
History and context of the program

The PPGCA - graduate program in Environmental Sciences, linked to the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (PRPPG), was approved at the APCN 2005 with concept CAPES three(03). Approved by the CNE (Eng. MEC 1077, of 31/08/2012, 13/09/2012 DOU, sec. 1, p. 25) and implemented in 2006. The PPGCA as a multicampi Program and Interdisciplinary, based on the city of Cáceres/MT, has the involvement of 13 research groups registered in CNPQ and accredited teachers of the institution of the permanent staff of the campuses of the municipalities of Caceres, Nova Xavantina, Pontes e Lacerda, Sinop and Tangara da Serra. In the beggining of their activities, had an area of concentration in "Environment and Sustainability" and the lines of research on "Environmental Management" and "Environmental Education". In 2011, after conducting a workshop for the restructuring of the research lines for guidance CAPES evaluators, the PPGCA has been reworked and is currently organized in the same area of concentration called the "Environment and Sustainability" and two new lines of research called "Sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity of the Pantanal, Amazon and Cerrado " and "Environmental analysis of the Pantanal, Amazon and Cerrado". In the last triennial evaluation Capes/2013, PPGCA reached concept four(04)  and attended the recommendation of CAPES change the interdisciplinary area to the area of Environmental Sciences. The recasting of 2011 resulted in many advances, wich iare described below:
a) Enhancement of the faculty by conducting PhD to four teachers of the Program, in institutions such as University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich - England, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA and the University of Leeds - School of Geography; PhD of a professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso; and PhD of a professor at the University of Florida, United States;
b) National Cooperation Agreements signed with the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar (PROCAD), University of Brasilia - UNB (Climate Network, Subnet Climate Change and Regional Development), University of the Midwest (Network Midwest Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation), the Amazon Universities (Bionorte Network of Research and Graduate Studies in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Amazon), Forum of Postgraduate legal Amazon (Incubator Amazon Public Policy), Museu Emílio Goeldi (Biodiversity Pilot Program - PPBio), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ and the Federal University of Parana UFPR (PROCAD), National Institute of Science and Technology - INCT, ADAPT Institute, National Institute of Amazonian Research - INPA, University Federal Fluminense (Dinter Geography);
c) Signature of International Cooperation Agreements with various institutions such as the Council for Scientific Research of Spain, University of East Anglia - UEA, Wageningen University - Netherlands, University of Leeds - England, University of Florida - USA;
d) Approval of the first scholarship of CNPq Productivity and Research in 2011. Currently there are five fellows in research, in categories 1 and 2;
e) Recognition of qualifications of teaching staff through awards a teacher as one of 10 women who promoted the development of ecology in Brazil;
f) Increase in average productivity of permanent faculty program in environmental sciences from 0.27 in the three-year period 2007/2009 to 2.34 in 2010/2012 triennium. During the years 2013 and 2014 were published scientific articles in journals: Nature, Science, Environmental Health Perspective, Plos One, Science of the Total Environmental, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Ecology Letters, Plant Ecology & Diversity, Climate Change and others;
g) Production of sixteen(16) books and over a hundred chapters unaccounted productivity, but of relevance to the program;
h) State Coordination of the graduate program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Amazon, linked to Bionorte Network;
i) Participation of teachers in the graduate program in Biotechnology and Biodiversity Midwest Network and PhD in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the Amazon, linked to Bionorte Network;
j) FINEP financing obtained for the construction and expansion of infrastructure;
k) Doctorate APCN was approval in December 2015;
l) Expressive social inclusion, with the participation of the teachers in numerous boards and commissions related to the environment.
Thus, the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, together with the capillarity of UNEMAT in the state and region, the interdisciplinary feature of PPGCA and quality of certificated professionals, presented rapid insertion and internalization in the state demonstrated for example by the absorption of professionals in institutions education, both basic as higher education, non-governmental organizations, prosecutors, public management, boards and commissions, both of education, environment and science and technology.
Currently the faculty of the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, master's and doctoral level, has teachers with training and skills in various areas of knowledge (exact and earth sciences, biological, agricultural, and human health).

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