetic improvement, that helps in the selection of superior genotypes. In this context, the evaluation of genetic variability with the use of markers is essential for the exploitation of genetic resources in plant breeding programs. Therefore, this work aimed to estimate the genetic variability of 121 safflower genotypes via 21 SSR molecular markers from the Genetic Resources & Biotechnology Laboratory (LRG&B) of the State University of Mato Grosso "Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado" (UNEMAT), Campus of Cáceres-MT. The study was conducted in the laboratory and in the vegetation house of LRG&B with controlled humidity and temperature. 121 safflower genotypes were evaluated, 11 of which were not used because they were from populations containing only one genotype, thus avoiding the overestimation of this information for these individuals, so the analyses were made with 110 genotypes from ten different populations. The genetic diversity of the 121 safflower genotypes was estimated by means of number of alleles, mean heterozygosity observed (Ho), mean heterozygosity expected (He) and inbreeding coefficient (F). The number of alleles detected among the genotypes considering the 21 loci was 158, ranging from six (CT6, CT12, CT13 and CT19) to 11 (CT26), with a mean of 8 alleles per locus.  The He can be considered high, ranging from 0.551 to 0.80, with an average of 0.71, while the Ho was low, ranging from 0.00 to 0.50, with an average of 0.03. F results were positive in all locus and in all populations, with a general average of 0.95. The high and positive F values are due to He levels in relation to Ho, both for each locus and in each population, indicating a probable inbreeding process.

  • Seleção de genitores e mapeamento associativo da resistência fisiológica do feijão comum ao mofo branco. 

  • Data: 28-ene-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are grown worldwide and one of the phytosanitary problems that compromise grain quality and productivity is the pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, a fungus that causes white mold. The objective of the study was to select common bean genotypes with a physiological resistance reaction to the pathogen that causes white mold and to identify candidate genomic regions associated with this characteristic. For the selection of parents, the reaction to the disease was evaluated in a panel composed of 114 genotypes using the straw test and seedling straw test inoculation method. The genotypes were genotyped via GBS and obtained, after MAF of 0.05, 28,823 high quality SNPs, using them for associative mapping through the MLMM, FarmCPU and BLINK models. Given the complex nature of physiological resistance, genotypes BL10, BL15, BL18 and BL95 were selected, indicated by both methods used, suggesting a high level of physiological resistance. The regions associated with the physiological resistance characteristic were indicated on chromosomes Pv02, Pv03, Pv09 and Pv10, indicating the presence of the QTL already reported WM2.2 BV, R31 and WM3.1AN, XC, AP in addition to the annotation of genes related to resistance to biotic stresses Phvul.002G023400, Phvul.009G230200 and Phvul_009G232100, in the associated regions, providing candidate genes for validation studies.


  • Data: 01-feb-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The genus Catasetum belongs to the Orchidaceae family, which has approximately 300 species distributed throughout the Brazilian territory, which have been gradually destroyed by human anthropic action. The knowledge of the plant genome is of great importance for the characterization of the germplasm, and is essential for genetic improvement works, when crosses are programmed. And, being an integral part of cytogenetics, it has its fundamental contribution in evolutionary and taxonomic studies. In view of the above, the present study aimed to quantify the DNA by flow cytometry of the species mentioned above to generate results that can provide support to characterize the genus and that assist in research related to genetic improvement. The species C. atratum Lindl., C. albovirens Barb.Rodr., C. joaquinianum Campacci & G.F.Carr., C. hopkinsonianum G.F.Carr & V.P.Castro., C. discolor Lindl., C. rooseveltianum Hoehne. For cytometric analysis, young leaves of plants grown in the Altaflorestense nursery were used. Based on the data obtained through flow cytometry we can infer that the DNA content diverged for all species of Catasetuns studied, however Catasetum discolor was the one with the highest value of 9.711pg and Catasetum rooseveltinianum was the one with the lowest value of 6.063pg.


  • Data: 02-feb-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Biomass sorghum has emerged as a crop with high biomass production that can be used for both energy generation and animal feed. However, for the success of a crop, one of the main factors is the use of productive and stable genotypes in the growing region. The present research aiming to provide farmers in the State of Mato Groso with a new alternative for local agribusiness, evaluated the agronomic performance and productive stability of sorghum biomass genotypes through field experiments developed in three different locations in the state. The main objective of the research was to identify cultivars adapted to cultivation in the State of Mato Grosso, which could be recommended for use by farmers. For this purpose, 25 sorghum genotypes were evaluated in the 2019/20 harvest in the municipalities of Cáceres, Nova Xavantina and Sinop. Of the 25 genotypes, four are commercial hybrids, two of which are silageiro (BRS 658 and Volumax) and two are biomass (BRS 716 and AGRI002-E) and the other 21 genotypes are of the biomass type, but experimental genotypes, developed by Embrapa Corn and Sorghum. Average plant height (ALT), green mass production (PMV), dry mass production (PMS) and flowering (FLOWER) were evaluated and the data were subjected to joint analysis of variances of the environments and, subsequently, depending on the means for the different characteristics, the genotypes were grouped by the method proposed by Scott-Knott (P <0.05). For PMV, PMS and ALT, characteristics that demonstrated significance of the genotype x environment (GxA) interaction, the genotype stabilities were evaluated by the method of Wricke (1965). As for flowering, forage hybrids were earlier than biomasses, with BRS 658 blooming, on average at 68 days, and Volumax blooming at 76 days in Cáceres and 72 days in Sinop. The biomasses varied between 115 to 134 days to flower in Sinop and between 127 and 158 days in Cáceres. BRS 658 and Volumax equalized in terms of heights, PMV and PMS, with averages of 2.8 m and 36 t.ha-1 and 13 t.ha-1, respectively. With later flowering and longer cycles, sorghum biomass showed superiority to silagers in terms of plant size, PMV and PMS, with variability among them and the possibility of selecting the most productive and stable ones. In this regard, among commercial cultivars, despite similar plant heights, around 5 m, the hybrid BRS 716 was superior in productivity of green and dry mass to the giant Bolivian sorghum AGRI002-E in Cáceres environments (PMV = 89 t. ha-1 x 59 t.ha-1; PMS = 39 x 29 t.ha-1) and Nova Xavantina (PMV = 97 t.ha-1 x 73 t.ha-1; PMS = 31 t.ha-1 x 26 t.ha-1), similar in Sinop, with averages around 85 t ha-1 for PMV and 35 t ha-1 for PMS. Despite the significant GXA interaction for PMV and PMS, experimental hybrids 2 (201934B002) and 9 (201934B009) stood out, surpassing the commercial ones in stability being the most suitable for cultivation in the evaluated environments, whether for energy production or animal feed, since demonstrated high average yields of green matter (PMV = 95 t ha-1) and dry matter (PMS = 38 t ha-1), in addition to high phenotypic stability for these characteristics in different cultivation sites.
  • Perfil de ácidos graxos de genótipos de Carthamus tinctorius L.

  • Data: 05-feb-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Safflower is an annual oilseed possessing oil with potential for use in several sectors, such as biodiesel production, pharmaceutical industry, paint manufacturing, besides ruminants feeding, since it is a product rich in linoleic and oleic acids and proteins. It is characterized as an oilseed plant for oil production, since this specie presents important characteristics such as simple management, similar to existing crops, high oil content, easy adaptation to Brazilian climate and also possibility of sub products generating from oil production to be used in animal feed. The present study evaluated the fatty acid profile of 120 safflower genotypes for oil quality, considering as evaluated characters palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid content. Means of each character were clustered by using Scott-Knott test (1974) at 1% probability. Considering all characters simultaneously, genetic divergence was estimated by Generalized Mahalanobis Distance (D²ii ́) and the most similar individuals were grouped by Tocher Optimization method and hierarchical grouping method UPGMA. The results indicated significant differences (p < 0.01) for all characters evaluated, evidencing the existence of genetic variability among studied genetic materials. Genotypes that stood out for the four variables analyzed were: PI 369842, PI 392031, PI 401474, PI 401475, PI 405975, PI 532639 and PI 613382. The genetic diversity of evaluated genotypes existing among the four fatty acids evaluated, combined with productive potential, suggests expressive expectations for obtaining promising genotypes in a safflower breeding program.

  • Morfologia e biometria dos frutos e sementes e quantificação do DNA nuclear de Bixa arborea e Bixa orellana

  • Data: 01-mar-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Brazil is the country richest in biodiversity, changing the greatest wealth in plant species. Bixa arborea and Bixa orellana, are two similar plant species, of the Bixaceae family, with wide distribution in South America, and widely used by the traditional population. The species of the genus Bixa have a pigment in the seeds, which has been used by the native populations of America for a long time, mainly in the ornamentation of the body and objects. Today it is known that this pigment and the leaves of Bixa arborea and Bixa orellana are rich in carotenoids, antioxidant compounds and vitamins. Mandatory to the high concentration of phytochemicals, Bixa orellana is widely used in the food and textile industry (as a dye) and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, in addition to being used as herbal medicines by the population. Bixa arborea besides phytotherapic use, is also widely used in forest restoration and as a source of wood. In this context, it is extremely important to differentiate genetically and morphologically B. arborea from B. orellana, through the taxonomic description of the species and the quantification of nuclear DNA of the species, further expanding the knowledge about these species. It also sought to analyze whether there was a morphological and genetic difference between B. arborea specimens, to find out if there were hybrids in the analyzed population. For this, the biometrics of the fruits and the morphological description of the two species were carried out at the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Tissue Culture and at the Herbarium of the Southern Amazon of the University of the State of Mato Grosso, Alta Floresta campus, in addition to analysis of the DNA content through flow cytometry. From this, it was possible to perceive that the two species present many anatomical similarities, basically differing one another by the aspect of the fruit: B. arborea presented papulous fruits or partially covered by non-flexible spines with length varying from 0.1 to 1.8 mm, while B. orellana presents fruits completely covered by flexible spines and with length varying from 4 to 9.6 mm. The average amount of seeds in the fruits of B. orellana was higher than that found in the fruits of B. arborea. The specimens of B. arborea columns point morphological differences, such as greater number of flower stamens (phenotype 3), presence of thorns in the fruit (phenotype 5 and 6), absence of thorns in the fruit (1 and 2) and presence of fruit with long mucronatiform apex, being the only phenotype with this characteristic. The amount of nuclear DNA showed a difference between the two species and neither between those belonging to B. arborea, however this difference was not summarized. This shows that the species are very close genetically and, therefore, very related. Thus, we can conclude that the two species have difference mean the size of the genome, with the shape of the fruit and the quantity of seeds being the most suitable to separate the two species. 

  •  Pré-melhoramento de pau de balsa (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. ex Lam. Urb.)

  • Data: 04-mar-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The balsa stick is a native species of the Amazon, occurring in Brazil and neighboring countries, having as a characteristic low density of wood, being used in the nautical and aeronautical industries. However, its use is not restricted only to these areas, but occurs from the furniture industries to medicinal purposes. Due to their characteristic of rapid growth, foresters in the state of Mato Grosso implemented commercial crops, but with seedlings without selection and standardization and little information on the crop. In order to promote the pre-improvement of the crop, the objective of this work was to estimate the basic density of the wood in situ, to evaluate the phenotypic variability among individuals planted in Mato Grosso and to validate proposed vegetative propagation techniques for the species. To predict the density of the wood, Pilodyn equipment was used on 20 adult trees. From each individual, three sampling points were determined: at the base of the trunk, at 1.30 m and 3.10 m, on the north and south sides of the tree. The use of Pilodyn for the prediction of the basic density of the wood in the balsa stick proved to be efficient and applicable when performed at 1.30 m in height. For the selection and phenotypic divergence, 70 individuals of balsa stick, seeds from Brazil and Ecuador were selected. The following measures were obtained: total height of the individual, DBH and basic wood density. The Euclidean dissimilarity matrix and the Toucher optimization method were performed. Variability was found between individuals, with the formation of nine different groups using the Toucher optimization method, with emphasis on genotypes A09 and A14, both of Ecuadorian origin. For vegetative propagation, 240 cuttings were selected from 10 pre-selected matrices. The treatments were carried out with different concentrations of AIB, in DIC, with 4 repetitions. The percentage of survival, calluses and root formation after 60 days were analyzed. It was found that after this period, the treatments did not obtain a significant response to root formation, and presented low survival, making the vegetative propagation of balsa stick unfeasible by cutting. Analyzing the research for the pre-breeding of the species, Pilodyn is indicated for in situ assessment of the wood density at 1.30 in height and that the analyzed plantations present phenotypic variability, with emphasis on trees of Ecuadorian origin. However, vegetative propagation through cuttings proved to be unfeasible for the species.

  • Indução de resistência à Fusarium guttiforme em genótipos de abacaxizeiro no município de Tangará da Serra Mato Grosso

  • Data: 05-mar-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In Brazil, the cultivation of pineapple has grown considerably, but fusariosis, considered as the main disease of this culture, has been causing high losses in production. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of resistance inducers applied in cultivars to control pineapple fusarium disease, as well as to verify their influence on the vegetative characteristics of the cultivars. The treatments were used: T0 - absolute control; T2- acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) 0.4gL-1; T3- Bacillus subtilis 1x109 UFC mL-1; T4-ecolife® 0.2 mL-1; T5- acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) 0.4gL-1 + Bacillus subtilis 1x109 UFC mL-1 + and T6- ecolife® 0.2 mL-1 + Bacillus subtilis 1x109 UFC mL-1. The experimental design used was randomized blocks in a 6x2 factorial arrangement (6 treatments and two cultivars (one resistant and the other susceptible), containing 3 replicates, each plot with 5 plants, in which the same plants were used for enzymatic analysis, as well as to analyze the severity of the disease, two plants of each replicate per cultivar were used to evaluate the dry matter. The collections for enzymatic analysis of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, β-1,3-glucanase and total proteins were performed at 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after inoculation of Fusarium guttiforme. All inductors evaluated provided increases in the activity of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, β-1,3 glucanase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase, but only ASM, PBC and Bacillus subtilis + PBC were efficient in controlling fusariosis, in addition, the plants of the resistant cultivate (BRS Imperial) showed less severity and less Area Under the Curve of Severity of Disease Progress (AUDPC) when compared to the plants of the susceptible cultivate (Pérola). All inductors provided an increase in the dry mass in the aerial part to cultivate Pérola. There was no influence of inductors on the other vegetative characteristics evaluated.


  • Data: 06-abr-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The mung bean lines, selected by the breeding program of Embrapa Meio-Norte, are evaluated in the state of Mato Grosso during the off season to assess the adaptability and stability of production and other phenotypes of agronomic interest. In this work, the objective was to evaluate the response of lines to grain yield by applying fertilizers. The experiments were installed with and without application of fertilizer, with two tests per site, with the same lines, varying only the application of fertilizer, one without application (zero fertilizer) and the other with application of the formulated NPK 0-20- 20 in the sowing furrow and 45 kg / ha of nitrogen in cover, 25 to 30 days after emergence. The doses were defined considering the soil analysis at each location. The experiments were conducted in Sorriso-MT 2019, Sorriso-MT 2020, Sinop-MT 2019 and Sinop-MT 2020, totaling four trials without fertilizer and four with fertilization. Before sowing samples were collected composed of soil from the 0-0.20m layer, for physical, chemical characterization and interpretation of soil fertility. The tests consisted of eleven treatments, ten pre-commercial lines and one control. The experimental design was the DBC, with 3 replicates, plots of 2 lines of 4m in length and 0.50m spacing. The cultivation value, the length of the pod, number of grains per pod, the mass of 100 grains, grain yield and the grain index were evaluated. In general, a significant effect was observed between strains for all evaluated characteristics, indicating the presence of variation between them. The interaction between treatments and environments was not significant, indicating that there was no change in the classification of strains, regardless of whether the environment was fertilized or not. The strains that showed the best response to fertilization were BRA-000027 (MV4) and BG3 (MV10). The strain BRA-000027 was the one with the best general adaptability and also the best for unfavorable environments. The BG3 strain showed the best adaptability to favorable environments.

  • Caracterização, fenologia reprodutiva e uso de regulador de crescimento de estaquia em Passiflora spp

  • Data: 12-abr-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The Passifloraceae family has a pantropical distribution, including about 20 genera and 600 species, in Brazil there are four genera, Ancistrothyrsus Harms, Dilkea Mast., Mitostemma Mast. and Passiflora L., with about 161 species, 89 of which are endemic, in addition to a subspecies and three varieties, with Passiflora being the most common genus of the family, in Mato Grosso there are approximately 42 species of Passiflora and 1 variety in this family Passion fruit (Passiflora spp.) with several native species with great ornamental and food potential is included, being Passiflora edulis Sims. one of the few cultivated species, thus requiring studies and knowledge of native species, for this purpose collections of species of the Passifloraceae family were carried out in the northern region of Mato Grosso from April to December 2020, aiming to cover as many species as possible, in the largest possible area, and in the most different types of forest that they occur. After eight field incursions, 43 individuals of five different species were demarcated, being Passiflora miniata Vanderpl., Passiflora cristalina Vanderpl. & Zappi, Passiflora nitida Kunth, Passiflora foetida L. and Passiflora cincinnata Mast., in the municipalities of Alta Floresta, Carlinda and Paranaíta, thus obtaining the following data, in all 364 fruits were collected, presenting the following values as averages: Fruit length in (mm) 41.48; Fruit Diameter (mm) 34.48; showing Length / Day ratio. 1.44; Shell thickness (mm) 3.03; Fruit Mass (g) 22.94; Shell mass (g) 12.04; Pulp Mass (Aryl + seeds) (g) 10.14; Seed weight (g) 1.43; Quantity of seeds 130.36; Pulp yield of 45.02% and soluble solids content (SS = ° Brix) of 14.09. In the making of the stems, AIB (Indolbutyric Acid) was used, in the proportions 0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg / L, where the acid was efficient in the development of roots and the concentration that provided better results than 750 mg / L. Regarding the Passiflora phenology, it was observed that the Passiflora foetida L. species was the one that presented the highest total number of open flowers in the plant, and fruits stuck to the plant being counted 63 flowers and 91 fruits, referring to the Passiflora species flower buds. miniata presented 385, at the height of its flowering period.

  • Comportamento meiótico, viabilidade polínica e cariótipo de plantas triploides de Passiflora foetida L.


  • Data: 14-jul-2021

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Nos últimos anos algumas espécies do gênero passiflora têm despertado o interesse dos mercados de plantas ornamentais por conta da exuberância dos ramos e da beleza exótica das flores, agregando o potencial paisagístico à importância econômica alimentícia. O principal responsável para esse crescimento é o desenvolvimento de técnicas biotecnológicas com a produção de cultivares híbridos ou poliploides. O projeto objetiva avaliar o comportamento meiótico, o cariótipo e hibridização in situ em plantas triploides de Passiflora foetida obtidas a partir do cultivo in vitro de tecido endospérmico. Serão realizadas medidas de morfometria cromossômica, bandeamento e Hibridização In Situ Fluorescente (FISH), além disso, o comportamento meiótico também será avaliado, de modo que seja possível identificar o número, o grau de anormalidades cromossômicas e a estabilidade meiótica durante o processo de formação dos grãos de pólen. Também pretende-se observar o grau de viabilidade polínica, bem como analisar as normalidades parentais. A partir da confecção de cariótipos, será possível fazer a contagem e comparação dos cromossomos dos triploides com os seus respectivos diploides. Por meio de técnicas de bandeamento, pretende-se traçar e comparar perfis de heterocromatina dos cromossomos, quantificando os sítios CMA+ o método de hibridação Fluoresente In Situ (FISH) será realizado a fim de quantificar e localizar os sítios de DNAr 5S e 45S.

  • Caracterização morfoagronômica, fenológica e viabilidade polínica de genótipos de feijão

  • Data: 21-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The characterization and evaluation of genetic resources are essential for the development of new cultivars by breeding programs. Among the activities carried out, it highlight the morphoagronomic and reproductive biology studies. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out a morphoagronomic, phenological characterization and estimate the pollen viability of thirteen bean varieties under the conditions of the city of Alta Floresta-MT. The experiment was conducted at the DIC consisting of thirteen treatments (PV01, VU02, VU03, VU04, VU05, PV06, VU07, PV08, PV09, VU10, VU11, VU12, PL13) and ten repetitions. The morpho-agronomic characterization was performed using descriptors of plants, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. The data obtained were evaluated using descriptive, uni and multivariate statistics. Only violet and white flowers were observed. Most varieties had small seeds with different colors. The analysis of variance showed significant differences at 1% probability for all quantitative characteristics evaluated. The number of days for flowering and physiological maturation were the characteristics that presented more groups formed by the Scott & Knott average cluster test. The UPGMA and Tocher clustering methods agreed to separate the varieties into three groups and according to species. The canonical variables revealed that the first two characteristics explained 100% of the total variation and separated the varieties into five groups. The characteristics that most contributed to the genetic divergence were: number of days for flowering and physiological maturation. In the evaluation of the phenological phases, a scale of notes established for common beans was used and applied to all varieties. The flowering rate, peak flowering and pollen viability were estimated using the Alexander dye. The vegetative and reproductive development of the thirteen bean varieties ranged from 22 to 36 days and 36 to 59 days respectively. Varieties with a longer reproductive period took longer to complete the development cycle. The genotypes PV06 and PV08 both of determined growth and belong to species P. vulgaris are the earliest, while the VU05 variety of undetermined growth took longer to complete the cycle. The highest peak and flowering rate was obtained by the PL13 genotype, and all varieties had a high percentage of viable pollens. It is concluded that the thirteen bean varieties have genetic variability and potential genetic resources to be conserved and used in breeding programs. In addition, it is essential that studies be expanded to increase knowledge of the existing local variability.

  • Estabilidade e adaptabilidade de híbridos de milho (Zea mays L.) em diferentes ambientes no Norte de Mato Grosso e Sudeste de Rondônia

  • Data: 27-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The identification of genotypes with high production potential and with broad stability and adaptability is one of the main targets of maize breeding programs (Zea mays). That is why, before being recommended to farmers, these genotypes are evaluated in multi-environmental tests. The objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptability and stability of corn hybrids in six environments in the North of Mato Grosso and Southeast of Rondônia. For this, 36 simple corn hybrids were evaluated in six environments, namely: Vilhena-RO, Sorriso-MT, Alta Floresta-MT, Carlinda-MT and Sinop-MT, since the latter was evaluated in two years of production (2017/2018 and 2018/2019), thus totaling six environments. The experiments were outlined in a square lattice (6x6) and in 2 repetitions. Each experimental plot was composed of two rows of four meters long, spaced 0.7 m apart, making a total of 144 experimental units (36x2x2). The PG was obtained by weighing the threshed grains from each plot, afterwards, the data were subjected to stand correction, from the analysis of covariance with correction for ideal stand, corrected to 13% humidity and converted to kg.ha-1. Stability and adaptability were assessed using the methods of Annicchiarico (1992), Lin & Binns (1988), Eberhart & Russel (1966) and AMMI using the Genes program and for the REML/Blup method, the Selegen software was used. There was a significant difference (p <0.01) for the effects of environments and GXA interaction. The Annichiarico methodology revealed the environments of Vilhena-RO, Sorriso-MT and Alta Floresta-MT as the favorable cultivation environments and the 1P2255 genotype with adaptability in all cultivation environments. The method proposed by Lin & Binns, on the other hand, revealed the genotypes DKB310, 1P2247, 1L1411, 1P2215, 1P2267 and 1M1782 showed adaptability to general environments. For the Eberhart & Russel method, the genotypes with high average grain yield, broad adaptability and high stability were 1O2112, 1P2203, 1P2184, 1P2212, 1P2255 and 1P2231. The AMMI method identified the 1P2255 genotype as more productive and also more adapted and stable for the evaluated environments. The REMEL / Blup methodology indicated the genotypes DKB310, 1P2247, 1L1411, 1P2255, 1P2215, 1P2214, 1M1782, 1P2267, DKB390, 1M1807, 1N1958, 1P2184 and 1P2231 as the most stable, adaptable and with the best productive performances. The methodologies of Annicchiarico, Eberhart & Russel, AMMI and REMEL/Blup showed similar results in the classification and recommendation of hybrids1P2255 with wide adaptability. However, there was a divergence in the indication of hybrids with specific adaptability to favorable and unfavorable environments.

  • Identificação de genótipos de teca resistentes a Murcha de ceratocystis

  • Data: 28-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The commercially planted forests of Tectona grandis L.f have been increasing in the state of Mato Grosso, due to the edaphoclimatic conditions that favor the vegetative development and mainly the gain in productivity of m3 / ha / year. These conditions also provide the appearance of several diseases and one that deserves mention is the fungus of the genus Ceratocystis, which initially colonizes the vascular exchange of the plant between the bark and the wood and prevents the passage of sap, causing the death of the tree. However, there are few genetic improvement works aimed at the selection of material with resistance and susceptible to diseases. In this sense, the work was to evaluate the genetic variability of 37 clonal teak genotypes in a greenhouse after inoculation of the pathogen isolate. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, with 3 replications and each plot composed of 3 plants, totaling 333 units. The seedlings were evaluated 120 hours after inoculation of the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata for alternate days until completing 126 days, where the variables were measured: total height of the plant, diameter of the neck and the sizes of the lesions made by photogrammetry. However, being found different forms of manifestation of the pathogen in the genotypes, a large patch moving between the medulla and the conducting vessels, another with risks distributed linearly and randomly through the shaft, and an ellipse.

  • Aspectos reprodutivos e diversidade genética de pau-de-balsa (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. ex Lam. Urb., Malvaceae).

  • Data: 28-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The balsa tree (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. ex Lam. Urb) belongs to the Malvaceae family, and is a perennial tree species which is native to South and Central America. The species is widely used in the recovery of degraded areas and its harvesting has proved to be a productive activity of economic value for the production of low density wood. However, knowledge regarding the reproductive aspects and genetic diversity of this species is scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze aspects of reproductive biology and evaluate the genetic diversity of populations of O. pyramidale cultivated in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. For analyses related to reproductive aspects, flower buds at different stages of development were collected in the municipalities of Sinop, Itaúba and Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, and were used to study palynology, meiotic index, cytochemistry and pollen viability. For the genetic diversity investigation, PCR reactions were performed with 15 ISSR primers, using DNA extracted from young leaves of 60 individuals of O. pyramidale, which were collected from three populations in the municipality of Guarantã, Mato Grosso. The results demonstrate that the pollens of O. pyramidale are of the suboblat type, triporate, large, have a large polar area and sexine with reticulated ornamentation. The species has a high percentage of viable pollen, regular meiotic index and has starch and lipid as storage substances in pollen. ISSR primers amplified a total of 111 loci, of which 97.3% were polymorphic. The values of genetic dissimilarity obtained from the complement of the Jaccard index ranged from 0.17 to 0.79, not showing identical individuals in genetic terms. The genetic diversity of Nei (0.32) and Shannon Index (0.48) for the species is indicative that there is genetic diversity among the 60 individuals studied. AMOVA revealed that 71% of the total genetic variation is found in populations while 29% among the evaluated populations. The ISSR molecular markers were efficient in analyzing the genetic diversity of the 60 individuals of O. pyramidale, and can be considered promising sources of genetic resources for selection and use in breeding programs. Furthermore, the study enabled the expansion of knowledge regarding the reproductive aspects and the genetic diversity of O. pyramidale, which is useful information both for conservation of this species, as well as for breeding programs.

  • Indução de resistência a Colletotrichum sp. em Heliconia psittacorum x sparthocircinata cv. Golden Torch cultivada em ambiente sombreado e pleno sol.

  • Data: 28-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Tropical floriculture is an activity that is on the rise in Brazil, the sector of production and marketing of ornamentals has shown continuous growth in recent years. The unique Heliconia genus belonging to the Heliconiaceae family, stands out in this branch for containing bracts in different shapes and colors. The state of Mato Grosso has a favorable climate for cultivation in full sun or half shade and also provides numerous diseases, including anthracnose, caused by species of the genus Colletotrichum which interfere in the production, development and quality of this culture. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to induce resistance in the control of Colletotrichum sp. in Heliconia psittacorum x spathocircinata cv. Golden Torch of the Active Germplasm Bank of Tropical Flowers at the State University of Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado. Heliconia psittacorum x spathocircinata cv. Golden Torch, grown in full sun and half shade. Two resistance inducers used together, a biotic inductor Bacillus subtilis and an abiotic, the product Acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM), were used. In the evaluation, severity of the disease was observed, as well as the analysis of peroxidase and β-1,3-glucanase. The inducers reduced the severity of the disease in both cultivation conditions, with shading plants having the greatest reduction in severity. There was an increase in the production of peroxidase and β-1,3-glucanase. In the leaves and inflorescences of Heliconia psittacorum cv. Golden Torch of shading showed greater peroxidase activation when compared to plants in full sun. The activity of β-1,3-glucanase was verified in all plants regardless of the cultivation condition, with emphasis on the leaves grown in half shade where they showed activation during all the days of analysis.


  • Data: 28-feb-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are of great importance in the global diet due to their low cost and nutritional quality. Several factors limit the production of the crop, especially the disease called white mold, caused by the phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary. Among the most suitable control methods, which offer greater savings and less risk to the environment, is the use of resistant cultivars, through genetic resistance. Thus, this study aimed to identify sources of resistance to white mold among common bean cultivars of Andean and Mesoamerican origin. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and in a laboratory in a Randomized Block Design (DBC) with six replications and two inoculation methods, the straw test straw inoculation method, with 109 genotypes. The experiment was carried out at the State University of Mato Grosso, Cáceres and at the Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology also in Caceres, Mato Grosso, between the months of March and May 2019. It was used by UFV-Ss493, grown in BDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) poured into 90 x 30 mm Petri dishes, stored in the BOD chamber (Bioclimatic Oxygen Demand) with a temperature of 23 ° C and a photoperiod of 12 hours. The inoculation method can consist of inoculated plants 21 to 28 days after planting, cutting with sterile scalpel at the point of growth of the plant below the second well-developed trefoil. While the seedling test uses plants for 15-day inoculation, cutting with a sterilized scalpel at the point of growth of the main stem of the plant below the first trefoil and displaying a mycelium disk followed by the protection of a 200 ul bridge. Variables of lesion length and scores were observed every two days. There was a significant difference in all variables, such as the cannula inoculation method and the cannula inoculation method. The genotypes BGF 205, BGF 203, BGF 200 and BGF 67 were considered the most resident when compared to the other bean materials used in this work. Therefore, these genotypes can be considered as a source of resistance to the pathogen that causes white mold in the improvement protocols of common beans.

  • Dissimilaridade genética mediante análises químicas e teor de óleo de Carthamus tinctorius L.

  • Data: 04-mar-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The safflower culture has stood out for presenting excellent quality and high oil content in its seeds, which can be used in industries with different purposes, such as for food and pharmaceuticals or for the production of energy by biodiesel. Brazil is an important producer of biodiesel and has favorable edaphoclimatic conditions for the cultivation of safflower. As it is a drought-tolerant plant and presents resistance to water deficit, its cultivation can be indicated in conditions with reduced humidity, such as in the second harvest period for the Midwest region of Brazil. In view of the above, this study aimed to evaluate 122 safflower genotypes from the Germoplasm Active Bank (BAG) of the Instituto Mato-Grossense do Algodão (IMA-MT), based on the oil content and chemical analyzes, in order to identify accesses with superior characteristics in relation to oil, by means of multivariate analysis, aiming to expand information on this culture. The characteristics analyzed were: oil content; acidity level; iodine index and saponification index. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and multivariate analysis based on the generalized Mahalanobis distance to estimate genetic divergence, using the Tocher grouping method, UPGMA, canonical variables and relative importance of the characters. The results indicated significant differences (p <0.01) for all variables analyzed, showing the existence of genetic variability between safflower genotypes. The genotypes PI 369845 and PI 401589 showed greater genetic divergence (= 946.00), and the clusters generated by the method of Tocher's optimization, UPGMA and graphic dispersion showed similarities in the clusters of genotypes. The first two canonical variables were sufficient to explain 90.87% of the total variation and the variables oil content and acidity level obtained the greatest contribution to genetic divergence, demonstrating that among the 122 accessions evaluated there is wide genetic divergence.

  • Comportamento do ciclo celular de Allium cepa L. submetidos a infusões foliares de diferentes espécies do Gênero Inga Mill (Fabaceae): um enfoque Biológico e didático

  • Data: 05-mar-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Learning becomes more captivating as new content is incorporated into knowledge structures in students' daily school life. With this, they acquire meanings for studies from the relationship with knowledge in practice. The Inga genus has a great diversity of species, known on average 300 species of the Neotropical genus, having great diversity in the Amazon Forest. This work had as objective, a practical class on the cell division (Mitosis), with the visualization and identification of the plant cells of Allium cepa by the students of the 2nd year of high school and Behavior of the cell cycle of Allium cepa L. through the cytotoxic potential , genotoxic and antiproliferative of infusions of leaves of Inga edulis, Inga pilosula, Inga laurina and Inga macrophylla. For the study, theoretical and practical classes were held with students in the Didactic laboratory. For laboratory analysis, four plant species of the genus Inga were used. The test organism used was Allium cepa bulbs. The infusions were obtained from the dry leaves of Inga edulis, Inga pilosula, Inga laurina and Inga macrophylla collected during the dry and rainy season.
    With the results obtained, it was found that practical classes are considered of great importance in the teaching-learning process. When teaching the theoretical class and then applying the questionnaire, statistical data was obtained below 60% of correct answers in the identification of mitotic cells. However, after the theoretical and practical class, and applying the same questionnaire, a statistical percentage above 80% of correct answers in the identification of mitotic cells was obtained. According to the analysis of Allium cepa cells, using the Direct and Indirect Method for both periods, exposed under the infusions (1g, 1.5g 2g) of the dried leaves of Inga edulis, Inga pilosula, Inga laurina and Inga macrophylla, obtained considerable statistical differences between the two Methods. The species I. edulis, I. laurina and I. macrophylla showed the highest rates of cell division. With regard to the Anomaly Index (ÍA), the Indirect Method obtained the highest rates of abnormal cells for both species. For the Interphase Percentage, the Direct method obtained the highest percentages of interphasic cells. These data, when compared with the negative and positive controls, showed lower and higher percentage results, with a statistical difference between treatments. This study showed that the four species, had genotoxic and cytotoxic effects under the roots of Allium cepa
  • Regeneração in vitro, caracteres morfoagronômicos e enzimáticos de plantas triploides de Passiflora cincinnata Mast.

  • Data: 05-mar-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The general objective of the work was the in vitro production from somatic embryogenesis using the endosperm, morpho-agronomic characterization and evaluation of the behavior of triploid plants in the production of resistance enzymes in Passiflora cincinnata. For the production of triploid plants via somatic embryogenesis, mature endosperm from the seed of P. cincinnata is used. The highest average of somatic embryo production was observed in the supplementation treatment with 18.1 μM of 2.4-D + 4.5 μM of BA, with an average number of nine embryos per explant at 30 days of culture. Seedlings regenerated in vitro for 45 days were grown at home and a confirmed ploidy level with a DNA amount of 4.38 pg and chromosome number 3n = 3x = 27 and the respective diploids (2n = 2x = 18). The flowering of the triploid plants occurred at 210 of cultivation and showed high variability in phenotypic expression due to the genetic variability provided by the increase in ploidy. Diploid and triploid plants described polymorphism (77%) in the morpho-agronomic descriptors. As the triploid plants exhibit heteromorphic leaves, predominantly trilobed with larger size and darker tonal width. The flowers were bigger, darker and more intense, with a predominance of purple color. The diversity of flowers found in triple plants, seven changes, suggests that the addition of ploidy causes changes in the expression of genes and causes the occurrence of phenotypically variable colorings of flowers, improving the ornate patterns of the species. The internal and external diameter of the crown cavity increased in the triploid plants. The fruits of the triploids had smaller width and number of seeds/fruit and greater length and thickness of the peel compared to diploid. Pollen analysis data show that diploid and triploid species have high rates of pollen viability, 98.21 and 97.82%, respectively. Physiological changes in the production of oxidative (peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase) and hydrolytic (β-1,3-glucanase) enzymes were observed in the triploid plants of P. cincinnata. The increase in ploidy affected the activity of enzymes used in plant resistance. As plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, A. brasilense and B. subtilis, were used in the activation of enzymes related to the resistance and plant defense mechanisms in diploid and triploid plants. A. brasilense provided the highest values of activity induction of the enzymes peroxidase and polyphenol oxity and B. subtilis induced greater activity of β-1,3-glucanases in P. cincinnata. The ability to respond to the defense mechanisms of triploid plants produced in vitro with the use of Pcincinnata endosperm and the induction of biostimulants in the production of resistance enzymes, opens new approaches in the genetic improvement for the genus.

  • Morfologia e germinação de sementes de espécies de Passiflora

  • Data: 26-may-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • The objectives of this research were to overcome the dormancy of seeds of Passiflora alata and Passiflora cincinnata MAST. as well as to evaluate the internal and external morphology of P. cincinnata seeds by X-ray test and image analysis using GroundEye® software, aiming to relate the seed morphology to their respective maturation stages and to establish the ideal moment for collecting fruits, associating with the quality of the seeds. To overcome dormancy, the pre-germinative treatments were: imbibition in Fluridone® in concentrations of 0,1; 10 and 100 µM, for 12, 24 and 48 hours; soaking in Promalin® in concentrations of 0,03; 0,45, 0,90 and 2%, for 6 and 12 hours. The treatments were distributed in DIC, with four replications of 25 seeds. Germination, meantime, germination speed index, germination uncertainty and synchrony were evaluated. The results revealed that in seeds of P. alata, Promalin® at a concentration of 0,90% in 12 hours of imbibition, guaranteed better germination results, average germination time and germination speed index. For seeds of P. cincinnata, treatment with Promalin® is effective at a concentration of 2% for 6 hours, promoting an increase in germination and the rate of germination speed. To perform the X-ray test and image analysis using the GroundEye® software, four replications of 50 seeds were used for each stage of ripening of the fruit of P. cincinnata (green, “from time to time”, mature and senescent). The seeds submitted to X-ray exposure were classified as full or empty. GroundEye® equipment was used for computer image analysis, evaluating 15 descriptors related to color dominance and 7 geometry. Subsequently, the seeds were evaluated for germination percentage. From the X-ray test, it was found that there was no statistical difference between the maturation stages. The results obtained by the GroundEye® software indicate differences in color and geometry between the fruit ripening stages. It is concluded that the seeds of P. cincinnata can be collected from fruits in the mature and senescent stages without prejudice to the physiological quality.


  • Data: 29-jun-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???

  • Biometria e superação de dormência de sementes de espécies silvestres de Passiflora

  • Data: 17-jul-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • In the culture of passion fruit, seeds are considered the main form of propagation, the species of passion fruit besides having seeds with different biometric aspects, also have different dormancy mechanisms. For the following work seeds of the Passiflora eichleriana, Passiflora nitida and Passiflora mucronata species were used, submitted to biometric analysis where data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis to determine the mean (M), median (MD), kurtosis (K), standard deviation (DV), coefficient of variation (CV), maximum (MAX) and minimum (MIN) and data amplitude (AMP), and after biometric analyzes were submitted to germination test after treatments to overcome dormancy, obtaining the germination percentage (%), average germination speed (VMG) and average germination time (TMG). With the biometric analysis of the data, we can conclude that the seeds of the analyzed species vary in height, length and thickness, not only within the species, but when compared with other species of the same genus. In overcoming dormancy, it was observed that for the P. crisp species the highest percentage of germination was observed in the treatments with GA3 dosages: 2000 mg L-1, 3000 mg L-1, 4000 mg L-1 during 6 hours of soaking and 4000 mg L-1 during 12 hours of soaking, and also in treatments with dosages of 4500 mg L-1 and 9000 mg L-1 of Promalin® during 12 hours of soaking. For P. eichleriana, the seeds showed higher germination percentages in the soaking treatments in 9000 mg L-1 solution of Promalin® during 6 hours of soaking and 4500 mg L-1 and 9000 mg L-1 of Promalin® during 12 hours of soaking. For the species P. mucronata it is observed that the treatments 4500 mg L-1 and 9000 mg L-1 of Promalin® during 12 hours of imbibition and 2000 mg L-1, 3000 mg L-1, 4000 mg L-1 during 6 hours of soaking and 4000 mg L-1 for 12 hours of soaking show better germination percentages.


  • Data: 17-dic-2020

  • ???mostrarAbstract???
  • Parkia pendula (Will.) Benth. ex Walp., popularly known as Angelim Saia, is a native species of the Amazonian upland and lowland forest, very important for the recovery of degraded areas, due to its rapid growth and for having a high survival rate in clearings. It has an ecological function in the recovery of degraded areas because it is a rapidly growing climatic species in open environments, by nitrogen fixation and by attracting wild animals. The inadequate exploitation of natural resources has been causing the extinction of a large number of species in the different biomes of the planet. Among the various causes of these extinctions, the most common are habitat loss and fragmentation. In view of this reality, there is an urgent need for genetic studies at the population level, so that strategies for managing and conserving genetic species can be established. Biometric studies help to determine different phenotypic parameters among individuals in a population, and are important instruments in the detection of genetic variability in populations of the same species and also in the inference of the relationships between variability and environmental factors. Therefore, this chapter aimed to characterize the biometry of fruits and seeds of the Parkia pendula forest species from different matrices in the North of the State of Mato Grosso and to evaluate the genetic divergence between the matrices, in order to obtain data to serve as a subsidy for future research related to the conservation of the species.

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